The Star Wars Forum and a New Mod!

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Congratulations Neroon. I hope you have fun being a mod. I couldn't think of a better choice.
I've been noticing all these small changes to the BBS over the past week or so with great satisfaction. Thanks to all those involved in the decision making process. I truly believe that the board will benifit from a clearer and more comprehensible format and forum descriptors.
This is a sad, sad day. The Star Wars forum was closed, and I find out that my co-worker's husband died yesterday. WHAT NEXT?!?!?

Perspective anyone?
StarMan - please note that i was wise enough to not become a mod by MYSELF in a given forum, but with someone who actually knows what he's doing and cen be blame...errr.....consulted with on a given question. Consulted... yeah.... that's the ticket.

Katie - my condolences on the loss of your co-worker's husband. As for the removal of the SW forum, I can understand your feelings. How about if you take charge of introducing some SW threads to keep the spirit alive, as it were? It's obviously something you care deeply about, and that's precisely the kind of posting the forum can always use.

Lisa - changing the forum description to include Star Wars would be a most excellent idea. Something along the lines of "Farscape, Babylon 5, Star Wars, genre books and film...". There should be enough room for that to fit on one line. What say you?

[This message has been edited by Neroon (edited April 02, 2001).]
Originally posted by Hope:

*sigh* And I had so much fun playing with his rear.


Hope, will you stop it, you're breaking my jaw. *snort*
Congratulations Neroon.


"I'm as mad as a ferret, me!"
I know Neroon in real life! Does that mean I get to be a moderator too?

(C'mon people! I've been waiting TWO YEARS to become a moderator!)

"It is better to live one day as a lion than one thousand years as a lamb."
Mister Mo... I love you like a son, you know that dontcha?

*puts hand on Mo's shoulder*

You're never going to be a mod here, it's just not in the cards for you.

Of all the people that could be eligible for the position in the future, I think you're probably third to the last on the list for consideration, right above me and the ghost of Hitler (though not necessarily in that order

Don't worry about it MisterMo, it's not that serious

*pats MisterMo on the shoulder*

Besides, it's all about post count man, post count!

Post count? I don't think so. If it were true, Zun would never have become a moderator. It's all about registration date.
If it's all about registration date, then I should have been made moderator long ago!

August 10, 1999!!!

[This message has been edited by MerloMo (edited April 02, 2001).]
Pardon moi. C'est une 'double post'.

[This message has been edited by MerloMo (edited April 02, 2001).]

If it's all about registration date, then I should have been made moderator long ago!
August 10, 1999!!!

Well, my profile says April 15, 1999 but that's besides the point.

In fact, I think most of you missed my point altogether :P

Just relax, be a member of the board and submit your posts.
So how exactly to you gauge someone's potential for evil?

No reflection in the mirror, stealing children's sweets, whistling in the coridoor, asnwering back, leading your own cult or small country... that kind of thing.

We are able to recognise our own kind when we see them.
Originally posted by Lisa:
No reflection in the mirror, stealing children's sweets, whistling in the coridoor, asnwering back, leading your own cult or small country... that kind of thing.

What? And whipping someone til they beg for mo... I mean mercy doesn't count as evil! Or how about pistol whipping someone just cause I... I mean some people like the sight of blood.

This post is no relection on my habits, just asking for others sake. Honest.


Are you a sexiest pig, of the female kind? If so you'll just love my sig. However, if you are a guy, or a guy without a sense of humor, you probably won't like it.

Men are like linoleum. If you lay them right, you can walk on them for the next thirty years.
Originally posted by Daystrom:
Just relax, be a member of the board and submit your posts.


And just for clarification, though my registration date says Oct. 2000, I really joine over a year ago, back in May of 2000. A server fit last fall sort of got things all messy.
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