The Star Wars Forum and a New Mod!

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Yes, take another look at the BBS index page. This it not another April Fools' Day Prank from my Australian collegue; inded, the Star Wars Forum is no longer there.

After years of speculation, we at last decided to turn off the Star Wars Forum.

The Board is called the Trek BBS for a reason, and the admins felt that the Star Wars forum was an excess that was no longer needed with the growing popularity of the General Science Fiction Forum.

All threads from the Star Wars forum have been transfered over to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum. I promise, they are all there.

Much thanks and appreciation go out to Hathor for her long service to the board as Star Wars moderator.

To cope with the increase in size and scope of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum, we've also successfully intimidated-- er, I mean decided to promote Neroon as co moderator of the forum.

I hope you'll all like the new set up and give it a chance to work as we intend.


-Lis, and the other Evil Admins.

Hirogen: Get lost!
Janeway: Last time I checked, we already were

The J Team
.............I'm speechless. I can't believe it.........
*sniff* *sniff*

This isn't some cruel April Fools joke is it?!?!?

[This message has been edited by Katie_543 (edited April 01, 2001).]

That means Neroon will no longer be a rear admiral.

*sigh* And I had so much fun playing with his rear.

Congrats Neroon.

Are you a sexiest pig, of the female kind? If so you'll just love my sig. However, if you are a guy, or a guy without a sense of humor, you probably won't like it.

Men are like linoleum. If you lay them right, you can walk on them for the next thirty years.
Originally posted by Katie_543:
This isn't some cruel April Fools joke is it?!?!?

Yes it is! If it were true, I would have volunteered to be a co-moderator of the forum to help out Hathor so that the forum would survive. I go there about every day and its loss would reveberate throughout the board.

Holy crap! I just backed out and saw it was gone!

as long as the SciFi, Neutral zone, and misc. forums stay open, I could care less.
All joking aside, I think it is important for the Star Wars enthusiasts to be assured that I love the movies and REALLY encourage more SW threads and discourse. Please to note I said "dis-COURSE", not "dis-CORD".

I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine!
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Originally posted by plm135:
There was a Star Wars forum?

lisa did what The Phantom Menace tried to do - finally kill Star Wars!

*Looks in horror*

OMG! Nerron! I thought you of all people would be smart enough not to take up a moderator position. What, what on God's green earth did they threaten you with if you didn't take the position?

Becoming a moderator, seems to becoming quite the fad these days...
This is a sad, sad day. The Star Wars forum was closed, and I find out that my co-worker's husband died yesterday. WHAT NEXT?!?!?

Let me tell you that I am NOT happy about this at all. I don't even know what to say I'm so upset.
Let us always remember the Star Wars forum for it's one true purpose... Cantina parties.

*someone whispers into Rob's ear*

What? Whaddya mean there was actual discussions in there?
GSF was kinda crowded as is... but oh well. This means I'll actually have the excuse to interact in the SW threads.

NOTE: Don't forget to alter the GSF title description to include SW!
I am so pleased that Neroon has been roped in to being a mod! I always thought he should be. Now, on to that Angel.
Susannah, aren't I in line for a mod position by now?

[This message has been edited by StarMan (edited April 02, 2001).]
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