The New Editors of the Star Trek Book Series

Well, KRAD was probably pretty busy with the post-PK Wars Farscape comics. And Peter David has only been writting NF through several different editors time in the big chair, so I don't think that had anything to with the current editors. As for MJF he did write Death in Winter, and a Mirror Universe story in Shards and Shadows, although that was still Stargazer.
KRAD's doing his own original stuff, with more [fantasy creature] Precinct novels and Super City Police Department novels. He doesn't have time to write Trek, at least until he can train a monkey or get a transporter duplicate.

PAD's style doesn't work in the rest of the Trek universe, and MJF is also working on original stuff, he has a new book out now, Fight the Gods, I think.
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PAD's style doesn't work in the rest of the rest of the Trek universe

In your opinion maybe. I rather liked the last Next Gen novel he wrote.
Which not many people on here did, and you don't like most of what everybody else does. You seem to represent a minority on here, which is fine-life would be boring if everyone was the same.

But if PAD's style was still working for everyone that used to read his stuff, why is Blind Man's Bluff seemingly the last New Frontier novel?
^ And who gave you that inside knowledge? It's only good business sense that S&S is waiting for the release and sales numbers of the MMPB before they make any decision, be it in favor of more NF or against it. Since the delay was relatively short this time there could have been a relatively big bunch of people who decided to wait.
Yes, I know, but he also said that the continuation depends on the sales of BMB, and until the numbers for the reprint are in saying it is "seemingly" the last NF novel is a tad premature, since I doubt the editors have really decided one way or the other yet.
I'd say it's premature to say "oh well there will be more NF novels until someone says there won't"

On a balance of probabilities - we're talking about the longest running novel-only's had its day and PAD seemed like he put a neat little bow on his corner of the universe...
:vulcan: Are you even reading my posts?

I said it's up in the air right now, maybe there will be more novels, maybe not. I don't see how you can readmy posts and claim that I said that there will be more, all I'm saying is that it isn't a forgone conclusion that BMB was the last.
I never said it would be the last. Aren't you reading my posts?

I said "seemingly" which is hedging my bets because there may or may not be more NF books. If there is another one, it won't be until 2013 since the 2012 slots are all filled up and since PAD's contract is up - and the fact that he is doing other work at the moment, there might not be.

Hell, come 2014 there might not be any more ST books other than the nuTrek stuff. We don't know what's going on over at Pocket. Most of the novel-only stuff has ended or is ending (Stargazer, Corps of Engineers, Vanguard, Gorkon/Klingon Empire, etc.) with Titan and NF being the survivors.

With Brave the Storm Enterprise has quite possibly been tied up. Voyager is back in the DQ for now, DS9 is going nowhere fast, and the TNG line is hurtling toward the Hobus supernova at breakneck speed with gaps of 6-9 months in-universe between stories.
KRAD's doing his own original stuff, with more [fantasy creature] Precinct novels and Super City Police Department novels. He doesn't have time to write Trek, at least until he can train a monkey or get a transporter duplicate.

I have my doubts that Keith is writing tons of self-published stuff because he really wants to, especially given what he's said on LJ about his financial situation. The advance from a Star Trek novel sounds like something he could use.
PAD's style doesn't work in the rest of the rest of the Trek universe

In your opinion maybe. I rather liked the last Next Gen novel he wrote.
Which not many people on here did, and you don't like most of what everybody else does. You seem to represent a minority on here, which is fine-life would be boring if everyone was the same.

But if PAD's style was still working for everyone that used to read his stuff, why is Blind Man's Bluff seemingly the last New Frontier novel?

"Here" is a tiny portion of the novel-verse's readership. Rest assured, if PAD's books weren't selling, he wouldn't be allowed to write them.

PAD's certainly capable of writing Star Trek that isn't in the specific NF style. His books and KRADs are the ones that got me reading Star trek again.
Well, KRAD was probably pretty busy with the post-PK Wars Farscape comics. And Peter David has only been writting NF through several different editors time in the big chair, so I don't think that had anything to with the current editors. As for MJF he did write Death in Winter, and a Mirror Universe story in Shards and Shadows, although that was still Stargazer.

Death in Winter was 6 years ago. Hard to believe.
Well, KRAD was probably pretty busy with the post-PK Wars Farscape comics. And Peter David has only been writting NF through several different editors time in the big chair, so I don't think that had anything to with the current editors. As for MJF he did write Death in Winter, and a Mirror Universe story in Shards and Shadows, although that was still Stargazer.

Death in Winter was 6 years ago. Hard to believe.

Shit...I feel old!
In your opinion maybe. I rather liked the last Next Gen novel he wrote.
Which not many people on here did, and you don't like most of what everybody else does. You seem to represent a minority on here, which is fine-life would be boring if everyone was the same.

But if PAD's style was still working for everyone that used to read his stuff, why is Blind Man's Bluff seemingly the last New Frontier novel?

"Here" is a tiny portion of the novel-verse's readership. Rest assured, if PAD's books weren't selling, he wouldn't be allowed to write them.


Apparently the Golden Voyager post Endgame novels sold bloody well, but if you look at threads here Brotherbenny they were the worst shite ever produced in the Novel-verse.

Isn't there a quote attributed to KRAD about fans bitching on the internet?
First: Sorry if I was a bit crankier than necessary yesterday. I really shouldn't post when I have a heavy cold, I guess.

I have my doubts that Keith is writing tons of self-published stuff because he really wants to, especially given what he's said on LJ about his financial situation. The advance from a Star Trek novel sounds like something he could use.

Yeah, I always cringe whenever someone here makes it sound as if KRAD has decided to turn his back on Star Trek to do original stuff, whereas the increase in original stuff pretty much is him making the best of the situation (Having stuff out there you have the copyright on is never bad, I guess).

Since I'm a huge fan of his writing, I made an effort to get the reviews for his original stuff (SCPD: The Case of the Claw, Scattered Earth: Guilt in Innocence, Unicorn Precinct) out as fast as possible and spread the word about it. If you like his Star Trek stuff, you should really give his original stuff a look.

But while were talking about KRAD and the ST editors: In this interview with KRAD on the G&T show it sounded as if Margaret Clark is back in bigger capacity than the freelance work we already know about. I wonder if I'm only misunderstanding what Keith said, if he is wrong, or if she is really back in charge. The comment in question starts around the 54:15 mark.
Well I hope they are careful in which series avenues they open up and take as bad one will have the tendancy to constrict and close up vast areas in a hurry leaving Trek in the ER room again and fewer and fewer options to regain it's health and not just take the fork in the road as soon as they see it. I call that the old 'Send in the tanks routine'. Ie responding to an emergancy before there is one. If some of these are blind alleys they should be closed or better developed and/or overlapped and combined.

You certainly can't go wrong with exploration but game changing events like destroying the Federation certainly turn me off. How that plays into JJ's hand I don't know. So there has to he some marketing strategy going on in the mind of the editors and not just it seems being limited to the writers who've locked the Trek universe into their own sandboxes.

They can teeter all they want, in fact it'll probably boost sales somewhat by scaring people into thinking the franchise is dying but it's still not going to make me buy a book.

The books are selling very well and JJ Abrams has nothing to do with anything. He's a movie director and producer.