The Least Disliked 2023: Star Trek Movies

Adios, TVH. My least-favorite of the TOS movies…mainly because it has very little rewatchability factor and hasn’t aged well. I like outer space adventure, not necessarily trips to contemporary Earth, and this was fun but just sort of unexciting.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek: First Contact
These are THE two best movies in the franchise, hands down. But like HIGHLANDER, there can be only one.

My vote is for FIRST CONTACT. Excellent movie that not only is a great film, but has great spirit and gives us the roots of STAR TREK history.

But against TWOK, it really can't compare. That was FLAWLESS! Action, heart, sacrifice, courage, a great villain, thecway it was shot... the movie was just flawlessly executed. There's a reason why it keeps getting copied by others.

(And ROBOT CHICKEN's skit of TWOK: THE OPERA... if you have never seen it, treat yourself and watch it.)

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 1
I’m throwing in on FC as well. It’s good, but TWOK is a masterpiece. It had a great smoothness to it in terms of mature themes and character development, all going on below the surface of a taught, tense revenge thriller. It was visually exciting, even for a lower-budget outing. Shatner and Nimoy give maybe their best performances in the entire franchise. It introduces us to so much lore, and it was the start of Star Trek’s first truly “serialized” story, one that was filled with awesome adventures and took the characters to completely new places.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 2
I love "Wrath of Khan" -- I have ever since the first time I saw it, and all the many times since. It's the only Trek film that ever made me cry. To me, it's the gold standard of Trek.

"First Contact" was the best TNG film -- but not the best Trek film.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 3
I love "Wrath of Khan" -- I have ever since the first time I saw it, and all the many times since. It's the only Trek film that ever made me cry. To me, it's the gold standard of Trek.

"First Contact" was the best TNG film -- but not the best Trek film.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 3

I still tear up, but as a dad it’s now at the scene where David says he’s proud to be Kirk’s son. That’s a really great, underrated scene with a fantastically subtle, weary performance by Shatner.
Paramount had a hard time with sticking with a contract or getting a good script, according to some news sources.