The Ahsoka series is coming.

Did anyone else think Ezra sounded like the actor from the Rebels show in that trailer? If not, they picked a guy who sure sounds a lot like him!

By the same token, Hera in live action is going to take a little getting used to. I luv Mary Winstead but she really doesn't evoke Hera in the makeup and her voice is completely different.

Although people would bitch about it either way, I always thought it would be a nice homage to the voice actors who brought these characters to life if they were used to dub over the lines of the live action actors. So you have Rosario Dawson playing Ahsoka but Ashley Eckstein voicing the lines in post-production, and so on. Of course, then the studio has to pay two actors so I can see why that'd be a non-starter...
Sabine cutting her hair echoes Kanan (image shamelessly stolen from Darth Chiznuk on The Force dot Net forums)
Apropos of nothing; I think we can all agree that the fact that I hardly ever post my 3D work, and that I'm probably the 3 millionth fan to think of it are both entirely neither here nor there, and that Dave Filloni obviously stole the idea of having the Kenner R2 from my unfinished Jedi Vector Fighter model from last year! ;)

Hm. Maybe we'll even get an Ashley Eckstein appearance?
Well we know she visited the set, so it's not impossible, but I wouldn't put money on it.
Considering we know Hayden Christenson will be appearing in some fashion, I wonder if we'll get some flashback with a young Baylan during the Clone Wars.
Has that actually been officially confirmed, or just widely reported?
I mean I'm 80% sure it's true either way, and if he is showing up then that can only mean at least one of three things: flashback, hologram, or force ghost.
A little. More thinking the map scene from the game but can't find a good screen shot.
You mean this bit, or this bit?
One of the great things about Rebels (And Ahsoka by extension, although it won't show as vividly if at all in live action) was the throwback to the Ralph McQuarrie concept artwork. Zeb and the Lasats were the original Wookie concepts, Vader and the Stormtroopers have the McQuarrie artwork look, and even the Imperial infiltration bot was based on the initial concept art of the protocol droid that become 3PO.

Rebels was just a great series. Best of the animated ones by far AFAIC.

Second bit with the moving spheres.

I would be embarrassed to say how many hours I spent playing the Dark Forces line of video games.
Has that actually been officially confirmed, or just widely reported?

I mean I'm 80% sure it's true either way, and if he is showing up then that can only mean at least one of three things: flashback, hologram, or force ghost.
Hollywood Reporter had an exclusive on that news waaaay back in October 2021.

I figured flashback is the most likely possibility especially now that we know Baylan knew Anakin. Would be a great way to establish Baylan's history and his motivations for turning.

Although...I would be very curious to see a Force Ghost interaction with Ahsoka.
Getting Tom Baker into Star Wars was pretty cool.

But the main reason I'm glad to have Bendu is the point made about the Force, a point which had already been made by Mortis, and would later be made once more by TLJ.
Again, good concept that ended poorly.

The Bendu is interesting. It's interaction with Thrawn less so.
I figured flashback is the most likely possibility especially now that we know Baylan knew Anakin. Would be a great way to establish Baylan's history and his motivations for turning.

Although...I would be very curious to see a Force Ghost interaction with Ahsoka.

My guess is flashback. Force ghost would be interesting, though.

I'm still floored by Ray Stevenson's passing. That guy was so good in everything he was in, and I was a huge Titus Pullo fan from the very first episode of Rome. Bums me out that he won't get to see all the excitement when this show finally airs. Hopefully he's watching from on high.
I'm still floored by Ray Stevenson's passing. That guy was so good in everything he was in, and I was a huge Titus Pullo fan from the very first episode of Rome. Bums me out that he won't get to see all the excitement when this show finally airs. Hopefully he's watching from on high.
Yeah, that really hurts. Hearing him have the opening lines of this trailer was a gut punch. Hopefully we get plenty of him this season.

I first saw him in King Arthur (Mads Mikkelsen, Ray Winstone, Joel Edgerton, and Stephen Dillane, too!) and even though he only had a handful of lines, he was one of my favorite characters of the film. It wasn't until much later that I finally watched and loved Rome.
Back to Sabine and the force, someone on pointed out this quote from Rebels

Hera: "Or maybe because she doesn't have the Force you don't believe she can do this?"
Kanan: "No. The Force resides in all living things. But you have to be open to it. Sabine is... blocked. Her mind is conflicted."
-Trials of the Darksaber (an episode written by Filoni)

George Lucas has said that anyone can be a jedi if they train hard enough.
But that pre-dates his creation of midi-chlorians and the fact Jedi/Sith have higher numbers of them.
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Midi-chlorians are just a means for to hear the Force, but all living things have mid-chlorians in their cells. A high count just means you can hear the Force more than others. There was Chirrut Imwe in Rogue One. He may or may not have had the cells to be a Jedi, but he believed enough to pull off some near Jedi level stunts. Ahsoka might have attempted to teach Sabine on request. Sabine's a Mandalorean of House Vizsla (Clan Wren). Tar Vizsla was a Jedi over a thousand years ago. So it is not impossible for Sabine to have a sliver of capability with the Force.

I don't imagine her lifting rocks or tossing people around with it, but maybe just enough to see things before they happen. Enough to keep her alive. I means Sabine has always been gifted. Look as what she had already done before she was part of the Ghost crew, and then what she managed to do while with Hera, Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper. She is quite skilled in a lot of things already.
There was Chirrut Imwe in Rogue One. He may or may not have had the cells to be a Jedi, but he believed enough to pull off some near Jedi level stunts.
I see Chirrut as roughly equivalent to the Knights of Ren. Force-sensitive ( and he clearly believes in the Force! ) but not at Jedi/Sith level. For example, he has to walk right out into the field of fire and operate the lever on the console by hand, getting himself killed in the process. A Jedi could have used the Force to move the lever from a distance.
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I see Chirrut as roughly equivalent to the Knights of Ren. Force-sensitive ( and he clearly believes in the Force! ) but not at Jedi/Sith level. For example, he has to walk right out into the field of fire and operate the lever on the console by hand, getting himself killed in the process. A Jedi could have used the Force to move the lever from a distance.

I always see Chirrut as someone with Jedi potential, in that if there had been someone to train him, he could have been a Jedi. As it is, he accesses the Force somewhat on a subconscious level.
Yeah, that really hurts. Hearing him have the opening lines of this trailer was a gut punch. Hopefully we get plenty of him this season.

I first saw him in King Arthur (Mads Mikkelsen, Ray Winstone, Joel Edgerton, and Stephen Dillane, too!) and even though he only had a handful of lines, he was one of my favorite characters of the film. It wasn't until much later that I finally watched and loved Rome.

King Arthur was a good movie that had potential for greatness with a little script massaging. Ray played Dagonet, and formed a bond with that kid. I was bummed that he didn't survive the movie, but you know how it goes once you show those 'family ties' of any sort. (Goose, I'm looking at you, buddy... as soon as Meg Ryan walked off the plane, we knew... :( )
King Arthur was a good movie that had potential for greatness with a little script massaging. Ray played Dagonet, and formed a bond with that kid. I was bummed that he didn't survive the movie, but you know how it goes once you show those 'family ties' of any sort. (Goose, I'm looking at you, buddy... as soon as Meg Ryan walked off the plane, we knew... :( )
Yeah, I rewatched it for the first time in years shortly after Stevenson's passing and I'm...less forgiving of its flaws than I use to be, but it's atmospheric as hell and boosted by a terrific cast. The rest is just kind of eh.
I was reminded in a breakdown video, that the celebration exclusive trailer had a shot of someone’s hand trying to move a cup with the force.

There was no real indication of who’s hand it was.
ETA: looks like my eyes and/or memory weren't playing tricks on me after all and they have indeed altered the not-Sith saber VFX. Here's a comparison for shots shared between the two trailers.

Much closer to traditional red blades, but still with a warmer orangey hue as opposed by the more usual cooler crimson, which is itself still in evidence with the Inquisitor's sabre.
At first I wondered if this was simply a case of the teaser using mostly raw footage of the LED props, but it also featured a shot of Baylan igniting his blade which 1) obviously requires a VFX element, not purely practical, and 2) has the same "dim core" appearance. So this does appear to be a deliberate stylistic change.
It's still up in the air as to whether these are meant to be the product of bled crystals, or if there's some other reason why they look close but distinctly not quite the same red.

Midi-chlorians are just a means for to hear the Force, but all living things have mid-chlorians in their cells. A high count just means you can hear the Force more than others. There was Chirrut Imwe in Rogue One. He may or may not have had the cells to be a Jedi, but he believed enough to pull off some near Jedi level stunts. Ahsoka might have attempted to teach Sabine on request. Sabine's a Mandalorean of House Vizsla (Clan Wren). Tar Vizsla was a Jedi over a thousand years ago. So it is not impossible for Sabine to have a sliver of capability with the Force.

I don't imagine her lifting rocks or tossing people around with it, but maybe just enough to see things before they happen. Enough to keep her alive. I means Sabine has always been gifted. Look as what she had already done before she was part of the Ghost crew, and then what she managed to do while with Hera, Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper. She is quite skilled in a lot of things already.

Yeah I remember having this argument back I think when TFA was released, and people were complaining about the implication that Han was low-key force sensitive. Personally I thought it was a fun way to account for all of his close scrapes and "lucky" flukes that he just doesn't question.

I think some people still deliberately misunderstand what midi-chlorians are and how they work; insisting that Lucas was saying they create the force. Where really he was saying that the force is a real thing that's a part of the physical universe and not just handwavey magic, that there is some underlying science in how an energy field can interact with a living consciousness. But most of all to reiterate that the force exist in all living things, and that everyone has a connection if they're open to it.

* Side note: There's also the underlying implication that that Jedi Order had become *too* focused of the bare science of it all and neglected the intuitive side of it all, but that gets lost on a lot of people too.

In the case of Sabine: as I said earlier, they've been hinting at Sabine following at least the philosophy of the Jedi since season two: -
Hmm. Sabine, you're sounding more like a Jedi than a Mandalorian.
Well, I guess I've just been raised right.

And that was a good year before 'Trials of the Darksaber'. So if Sabine has spent the last decade truly embracing Jedi teachings, then it's not unreasonable for her to have achieved at least some conscious awareness of the force. Not for nothing but she's always had a kyber crystal with her most of the time. That's a non-trivial foci for meditation through the force. Telekinesis may be a stretch, but with the force: anything is possible.

I always see Chirrut as someone with Jedi potential, in that if there had been someone to train him, he could have been a Jedi. As it is, he accesses the Force somewhat on a subconscious level.

I disagree. First of all: the force works subconsciously with *everyone*, all the time (see above, RE: Han.) There's nothing special about that; the trick is making it conscious.
Secondly: I see Chirrut as one with just an average potential in terms of m-count, but has spent his whole life meditating, training, and believing. 90% of what he did was pure martial skill (courtesy of Donnie Yen) but that extra 10% is perception of and through the force. Not just the "blind man that never actually uses his stick to guide him" of it all, but his sensing of Jyn's kyber crystal necklace, his sensing of Cassian's dark intent, and his general following of Jyn because he senses "Her path is clear."
I think it's safe to assume that if Chirrut had the potential to be a Jedi (according to the Order's standards of the time) then he would have been. He's certainly old enough that he would have been detected, and the fact that he ended up in the Guardians of the Whills instead indicates that his m-count was probably too low to qualify.

Also note how everyone focuses on Chirrut's "force abilities" that are just highly skilled martial arts, and totally neglect to notice that Baze's shots never miss . . . and he's firing a heavy repeating blaster; an inherently inaccurate weapon! That's a lot more that just skill.

Yeah, I rewatched it for the first time in years shortly after Stevenson's passing and I'm...less forgiving of its flaws than I use to be, but it's atmospheric as hell and boosted by a terrific cast. The rest is just kind of eh.
I've been meaning to go back and give 'Punisher: War Zone' another chance. I balked at the time because I enjoyed Thomas Jane's performance in the role so much (not that the moive itself was perfect by any means), and because when I tried watching it the first time, I just wasn't in the mood for something quite so viscerally violent, and purely action oriented. I like at least *some* story and character in there, otherwise it just feels like noise.
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