Spoilers The Power of the Doctor grade and discussion thread

Discussion in 'Doctor Who' started by The Nth Doctor, Oct 20, 2022.


How do you rate The Power of the Doctor?

  1. Oh, brilliant!

  2. A

  3. A-

  4. B+

  5. B

  6. B-

  7. C+

  8. C

  9. C-

  10. D+

  11. D

    0 vote(s)
  12. D-

    0 vote(s)
  13. Rubbish

    0 vote(s)
  1. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    The Cybermen and Daleks should have funked out to the song too.
  2. Starkers

    Starkers Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    Behind Enemy Lines
    Actually the best bit of the Ra Ra Rasputin bit was the Dalek and Cyberman looking at each other in a WTF? moment :lol:
  3. captainkirk

    captainkirk Commodore Commodore

    May 9, 2008
    South Africa
    That moment made the whole scene worth it.
    Captain Fine, Lonemagpie and Starkers like this.
  4. jaime

    jaime Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 2, 2013
    He did do ‘dress for the occasion’ after ‘how do you like the garb’ and before ‘the master dalek plan’.
  5. Orac Zen

    Orac Zen Mischief Manager Super Moderator

    Mar 14, 2000
    Land of drought and flooding rain
    Same here.
    All very good questions. Pity the episode provided nothing whatever by way of answers.
    jaime likes this.
  6. captainkirk

    captainkirk Commodore Commodore

    May 9, 2008
    South Africa
    Something that occurred to me is that this episode allows for an explanation for the Timeless Child plot that keeps most of the original lore intact. When the AI appears as the Fugitive Doctor, the Master doesn't recognize her. But if he had gone through the matrix records of the pre-Hartnell Doctors, then he would likely have seen her face at least once. So my theory is that she's a secret regeneration between Two and Three, and everything the Master saw in the matrix was a cover story the Timelords made up for some reason.
  7. Starkers

    Starkers Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    Behind Enemy Lines
    It is odd the Master didn't recognise Martin, but then I guess there had been a whole lot of previous incarnations and he might not have seen all of them.

    I still don't get why the Master forced the Doctor to regenerate into him, or why this forced the Doctor to have his personality, or why he couldn't just fly around the universe in a Tardis claiming to be the Doctor or...or...or! Argh!
  8. Evil Robert

    Evil Robert Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    Ass End of the World
    Okay, I feel like I'm late to the game, but my random thoughts...


    Okay she was on for 20 seconds, but Bonnie!!! I saw her in 'Anything Goes' on the West End at the beginning of September, so I'm now overdosing on her.

    I figure Freema must of been unavailable as Martha is the only NuWho companion that could arguably be brought back (since Mickey's actor has legal issues).

    Still Ian Chesterton! I was a major grump he was never brought back for the 50th anniversary, but I can almost forgive Chibnal for bringing him back alone. Almost...

    And of course Jo is always a pleasure to see!

    A couple of side notes... when Tegan did her rant about what she's been up to, I kinda wanted her to say that she beat a terminal disease (cancer?) Just to tie in the Big Finish drama "The Gathering". And also Ace to randomly mention an adventure near the Cutty Sark, just to tie in the 1993 Childern In Need crossover with EastEnders would've been super fun (though one can argue mutli-doctor storyline makes one's memories wibbly-wobbly lol
    The Nth Doctor likes this.
  9. JoeZhang

    JoeZhang Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2008
    Remember the Martin Doctor completely pre-dates the Master and Doctor's relationship - he knows the Doctor was the Timeless child but not the ins and out of her regenerations in that form.
    Commander Troi likes this.
  10. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    I didn't even bother watching that one.
  11. Brendan Moody

    Brendan Moody Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 26, 2003
    I haven’t watched a lot of the Chibnall era (just the very first episode and the first two episodes of Flux), but I gave this a shot. An incoherent mess from any perspective of plot or theme, and even the nostalgia elements feel absurdly arbitrary for the most part, but it’s fun in a turn your brain off way. There’s so many other things going on that Whitaker feels tangential if not useless in her own swan song, which is pretty shoddy.
  12. The Laughing Vulcan

    The Laughing Vulcan Admiral Admiral

    Jun 7, 2004
    At The Laughing Vulcan's party...
    The Ood should have shown up with a warning to Thirteen, "He will 'what' three times"
  13. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    I feel like some people forgot this was an anniversary special. They've always been over-the-top ridiculous affairs. It's one thing to complain about not having fun with the ride (I, for one, did no matter how senseless), but it's another to complain about its incoherence. Is it really significantly more incoherent than The Five Doctors or "The Day of the Doctor" or any of the other multi-Doctor adventures? I agree the inclusion of the Daleks and the Gallifreyian Cybermen were excessive but some people seem to act like Chibnall is the only one who ever did that.

    And yes, it also acts as Jodie's swan song but I still think she had a great conclusion to her era. Honestly, I don't think her final story (from a character perspective) is any worse than The Eleventh Doctor sitting around being all maudlin for a whole episode until Clara knocks some sense into him or The Tenth Doctor doing a universe tour about not wanting to go or The Twelfth Doctor stubbornly resisting regeneration for a whole episode until The First Doctor knocks some sense into him. So why is this so different?

    I get it. People hate Chibnall. I agree he's not the best writer of big arcs or big events (but I still think he does some solid individual work like Moffat, just not at the same caliber), I really feel like people forget about some of the crap Davies and Moffat gave us.

    Either way, I'll be glad to get away from ceaseless Chibnall hate (although that won't stop certain people from still going out of their way to do it).

    Just in time to return to Davies hating (hopefully that won't be me again). :lol:
  14. Steve Roby

    Steve Roby Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2002
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    Everyone who didn't like this: please point me to your reviews of Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, the whole Impossible Astronauts thing, Dark Water/Death in Heaven... every one of them a mess of silly ideas, totally arbitrary plot elements, and fanwank.

    A wacky, over the top Master? Sacha Dhawan is downright sedate compared to John Simm's first appearances. The Master AND the Daleks AND the Cybermen is too much? Pandorica? Never heard of it.

    Chibnall gave everyone who preferred Davies or Moffat a Davies/Moffat finale. The guy just can't win. And some people even blame him for the Tennant scene, which he had nothing to do with.
  15. The Laughing Vulcan

    The Laughing Vulcan Admiral Admiral

    Jun 7, 2004
    At The Laughing Vulcan's party...
    For me Chibnall regenerated into Davies after the
    forced regeneration
    scene, when the story suddenly picked up all the bombast and mawkishness of the Davies/Moffat eras, that for me has been absent for much of Jodie's run.
  16. David cgc

    David cgc Admiral Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2002
    "Day of the Doctor" remembered it opened with a mystery about paintings for more than five minutes, and it ended up being the Chekhov's Gun that resolved the entire story, so....
  17. The Knappos

    The Knappos Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 7, 2021
    South coast, UK
    It was short of perfect because of some of Chibnalls standard throw away exposition. It's like making things make sense anywhere beyond his head bores him.

    But the script was elevated by every single performance. And it looked stunning.

    There was one bit I was worried Jodie would disappear in her own swan song (not necessarily the bit where that's the actual plot either), but she held it together and was great. I think (hope) that time will show that she, like Colin, was at the mercy of the material she was given. If she comes back for anniversaries and/or Big Finish, I'll be looking forward to it.

    Final thoughts as the credits rolled "What's up with Tennant's hair?!"
    Commander Troi likes this.
  18. Gingerbread Demon

    Gingerbread Demon I love Star Trek Discovery Premium Member

    May 31, 2015
    The Other Realms
    I have to admit the whole start and end of that forced regeneration scene was good.... The worst part of the show was the train bit
    Australis likes this.
  19. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    Yeah, I was worried she would disappear after the forced regeneration, but between the magnificent waystation scenes and the wonderful hologram segments, she maintained a strong and important presence in the story until she was able to return to her body.

    I also hope she will get the chance to have stronger material in future reunion episodes and eventually Big Finish audios.

    Really? I loved the bonkers train capper sequence.
    The Knappos likes this.
  20. Australis

    Australis Writer - Australis Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    The Edge of Reality
    I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like Chibbers to sit down and answer a few questions.

    Why deface the paintings?
    Why Daleks and Cybermen?
    How did Graham pop up there?
    Why a space train? Could have been simpler.
    Why Vinder?
    Explain the timeline for the Master - seismologist then Rasputin or vice versa?
    Why have the Rasputin storyline at all?

    I suspect what happens is he has an idea that he wants to include, and tries to wedge it in, and forgets one of the first rules of writing - you must kill your darlings, that is, be prepared to sacrifice the bits you really like for a greater story. I suspect he's never had an idea he didn't wedge in and leave there.

    Looking at it as a writer, I could do one of 2 things. Keep everything but fill in the missing bits, which would lead to a lot of exposition and result in a two parter of the same length each. Or cut chunks right out. No Russia, no Daleks, no paintings, no forced regen. for a starter.

    And end the Master. I don't want monster raving loony Master any more. I see a tall, lean man, a devil's smile with Spock's beard, in a sharp suit, and he casually shoots his cuffs while saying, "Ooohh, Doctooorrrr..." as his sinister plans to take over the Earth run like clockwork. I'd actually like to see a story where the Master wins, he takes over the Earth, only to realise he has to care for these people, that do all this work for him, he can't waste them, until he finally realises this is not what he wants at all.

    For those complaining about Tennant's return. Keep in mind the ep where 11 is just sitting there and 4 appears and says, you can revisit old favourites. I wasn't fazed about it.

    One thing I hope we can agree on. It would be good to see Whittaker in a multi-Doc story with better material. I'd like Capaldi to do the same, but he has said he won't, a shame.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022