The unnecessary reboot/remake of the week thread

Now that Northern Lights (The Golden Compass) is getting a proper re-adaptation, I'd still be highly interested to see a new take on Weird Science that was briefly mentioned a few years back. Given the basic premise, it would certainly launch a thousand think pieces, no doubt... (Also, it's one of those cases where the premise holds far more potential than the original is good - which is probably the sort of story that should be remade, unlike classics such as The Princess Bride.)
I'd like to see a second chance for concepts that sounded good but ended up being bungled in the final product due to studio interference, too many people insisting on creative input, or having the wrong writers and directors involved, or whatnot. Dune, for instance. Maybe Cool World. And I want a movie of The Spirit that actually feels like the comics.

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Finally got around to watching the reedit of the Stargate SG1 pilot. It actually IS better...
I'll believe it when I see it.

And we don't need another story in the same universe. We have Razor, The Plan, Blood and Chrome and frakkin' Caprica. There's more than enough side stories in the RDMGalacticaverse.

They can easily just make whatever the new show is that takes place in the same universe and just on this Earth.
AND they're rebooting THE BOONDOCKS as well. It still has potential. But is it too soon?

I should have titled the thread reboot of the day instead of the week, I think.
I didn't think it was a reboot, but just that they greenlit the show for two more seasons :vulcan:
I didn't think it was a reboot, but just that they greenlit the show for two more seasons :vulcan:

Nope, it's a reboot. The animation is completely different too. It's '“A complete re-imagining for the modern era”.
They need to redo it because when it ended there was a black president and now there is an orange one.

And they need to redo Justice League, and everything else DC ever made really.
Good God. The ROBCOP remake nobody re-watches made me feel old enough.

There is a season 8 episode of Psych in which they reboot/redo a season 1 episode. It was priceless and a joke. The current world didn't realize it was a joke and decided to go with it for every show.
What about the Last Starfighter.. we had a blip that it was being Sequaled or remade or something.. THAT Is something that needs more to it.. Flesh out the Universe its in.. So hope that goes somewhere..

How about When Worlds Collide? That needs a remake!
This Island Earth?
Forbiden Planet??

Plenty of older stuff that could do well with a reboot with todays Tech.. :)
I don't care what gets remade as long as it's...

Dark and Gritty..
With a new, younger cast...
Set in a dystopian future...

Oh sorry, these ideas have been beaten to death by Hollywood already.

Remakes are fine as long as they try to bring some new facet to the story to make it interesting. Sometimes it works, NuBSG, and sometimes it fails miserably, Total Recall.

So now that I have tried hard to be reasonable...
It's old, it's dated and it's perfect.
Brace yourself, but today they're planning a Justice League film reboot. It's about damn time, I'd say.

I saw some stories online saying that R-Patz’ new Batman would also be headlining a JL reboot. For some reason, I’d convinced myself that Matt Reeves’ take would be standalone, like the Nolan movies.

Early days of course, but, if true, I wonder where this would leave eg Gadot’s Wonder Woman or Mamoa’s Aquaman.
Nope, it's a reboot. The animation is completely different too. It's '“A complete re-imagining for the modern era”.
They need to redo it because when it ended there was a black president and now there is an orange one.

And they need to redo Justice League, and everything else DC ever made really.

"A complete re-imagining for the modern era” is even older than the world's oldest proclaimed profession.