Spoilers The Marvels grade and discussion

How do you rate The Marvels?

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Ms. Marvel.

Can you see Fury and his Skrull wife on a double date with Kamala's mum and dad?

Ms. Marvel isn't a movie and The Marvels isn't a Ms. Marvel movie, so if that's what they were talking about they were spuwing pure nonsense.

The Fury's and the Khan's on a double date would probably be a more entertaining show than Secret Invasion was, though.
Ms. Marvel isn't a movie and The Marvels isn't a Ms. Marvel movie, so if that's what they were talking about they were spuwing pure nonsense.

The Fury's and the Khan's on a double date would probably be a more entertaining show than Secret Invasion was, though.

There's no "if". They are responding to a quote about Ms. Marvel.

Also, Kamala is in the title.

Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and Professor Marvel.

They three are all titular characters.
I'm starting to think we should do 2 postings for a new movie. One thread can be for those who want to discuss the box office. The other thread for those who want to discuss the movie. I'm not even joking.
I thought about the same thing after my post. Problem is I feel like that most of the people who keep bringing up the box office are deliberately doing it to drown discussions about the film itself and if the box office discussion was moved over to another thread, they would lose their audience.

I know this has drifted into "discussing the posters and not the posts" territory, but I'm really frustrated with this situation.

I watched the movie today. I liked it. It's not great but worth the money I put down for it. If anything, I felt it was too short and I was a bit confused in some places. The speed at which the story moves didn't give me time to think about what was actually going on. I think the villain suffered because of this too. Yes, Marvel could do better but the movie isn't bad and those who were in the theater, like myself, enjoyed it.
I agree with your criticisms. As I mentioned before, I think the villain and the post-act-one pacing are the weakest points of the film that is otherwise very fun. It's a shame with the villain in particular because I think Dar-Benn had the potential of being a fascinating, nuanced character reacting to her own trauma by targeting those closest to our hero, but instead her presence felt rather flat. Not Zawe Ashton's fault either; the script failed her, much like it failed Christopher Eccleston.
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This doesn't mean that I like The Marvels any less, but I have to admit after rewatching the original Captain Marvel, that I think I might have actually preferred to see the sequel that was set up there.
I think the villain and the post-act-one pacing are the weakest points of the film that is otherwise very fun. It's a shame with the villain in particular because I think Dar-Benn had the potential of being a fascinating, nuanced character reacting to her own trauma by targeting those closet to our hero, but instead it fell rather flat. Not Zawe Ashton's fault either; the script failed her, much like it failed Christopher Eccleston.
To be fair, MCU movies have always struggled with villains besides Loki and Thanos. Loki's popularity I'm pretty sure owed more to Tom Hiddleston, while Thanos I think benefits from being the villain who actually won against our heroes.
To be fair, MCU movies have always struggled with villains besides Loki and Thanos. Loki's popularity I'm pretty sure owed more to Tom Hiddleston, while Thanos I think benefits from being the villain who actually won against our heroes.
True, although I would argue that Killmonger and Vulture rank up there with them as top tier villains (who had valid arguments but terrible plans...much like Thanos) before reaching midrange interesting but flawed villains such as Namor, Alexander Pierce, and Ghost (although she was more of an anti-hero).
The thing about Dar-Benn, her motivation was pretty good...we just didn't get a lot of time devoted to her as a character so we don't much time to even realize her motivation. A lot of people missed the bit where she does explain herself and explain that she's trying to save her homeworld from being destroyed but she's so full of anger at Carol she can't think of a way to do it in a non-destructive way.
With 3 heroes and only 1 villain, it would be tough to do more with the villain to make her much more interesting without taking away from seeing our heroes interacting, which was the highlight of the movie. Any time we cut from them, by default of not having them in the scene, I wanted to just get back to them.

Besides which, I go to these movies to see the heroes, the villains have never been the draw.
There's a reason the movie's not called "Dar-Benn".

Funny enough, if Sony had the property, it very well might have been called that! And then for SURE nobody would watch it!
The thing about Dar-Benn, her motivation was pretty good...we just didn't get a lot of time devoted to her as a character so we don't much time to even realize her motivation. A lot of people missed the bit where she does explain herself and explain that she's trying to save her homeworld from being destroyed but she's so full of anger at Carol she can't think of a way to do it in a non-destructive way.

She's going out of her way to punish Carol, and says so to the camera.

"Barren lifeless world or where Carol's sexy singing prince Boyfriend lives?"

"Ruins of a long dead civilization or Carol's homeworld?"

It's like from the Princess Bride "To the Pain."

what about this guy?

Is it poignant that he's cares so much about the universal birthrate when he's an immortal robot who cannot have children?
There's no "if". They are responding to a quote about Ms. Marvel.

Also, Kamala is in the title.

Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and Professor Marvel.

They three are all titular characters.

They responded to a quote about the Ms. Marvel show by talking about a movie which presumably should be The Marvels yet they spoke about it as if it had only one main character who most people don't know and was the first movie of a new series, which is a nonsensical way to present any analysis of The Marvels.

Ms. Marvel being included in the title in no way makes this movie not a sequel to Captain Marvel. Just like Ant-man and the Wasp is still clearly a sequel to Ant-man.

And the idea that The Marvels' budget should've been primarily determined by exactly how many people in the general audience know Kamala specifically instead of also taking into account the performance of the first Captain Marvel movie which this film is a sequel to is just pure idiocy.
Think about how insane making this movie at its budget was to begin with. This is a relatively unknown character without a huge following. Why not do a low budget Marvel movie direct to D+? Disney has a budgeting problem. At least they were smart enough to not throw lots of cash at the first Antman movie.
Actually given that the first film did over a billion dollars at the box office, I'm sure somehow the it's drew the wrong conclusion and figured that Ms Marvel was a extremely popular comic book character, and that any sequel would probably still end up in the $700 to $1 billion range much like the first film. The first film survived review bombing and people who thought that a female lead character was ridiculous; so they figured that the sequel would be bulletproof to that kind of action again as well.

I think the first film success was a Confluence of factors and was driven by interest in anything post Endgame/ Pre Infinity War related.

People have gotten worse in theaters since COVID. Most should wait for the film to hit a streaming service and watch at home, rather than disrupting other viewers.
And many now probably are, which would explain why in general overall box office returns have not recovered to prepandemic levels.

As many have said with the ability to create a very decent home viewing system, many probably don't feel the need to go back to seeing films in a theater environment. And with the speed that many hit streaming services, it's not a long wait if you decide to skip the theater experience.
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Actually given that the first film did over a billion dollars at the box office, I'm sure somehow the it's drew the wrong conclusion and figured that Ms Marvel was a extremely popular comic book character, and that any sequel would probably still end up in the $700 to $1 billion range much like the first film. The first film survived review bombing and people who thought that a female lead character was ridiculous; so they figured that the sequel would be bulletproof to that kind of action again as well.

I think the first film success was a Confluence of factors and was driven by interest in anything post Endgame/ Pre Infinity War related.

And many now probably are, which would explain why in general overall box office returns have not recovered to prepandemic levels.

As many have said with the ability to create a very decent home viewing system, many probably don't feel the need to go back to seeing films in a theater environment. And with the speed that many hit streaming services, it's not a long wait if you decide to skip the theater experience.
The original Ms Marvel had a straightforward trailer and story. Did you watch the original trailer for this sequel?
The original Ms Marvel had a straightforward trailer and story. Did you watch the original trailer for this sequel?
I don't bother with film trailers and usually try to avoid them when possible. When I go to see something I want to see it without knowing about it.