The Ahsoka series is coming.

Apropos of nothing, I just realised both of Vader's apprentices in Legends and Canon used duel sabers. I kind of wish they made Starkiller canon so they could show them fighting with four sabers. How does that work?
The reverse grip thing has been brought up innumerable times over the years, right from the very beginning, though I don't recall if Filloni ever confirmed or denied that touch was a direct nod to 'Force Unleashed'. Either way, most of the inspiration for the way she moves clearly comes more from San in 'Princess Mononoke'.

As for adapting Starkiller into canon: it's no simple thing, and like with Mara Jade you can't just make them another Inquisitor and call it a day. For his story and character to be preserved he needs to be Vader's *secret* apprentice and personal assassin. He also needs to not be evil, but deeply confused and mislead, and eventually find his way to redemption. Not impossible, but tricky to connect all that back into the larger story of the rebellion without it seeming like a redundant side-story now that Kanan & Ezra have taken up much of that real estate.

One idea that did occur to me a little while ago is that the solution to adapting both of those characters could be mutually inclusive. In a lot of ways they're opposite numbers and natural enemies. I could easily see Vader & Sidious pitting their attack dogs against each other in a little proxy war. So all you really have to do to make the post-Imperial agent part of Mara's story feasible is swap out Luke as her foil with a redeemed Starkiller (which has an oddly poetic justice to it, obvious to anyone familiar with the early drafts of ANH.) Conversely having Mara being Starkiller's love interest is simple enough if Juno Eclipse was just her cover name the whole time.

Neither are a perfect 1:1 substitution of course, since having them both know each other (sort of) prior to the post-RotJ end of the story adds a whole other context to things, but it at least gives both characters a trajectory that feels broadly faithful the the originals, without having it clash with Luke's story (at all!) They could even include her killing an evil clone of him as in 'The Last Command' (sans the dumb double vowel name), because that was a thing in TFUII.
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A few time during Rebels I wondered if you could bring Mara into the series, with Kanan taking over Luke's role in the story, or make her a teenager and use Ezra.
They could still use Ezra. Palpatine did encounter Bridger, and might have issued an order to Jade to deal with him if he ever returned. An order Thrawn might not have known about.
Ezra is certainly a theoretical possibility, especially if he's going to have a role in what seems to be an ongoing quasi-adaptation/retelling of the 'Heir' trilogy. Hard to say how well that would fit into his character arc until we see what Dave has in mind, so we'll just have to wait and see.

That said; not sure I buy the idea of Palpatine ordering Ezra's death the way EU Palps did for Luke. Last anyone saw of him, he vanished over Lothal with the entire 7th fleet. By the time of RotJ; so far as The Emperor was concerned Ezra was old news, long gone, and seemingly never to return, probably dead.

In the original story; part of the whole reason Mara struggled was because it wasn't just any old order, it was a psychic imperative imposed upon her psyche by a Sith Lord through the force as he was dying; which don't get me wrong, it a dumb concept and probably not how the force works. Still, that's a far cry from some old termination order for a target that's been off the map for half a decade before Sidious died. Doesn't quite have the same sting.
A modern re-interpretation of that struggle should probably be more akin to left-over Manchurian Candidate/Winter Soldier style mental conditioning, which he did seem intent on using on his first attempt at raising force sensitive spies. It's fair to assume he'd do the same with his assassins.

Anyway, I merely proposed Starkiller as a possibility because bringing them both into canon as a unit/duo solves a lot of the inherent problems of adapting them separately.
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The "Mara Jade - By the Emperor's Hand" comics were the first Star Wars comics I ever owned, and only bought them because I watched my dad play the 'Mysteries of the Sith' expansion for Dark Forces 2 which stared Mara Jade.

I wasn't a big book reader back then, I only read the novels that introduced her years later.
I wish I had taken better care of them, ones missing a cover, couple have ripped pages but still readable.
I was on the verge of drifting away from the comics for a few years at that point. I got back into them briefly after AOTC.
One assumes with Indy done, LF marketing are switching back into Star Wars mode (they're already changed the bookmark icon for to the Fulcrum logo). Thankfully no new footage in this one, but expect a flood of Ahsoka teasers and TV spots over the coming weeks; which means this will probably be the last thing I look at before release!
One assumes with Indy done, LF marketing are switching back into Star Wars mode (they're already changed the bookmark icon for to the Fulcrum logo). Thankfully no new footage in this one, but expect a flood of Ahsoka teasers and TV spots over the coming weeks; which means this will probably be the last thing I look at before release!
Watch out for Lego sets too. There are some spoilery ones that are being shared around the Internet.
Watch out for Lego sets too. There are some spoilery ones that are being shared around the Internet.
Yeah I already caught sight of that while researching something just today. Not that's it's a huge spoiler, thankfully.
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Fantastic trailer! Shows a lot without revealing too much. I think the only big nugget we get is the fact Baylan knew Anakin well enough to be told about Ahoska...and yet seemingly never met her before.

Okay, I don't think we formally knew that Ahsoka is training Sabine (or began to train before Ahsoka walked way? Sabine, stubborn? Never!). I also can't remember if Ahsoka ever openly spoke about Anakin to Hera before (or anyone else from the Ghost crew aside from maybe Ezra or Kanan).

Nice touch of Sabine cutting her hair off paralleling Kanan doing the same.

Still no sign of Zeb but we get our first glimpse of Thrawn's face!

Could that be Eighth Brother in the dark forest with the spinning double saber?

I really love the trailer music. I hope it's part of the show's score.

August 23 cannot come soon enough!
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Fantastic trailer! Shows a lot without revealing too much. I think the only big nugget we get is the fact Baylan knew Anakin well enough to be told about Ahoska...and yet seemingly never met her before.

Okay, I don't think we formally knew that Ahsoka is training Sabine (or began to train before Ahsoka walked way? Sabine, stubborn? Never!). I also can't remember if Ahsoka ever openly spoke about Anakin to Hera before (or anyone else from the Ghost crew aside from maybe Ezra or Kanan).

This leaves me wondering if perhaps Sabine is Force sensitive, although it seems to me that if she were, Kanan would have been training her right alongside Ezra. I suspect Ahsoka trained her in lightsaber combat if anything, picking up where Kanan left off. I have been wondering in the trailer snippets how she is supposed to stand up against a Force-adept in a lightsaber duel, although she does have all those Mandalorian tricks up her sleeve.

Ahsoka may very well have spoken to Hera at some point about Anakin the Jedi and her former master, but I doubt she ever revealed to anyone else that she knew Darth Vader was Anakin.

Still no sign of Zeb but we get our first glimpse of Thrawn's face!

We saw a came of Zeb in Mando S3 so we know he's out there. Thrawn looks a little weird with a normal eyes structure inside the red eyes, but it looked goofy in the animated series as well. Prior artwork of Thrawn always depicted him with solid red eyes. Know what, though? Don't care. Thrawn in canon and live action is something fans have hoped for for decades.

Could that be Eighth Brother in the dark forest with the spinning double saber?

Betcha Ahsoka eats his lunch!

I really love the trailer music. I hope it's part of the show's score.

August 23 cannot come soon enough!

Agreed and agreed!