Spoilers The Orville: New Horizons Season 3 Discussion

  • the egg salad sandwich payoff
  • the keylon armada wedding invitation - so hilarious
  • Alara's visit (shame there wasn't time for some more scenes and talk - but a nice gesture overall)
  • the wedding (the ladies tipsy pro's and con's and sober Ed + the wedding dress fitting and Ed)
  • Kelly grabbing Ed's hand (affection, but open ended)

Didn't like
  • the "Prime Directive" story wasn't bad IF it had been a regular episode. I'd much rather have spent the extra time with the core characters.
  • Everything Bortus in this episode, including the drawn out Moklan "vowels renewal", lame Elvis etc.
I was expecting more of a time travely episode by the title or at least include some flash forwards, but I'm ok with it being low key.
Not many loose threads (the demon spider monster space sector is the only one I can think of without looking something up)

I'm fine if this was it.
It was a fun ride, I've enjoyed the series, most stories and characters overall and I'm gonna miss at least some of them - always a good sign for a series.
There were a couple comedic moments that did not quite land for me. I thought the scene when Isaac asks Kelley out on a date was particularly cringey. just so awkward. But there were also some genuinely funny moments. I loved when Claire reads Lamarr the riot act. I also loved when the entire Kaylon fleet shows up for the wedding. The Bachelorette party with the Kaylon stripper was also funny.

I am glad we saw the sandwich again.

I really liked the B plot with the girl from the Majority Rule planet. I really liked the discussions about how things work in the Union from not having money, to what motivates people to work, what people do for entertainment and the importance of the prime directive. It was nice to have a character that could ask the questions that the audience might ask like "why do you work if you don't get paid?". It was also nice to see the awe and wonder of the girl when seeing the amazing tech the Union. And it was a good exploration of the prime directive. The girl sees the dangers of trying to help a planet by giving them advanced tech. We learn the Union tried to help a planet develop and it ended up causing a world war that cost billions of lives. Yikes. No wonder the Union has a strict rule of non interference.

The A plot with Claire and Isaac getting married was heartwarming. I really liked the ending with Gordon's toast. And I loved the cameo of Alara.

Overall, it did feel a bit like What You Leave Behind. It was a character focused, sentimental episode that you get at the end of a show. I would say it was a very good season finale. I hope we get another season but if this is a series finale, I am ok with that.
I loved that after all the running and tense situations we got a really nice laid back character driven episode to end the season on. I'm in agreement that if this is the last episode, it was the right call to end the show with. A last hurrah for all the characters with nothing at stake but just dealing with life on a mid-size explorer ship.
The Prime Directive scenes kept losing me, so it's a shame they weren't in a different episode.

However, that was a lovely character episode, and if it turns out to be a series finale, it was perfect.

Obviously, YMMV in regard to Elvis Bortas. ;)

It seemed like everybody was on their comedic A-game for this episode.
The music that played after they kissed at the wedding, It almost sounded like 'A Tale as Old as time/Beauty and the Beast' at the beginning.
S03E10, "Future Unknown"

* The opening music and Isaac bringing Claire a banana. That was cute.
* The Moclan renewal ritual. I hope it catches on.
* Isaac proposing. It was so sweet!
* Sober Ed
* Inviting the entire planet of Kaylons to the wedding.
* Claire chewing out LaMarr was brilliant. I was backing away from the TV. :lol:
* Elvis Bortus, and Klyden's adoration after the renewal is just too much. I love how precious it was. Also, "you may go."
* Alara made a surprise visit! It was so good to see her again!
* Malloy's the best toastmaster, but no one quiets a room faster like Bortus.
* Scott's got a great voice, he's definitely a James Taylor / Stephen Bishop style singer, and it works.


* It may be the last episode of The Orville.

If this is indeed the last episode of The Orville, I like the focus on the characters. I much prefer this giving us a softer, lighter character driven episode to end the season, and maybe the series, on, rather than some epic battle that leaves little time for anything else.

I enjoyed watching Bortus and Klyden renew their commitment, and Klyden's renewed love for his husband was so very sweet. Some won't enjoy the Elvis joke, but I loved the hell out of it. Isaac wearing *just* a neck tie was *chef's kiss*, and I liked how the ladies were having a much better time with the Kaylon stripper. It was brilliant.

Good points on the B story, too. How many of us haven't dreamed of being rescued by a benevolent alien species and whisked off to the stars, free from the often dystopic conditions in which so many people on earth live in every day? Kelly's points about how if Sargas was given advanced technology they'd just exploit people with it was spot on, IMO, and something to keep in mind, especially when I see our own people talking about how this or that technology will save us from ourselves. It just does not work like that.

The Union isn't a utopia, contrary to what Lysella might thing. Getting to that point in civilization takes a hell of a lot of hard work, and constant vigilance. Certainly, from her perspective, and many of ours, it's vastly superior to what we face every day, but it's not a cakewalk. It requires effort, and a willingness to look outside yourself. A lot of humanity already has that quality, it's just most of the systems in which we live emphasize a hyper-individualism that sees other human beings as competitors, rather than as partners working to not only survive but to thrive.

Lysella having survivor's guilt would also fit aptly. How well could many of us sleep knowing that while we escape poverty and war, the people we love will continue to live in it the rest of their lives? It would be difficult to reconcile with ourselves.

The wedding was wonderful. Isaac is a snack, of course, and Claire's just gorgeous. I love the Union's version of the monster maroon formal dress, the reception was terrific, with Bortus being absolutely brutal and blunt by pointing out painful truths that threaten to rip open wounds and create a divide that would sow distrust amongst the wedding attendees.


So if this has to be the end of the series, I think it's a touching one, a good one, and it gives us resolution. I sincerely hope for another season, but if not, I don't think it could have ended better than it did. Great work all around.
What I've noticed is that after Domino, most fans of the show were demanding a season 4 ("my heart will be broken if the show is not renewed, renew the Orville", etc.), but after Future Unknown what I see all over the net is a sense of acceptence: "If this is the end of the series, I can live with it"....

So either Seth did something incredible wrong with this final episode, or something incredibly right....
What I've noticed is that after Domino, most fans of the show were demanding a season 4 ("my heart will be broken if the show is not renewed, renew the Orville", etc.), but after Future Unknown what I see all over the net is a sense of acceptence: "If this is the end of the series, I can live with it"....

So either Seth did something incredible wrong with this final episode, or something incredibly right....

I think Seth did the right thing. S3 has been very strong, arguably the best season so far. Hence, why so many fans want a S4. Seth also wrapped up major arcs in the ep "Domino" so that if the show gets cancelled, fans are not left hanging. That was smart. It is also true that there is uncertainty about the future of the show. I think the finale hit the tone. It served as a wonderful season finale but also as a potential series finale too. If the show gets cancelled, fans have closure. If the show is renewed, then the door is open for more stories.
Side question. Has anybody done a comparison of Ed's pre-wedding speech with Kirk's in "Balance of Terror"? Was it word for word or just strongly reminiscent?
Ora been a lovely ride indeed. Perfect episode to end the season and if necessary the series. A lot of hilarious moments and great take on the first directive, even if I saw Lysella’s attempt at stealing technology coming a mile away.

I will miss this series if it doesn’t get renewed.
That was a fun low stakes season (possibly series) finale.

Side question. Has anybody done a comparison of Ed's pre-wedding speech with Kirk's in "Balance of Terror"? Was it word for word or just strongly reminiscent?
It's clearly inspired by it.

KIRK: Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all shipmasters have had one happy privilege. That of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony.

ED: One of the great privileges that has always been bestowed upon ship captains, since the days of the ancient seafaring vessels, is the honour of uniting two people in matrimony...
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I thought that was the standard for any ship captain officiating a wedding? At the very least, throughout Star Trek, we've seen similar phrases spoken by Picard, Janeway, Admiral Ross and Pike, granted in Pike's case that was actually meant to be a remake of the scene from Balance of Terror.