The Indy Reboot is coming after 5

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by safarial, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. safarial

    safarial Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 4, 2003
  2. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    *Heavy sigh*

    Well, I always felt that this was an inevitability. I always knew that Disney didn't buy the franchise with the intention of preserving it for posterity. But at least they are giving Harrison Ford a chance to go out on a high note.
  3. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    Seems a bit dodgy. There are some "could" and "maybe" type lines in there. It'll come down to how well it does in the theater. Then, if it does do super well and a story is crafted to make one last 6th Ford Indy film they could turn that around fairly quickly as Ford's film slate isn't too demanding for time at the moment.
    Remember Indy is 10years younger than Ford. With the right stunt double and f/x anything is possible.
  4. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    I don't really see the need for a reboot, they can just recast the character after the fifth movie and go back to Indy having adventures in the '30s like in the first three movies.
    Relayer1 likes this.
  5. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    Ugh, I definitely don't see the need for a reboot. However, nothing is remotely confirmed at this point. But they are thinking about it...
  6. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
  7. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    "It's not really a reboot, it's a boot." - Bob Iger

    Everyone seems to think Chris Pratt should be the one to take over from Ford; he's 37 now. So assuming a new Indy series goes into production in 2021, he'll be the perfect age to play a WWII-era Indy that can face either Nazis, Soviets or Imperial Japanese. You could easily get between 4-6 movies out of him before you catch up to Crystal Skull, assuming whoever takes over from Spielberg/Lucas is a lot quicker at the word processor.

    If I were them, I'd go ahead and cast Pratt to voice Indy in an animated series for Disney XD, picking up where Young Indy left off and bridging the decade between that and Temple of Doom. Done right (like Fleischer Superman/Batman TAS right), it'd be a great way to introduce Indy to a new generation and get the older fans onboard.
  8. Set Harth

    Set Harth Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    I want this to be a thing.
    safarial likes this.
  9. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    So let me get this straight - they're bothering to make a 5th Indy movie, AND with the full knowledge they will eventually reboot and start the whole thing over again? What exactly is the point of that? :confused:
    safarial likes this.
  10. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts
    Ummm.... the same point as every movie, to make a shit ton of money.

    And Bob barely seems to understand how to speak, so I wouldn't worry about what he says. However do you think they will stop making IJ movies once Ford is dead?

    For a 6th movie have an old Indiana Jones telling the story of what happened when he was younger. This was you can have an old Ford and reboot the franchise. You can't have a 100 year old Jones hunting aliens in the 90s.
  11. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    What's the point of continuing Major League Baseball? Haven't well all seen enough of grown men swatting at little balls and running in circles to last a lifetime, and haven't we filmed enough games to provide replay value for anyone's heart's content?

  12. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    So seeing as Disney now owns both SW & Indy, will they keep with tradition and use the same actor who's playing Han Solo in his standalone prequel? :p

    I'd still like to see Anthony Ingruber get a (whip)crack at this.
    Aldo likes this.
  13. Aldo

    Aldo Admiral Admiral

    Jan 4, 2003
    Hyrule Castle
    That's actually not a bad idea.
  14. JirinPanthosa

    JirinPanthosa Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2012
    I'm fine with recasting Indiana Jones and starting fresh but I hope they don't do an origin story. Origin stories waste so much time on already known information.
  15. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, "I do not think it means what you think it means".

    That article is full of conjecture and suppositions that really aren't supported by what Bob Iger actually said. It also doesn't help that Iger made up some words that don't actually exist, such as 'Requel', during his comments, so it's pretty much one unintelligible mess.
  16. B.J.

    B.J. Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 14, 2004
    Huntsville, AL
    I think the beginning of The Last Crusade did great as an origin story of sorts, and is about as much as Indy needs.
    Captaindemotion and mos6507 like this.
  17. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Requel is totally a real word. As is preboot. ;)
  18. Owain Taggart

    Owain Taggart Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 30, 2009
    Northern Ontario, Canada
    Yeah, this was inevitable. It was just a matter of when. I think there was even talk of rebooting it after the last movie.
  19. DigificWriter

    DigificWriter Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 20, 2001
    West Haven, UT, USA
    No. Just no.

    People can keep making up concepts surrounding and associated with what the word "reboot" means in a narrative context, but it doesn't change the fact that something is only a reboot, narratively, if it "throws the baby out with the bathwater".

    We may very well eventually see the franchise get a reboot, but it's not likely to happen until both Spielberg and Ford say they're no longer interested in the character and the franchise (which, if you listen to their comments, is far from happening right now). We may end up getting a younger Indy in the future, but it won't be as part of a franchise reboot (or any other words that Iger or anyone else want to make up); it'll be as part of a 'narrative transition' that continues the franchise as it's existed since the 80s but allows Ford to 'step away' from actively playing the character in a physical action-oriented role.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  20. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Humor. It is a difficult concept.