Spoilers The Timeless Children grade and discussion thread

How do you rate The Timeless Children?

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Had the horrifying realisation that last year was Jonny shark jumping, (pretty much everyone working on the show at that point had been there since S1) and this year was when they found his diary.

Doctor Who is Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps.
Umm...are we sure that scene took place on Earth? I reasoned the Doctor's TARDIS had remained where she and the others left it, outside that struggling outpost in the far future upon an alien world at the start of "Ascension..." Nobody left by TARDIS, Graham and Yaz were aboard that escape pod while the others stole a Cyber ship. At the end, The Doctor used that extra space/time capsule to return there where her TARDIS continued to wait.
Alright. Still has the Doctor leaving a TARDIS on an unknown planet, not botheting to make sure such technology not fall in the wrong hands.
Robert Holmes (script editor for Seasons 12-14 and most of Season 15; frequent writer for both Blake's 7 and Classic Who seasons he didn't script edit) Passed in 1986.
Philip Hinchcliffe (producer for Seasons 12-14) Still kicking and producing the occasional 4th Doctor story for Tom Baker at Big Finish.
Douglas Camfield (frequent director for Classic Who and the Blake's 7 episode "Duel") Passed in 1984.
Christopher Barry (frequent director for Classic Who and the unlicensed 1995 short film "Downtime") Passed in 2014.
Graeme Harper (frequent director for Classic Who, NuWho and The Sarah Jane Adventures) Still kicking.
Robert Banks Stewart (writer of the 4th Doctor serials Terror of the Zygons and The Seeds of Doom). Passed in 2016.
George Gallaccio (production unit manager for Seasons 12-13) Still kicking.
Christopher Baker (played an unknown role on the production team at the time) ???
Source: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Doctor_(The_Brain_of_Morbius)

Ahhh.. Thanks to you and Starkers for the clarification. That kind of takes a bit of wind out of the sails, but how cool for them to have been able to say that they "played" the Doctor, actors or not.
Does anyone know what happened to the Dalek time ship Ian and Barbara took back to the 1960s?
Returned back to its planet of origin? I mean, that's what I would assume. Its also what I would assume with the TARDIS, except the frickin' planet WAS BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS!
You just reminded me of the camouflaged TARDIS that the Doctor left behind before going back into her own.

Yeah, good job leaving that lone TARDIS on Earth for no one to find out about at all! WTF?!
I'm pretty sure it was left on whatever planet the Doctor and companies first met the human survivors. She would've had to taken it there to pickup her own TARDIS. There shouldn't be any more humans about.
I'm pretty sure it was left on whatever planet the Doctor and companies first met the human survivors. She would've had to taken it there to pickup her own TARDIS. There shouldn't be any more humans about.
And that was definitely not Earth because we saw at least one planet in orbit in "Ascension of table Cybermen" (a ringed one at that!).
It would also follow The Doctor's plan in The Parting Of The Ways, where he was intending for the TARDIS to return Rose to Earth then lie abandoned to quietly die.
It would also follow The Doctor's plan in The Parting Of The Ways, where he was intending for the TARDIS to return Rose to Earth then lie abandoned to quietly die.

Abandoned new build house won’t really work for a dying Tardis will it.
Alright. Still has the Doctor leaving a TARDIS on an unknown planet, not botheting to make sure such technology not fall in the wrong hands.
There’s a shedload of TARDISes on Gallifrey just there for the taking. One of them being left on Planet Whatever doesn’t make things appreciably worse. It’s no safer on Gallifrey now that nobody’s around there to guard them.
I thought that the finale was fine.

The Cyber-Time Lord was an interesting concept. The ideas that the Doctor was found, is the source of the regenerating power of all the other Time Lords, and has many forgotten lives are also interesting.

I love Whittaker as the Doctor.