The Voth from Distant Origin


Red Shirt
I'd like to see this species come back to Trek somewhere down the line. I'm not sure of the legalities of if some writers would need to be paid from the 90s, but having a Voth team up with a Human would be interesting.
It would.

But Voth were portrayed as having a prejudiced disdain for 'lesser' civilizations, particularly mammals.

So that would have to be addressed. (Not impossible, given how species 8472 were given a heel turn from 'cold malevolent hatred' , with a desire to annihilate all other life in the galaxy to a species that could be reasoned within a single episode, but still.)
It would.

But Voth were portrayed as having a prejudiced disdain for 'lesser' civilizations, particularly mammals.

So that would have to be addressed. (Not impossible, given how species 8472 were given a heel turn from 'cold malevolent hatred' , with a desire to annihilate all other life in the galaxy to a species that could be reasoned within a single episode, but still.)

There probably are some Voth who want to escape their overbearing leaders. They have trans-warp technology as well.
I would like to see them again even if I found the whole thing about intelligent dinosaurs from Earth a bit over the top.
I would like to see them again even if I found the whole thing about intelligent dinosaurs from Earth a bit over the top.

Hadrosaurus, the ancestors of the Voth, had an encephalization quotient (ratio of brain size to body size) between 2.3 and 3.8, higher than most other dinosaurs. Perhaps the Preservers transplanted them to the Delta Quadrant before the K-T Extinction event, because they (correctly) foresaw the potential for intelligence in Earth hadrosaurus.
Hadrosaurus, the ancestors of the Voth, had an encephalization quotient (ratio of brain size to body size) between 2.3 and 3.8, higher than most other dinosaurs. Perhaps the Preservers transplanted them to the Delta Quadrant before the K-T Extinction event, because they (correctly) foresaw the potential for intelligence in Earth hadrosaurus.
That's actually a very good explanation! :techman:
Distant Origin. On the city ship, in the council chamber.

CHAKOTAY: I see something very different, Minister. An ancient race of Saurians, probably the first life with potential for intelligence on Earth, surrounded by some of the most terrifying creatures that ever lived. And yet they thrived. And when the planet was threatened with disaster, these proto-intelligent savages supposedly got transported by some advanced race to the other side of the galaxy, where they laid the foundation of what has become the great Voth culture. Deny that past, and you deny the luck of your ancestors. Deny your origins on Earth, and you deny your true heritage.

Later, in the penal colony:

GEGEN <bitter> Why did you tell such a pathetic story? If only you had said something like " they boldly launched themselves into space, crossed what must have seemed like unimaginable distances, facing the unknown every day. But somehow they stayed together, kept going, with the same courage that had served them before, until they reached this quadrant " perhaps she might have been a tad more receptive.
Chakotay: Well, we don't really know that, do we? Even after centuries of digging, we never found any evidence of your civilization on Earth so it's far more likely there never was one! Eyes open!


Oh, and 'boldly launched themselves into space'?? What do you think this is, Star Trek?
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I think they play a big part in a Myriad Universe story.
I think the only story I'd be interested in would have been one where they had to team up with Voyager for some reason, maybe to go fight some Borg or Species 8472. But they fill the same kind of area in my mind of the Xindi-Aquatics and I already got that story.
The Voth appear frequently in Star Trek Online missions, which surprised me considering they only had one VOY episode. Although, I guess the lack of preexisting continuity makes them easier to work with.
Hadrosaurus, the ancestors of the Voth, had an encephalization quotient (ratio of brain size to body size) between 2.3 and 3.8, higher than most other dinosaurs. Perhaps the Preservers transplanted them to the Delta Quadrant before the K-T Extinction event, because they (correctly) foresaw the potential for intelligence in Earth hadrosaurus.
This is a load of crap. First, that thing on the holodeck wasn't a Hadrosaurus (they have no crests). It appeared to be a Parasaurolophus (or from a related genera). And the EQ thing is not reliable. Most Hadrosaurs (As in the Hadrosauridae family) were HUGE. I don't believe there are any smaller than a large cow, and a good number of them were HUGE, some of them much larger than Tyrannosaurs. EQ is less accurate in larger animals, from what I've heard.

One can't really compare it to scores of smaller dinosaurs...especially the raptors, which they really should have used instead.
This is a load of crap. First, that thing on the holodeck wasn't a Hadrosaurus (they have no crests). It appeared to be a Parasaurolophus (or from a related genera). And the EQ thing is not reliable. Most Hadrosaurs (As in the Hadrosauridae family) were HUGE. I don't believe there are any smaller than a large cow, and a good number of them were HUGE, some of them much larger than Tyrannosaurs. EQ is less accurate in larger animals, from what I've heard.

One can't really compare it to scores of smaller dinosaurs...especially the raptors, which they really should have used instead.

Parasaurolophus is part of the Hadrosauridae family ( Therefore, Parasaurolophus is a hadrosaur and the Voyager computer was correct to say the Voth were descended from hadrosaurs.
Hadrosaur is not the same as hadrosaurUs. Hadrosaurus is a type of Hadrosaur, just as Parasaurolophus is. Two different genera. The one we saw was a Parasaurolophus (or at least a similar genus- they weren’t the only ones with a crest like that)

Hadrosaur is a layman term for Hadrosauridae.
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I find it hard to believe The Voth launched from Earth themselves, if so they must have been spacefaring but almost stagnant for something like 60 million years. Yes their technology is impressive, but not 60 million years impressive!

I suppose their journey may have taken a long time and their civilisation may have endured a regression and a dark age after arriving in the Delta Quadrant, but 60 million years?

I mean Humans went from the invention of warp drive to jumping through space and time in Temporal ships in less than 1000. The Voth dogma must be incredible to stop them evolving any further and ending up ascending into a non-corporeal realm or similar across a period 60,000 times longer than this.

I think the Preservers theory makes far more sense. Perhaps the Hadrosaurs were transplanted from Earth as the most promising dinosaurs to save after the asteroid killer hit the planet, but they evolved slowly and their Voth descendants only developed space travel 50,000 years ago or something like that.
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That is my theory as well. The preservers saved a population of Hadrosaurs and they evolved over millions of years into what they are now on one planet, leading them to believe that was their homeworld, when it was not.
I'd like to see this species come back to Trek somewhere down the line. I'm not sure of the legalities of if some writers would need to be paid from the 90s, but having a Voth team up with a Human would be interesting.

they did make cameo appearances in “survival instinct” (I believe there was a Voth looking alien visiting Voyager) and there was one watching a Tsunkatse match.

I will have to go through “survival instinct” to make sure, I think they were in the hallway when 7 of 69 clears space for her and Naomi.

there may have been another appearance, but those are the only two that come to mind, very Voth looking aliens in those two episodes.

it was a huge missed opportunity to not bring these Delta quadrant aliens into any of the new Trek shows.