The Star Wars Forum and a New Mod!

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Um, I think I can honestly say I never set foot inside the Star Wars Forum!

There are two options in life: You can be popular and envied for a few insignificant years in high school, or you can become a productive member of society and gloat over this developement at every reunion for years to come!
As a former hard core SW (thanks to that embarassing episode 1) fan I say good. But what is with the war between SW and Trek Any way. I been from one end (SW) of the sci-fi galaxy to the next (ST). I can't understand STAR WARS is Fantasy, TREK is SCI-FI. You can't compare the two unless you compare thier entertainment value. Which is simple. SW fans need eye candy where as the more evolved Trekkie or trekker appreciates the SCIENCE in SCi-Fi. But what do I know I was a SW Fan. F#@!'n JAR JAR!

Keep the force and beam me up.
No problem Aussie, I did mean to say April 15, 1999. That's what my profile stated yesterday when I made the post, I swear

Or at least I think, but my true registration date just happens to be December 15, 1999.(!)

Now isn't that interesting.


[This message has been edited by Daystrom (edited April 03, 2001).]
Daystrom, they'll never promote you because you have a couple of enemies here. The admin doesn't want the flack they'd get for promoting someone controversial. Zun has been around a long time and hasn't made any enemies, so he's in.
Originally posted by Trident:
Daystrom, they'll never promote you because you have a couple of enemies here.
He doesn't have a couple of enemies. Couple means two.

Originally posted by Trident:
The admin doesn't want the flack they'd get for promoting someone controversial. Zun has been around a long time and hasn't made any enemies, so he's in.
Me thinks he does not even have one single enemy. And he's a nice guy from the posts I've read.

I am an individual; just like everyone else.

[This message has been edited by Seven of eleven (edited April 03, 2001).]
Me thinks you have an odd idea of what people actually look for in a mod. Being a complete pain in the arse to the admins usually endears you to them. Trust me. I know this. Someone standing not a million miles away from myself gave (and gives) tham a seriously hard time. As long as you give them a hard time for the right reasons.

To get promoted you have to stick around, be responsible, be trustworthy, have good ideas, that kind of thing. But being contraversial has never disqualified anyone.
No doubt, ever seen TNZ?

I'm far from the peachy nice to everybody, get along with everybody, never confront anybody, never say a bad word Admin.

Just because some believe you to have extreme views, or even a controversial personality won't score bad points by a long shot.
Daystrom, they'll never promote you because you have a couple of enemies here.

I have several enemies here, and the reason I'll never be promoted is because I am held in such low regard by those that make the decisions.

The admin doesn't want the flack they'd get for promoting someone controversial.

I disagree, there would be no "flack" as a result of me being promoted, but what gave you the impression I had designs on Modship?

Zun has been around a long time and hasn't made any enemies, so he's in.

I've never questioned the decision to make Zun a mod, are you sure you wanted to respond to me and not Mo?

[This message has been edited by Daystrom (edited April 04, 2001).]
Originally posted by Lisa:
No reflection in the mirror, stealing children's sweets, whistling in the coridoor, asnwering back, leading your own cult or small country... that kind of thing.

We are able to recognise our own kind when we see them.

Does that mean i get more "evil" points if i start posting my muppet porn pics again?


Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

[This message has been edited by Darkening (edited April 04, 2001).]
Can we ahve it back?

[This message has been edited by TAFNACZE! (edited April 04, 2001).]
Hmm the mystery of the changing regisration date. Still says April 2000 to me too.
Daystrom: I don't know whether you want to become a mod or not. I'm guessing not. I just thought I'd take it upon myself to explain why Zun got promoted.
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