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The Action Figure and Toy Collecting and Discussion Thread!



Monster Bash

Big saucer

Free sci-fi
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Nice Batmobile here



Odd toys—atomic reactor

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Incredible Dragon figures


memory plastic

Mego Trek
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The Creative Beasts team live streams their concepts and conversations. That line is pretty amazing and their passion is apparent:

Forgot to mention that I ordered this set from the Character Options site on October 17...

...and I received the package just 12 days later on the 29th (shipped from the UK to the US). I would say I have at least one version of each Doctor CO has released, but I'm missing the Tennant's "14th" Doctor from the November 2023 specials. Of course, one of my 10th Doctors can fill that role until such time that I get that one. ;)
The Leceister Vintage Toy Shop is back on tour:
In episode 1 of series 3, Joe & Matt the Cameraman meets up with Billy Galaxy of Portland's Vintage Toys & Collectibles and Pieter Kamp of De Toy Boys, to go toy shopping in the Netherlands, before moving south to Germany for the Toyplosion.
Finally got a figure of my Sweet Blue Angel.
Because of the upcoming Stuttgart ComicCon (yes, it is a big deal for me, and yes, that's why I keep bringing it up lately) I was reminiscing about past Cons, and I was thinking back to the time Lou Ferrigno was a special guest. At these Cons I like to get carded action figures signed (in cases like Trek actors, I like to get the more oddball figures like the Holodeck series), but in some cases the actors have no action figure.
I'm still kind of baffled, but Lou Ferrigno's Hulk appears to be among them. When you think how many figures of Adam West's Batman or Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman, hell, even the Japanese Spider-Man had his own action figure, and thinking how many Marvel Legends figures there are and how long that line has been going, you'd think surely Lou Ferrigno's Hulk would have had an action figure by now.

That was pre-pandemic, so a good while ago. I don't think Ferrigno's Hulk had an action figure since then, did he?
Toy evolution


Space toys

2001 inspiration?
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Spidey 77


Recycled toys

I got a rock
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Charming finds

Other toys

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