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Terminus Timeline - Ships and Interiors

The captain's quarters are brilliant! I love all the personal touches you've added, the colour scheme, wood (and actual wooden furniture) - and Galaxy Quest!!! :adore::D

Thank you! It was a fun if restrained build. Didn't want to fill it with too much stuff but enough that it felt lived in

Work on the Baton-Rouge class continues

Completions in this version:

Detailed Impulse deck
Navigation Lights
reinforced Secondary hull plating
Bussard bits under the dome for lighting in DAZ
Bridge turbolift (yes offset :P)
Those grey bits on the Pilot Enterprise and the NX-01

I'm at the point now where I think it's just decals other than the shuttlebay doors and landing lights there. Don't know if I'm going to model the decals in or texture them. I'm honestly thinking modeling since this one is just going to represent on ship model for me and it's going to be a 'desk' model not necessarily a full blown in use model although it could go that way pretty easily.
Took her into DAZ so I could see how she'll look with working internal lighting and a better render engine

Definitely need to redo all the saucer rim windows. Le Sigh. I do like how the bussards turned out though. I also found out I used the same material for the main 3 circle windows in the saucer as one of the bussard collector fins, so that needed to be fixed either way lol.
She looks great! The light from the windows is a little harsh (is that what you want to redo?), but the bussards are gorgeous! :adore:

Thanks! I do need to tone down the windows, but the windows themselves I cut out of the hull way too big. They'd be floor to ceiling windows and be like 6 or 7 ft wide. Just way too big.

I've gone in and made them much smaller, not too much smaller, but they're more in line with what we saw on the Enterprise size wise now.
Oh, I quite like the big windows. Although, I suppose it could be quite unnerving for a vertigo suffering or agorophobic crew member when they walk past, so perhaps smaller is better... :rommie:

Space bound and down, loaded up and truckin'
Oh, we gonna do what they say can't be done
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there
I'm Space bound, just watch ol' Bandit run

I mean really, we have seen traders and big freighters in Trek and so on, but not a true space trucker and you and I both know they're out there. The U shaped part of the ship is the 'tractor' if you will and the part that slides in and locks in that center section would be the 'trailer.' This allows them to fly to a station, drop off their cargo, pick up another loaded sled and head out without having to stop moving. If you ain't haulin' you ain't making money.

The Aries escorts two light cargo transports, a Starfleet cargo ship and a civilian transport on their way across the Triangle

Just tossing in the Aries and a few other ships for a 'convoy' effect. I think the Cargo Ship came off of Foundation 3d and I still don't see their downloads section so I can't verify who built it, yet.
Have you looked at Rekkert's DA gallery? He does a lot of interesting bridge designs, mostly from the TNG+ era. You might check it out. ;)
Kind of shifting eras with this one by revisiting the set I pretty much abandoned last August. Going for the mid-range Phase II feel, Post TOS but pre-TMP look.

Lots of work to do with this one, especially since I'm modelling every control panel on the bridge. All based off the Operations Manual or Flight manual. This is a very rough state at this point.
Just a few quick renders while I work on the comic, sets and props.

Paperwork, reports, training and all the other mundane tasks that need to happen on a ship to keep it moving but are beneath the Captain and First Officer's position. While she may not necessarily enjoy the mundane, making sure the ship is in top shape, people have what they need, and the missions are a success; that puts a smile on Lt. Commander Gal's face.

Located off the bridge, the Aries Ready Room has all the amenities a Captain needs in emergencies and acts as an office or bedroom depending on need. A large interactive viewer lets the Captain receive communiques, plan tactical runs, or is just a good spot to watch an old holo. The couch doubles as a bed in an emergency and there's several extra uniforms located just off the head along with a shower. The standard office amenities are also available.


Built in Truespace
Rendered in DAZ Studio
Uniform is V4 Courageous
Uniform textures by JamesJAB
I did start on a 'sister' project...

So while I'm working on the Phase II bridge for the Challenger, I'm also working on the refit bridge of a certain famous starship. Right now it's a bunch of randomness as I put it together from a slew of references and the bridge JamesJAB put out, but in the end it's going to be all me. Huzzah.

As a side bonus, I will of course be able to use the consoles and displays from the Phase II bridge in here since they all come from the same place.

Obviously with a WIP nothing is final, but I ended up 'refining' the whole Challenger bridge set-up again after working on the TMP bridge and got some more concrete sizes in and red-did all my cuts in this set as far as the wall and floor creases go. I pulled the railing (not finished but close) from the TMP bridge and this Nav console is now also sitting in the TMP bridge with a dull grey color instead of the red highlights.

With this change though, neither the TMP bridge or this bridge as built will have pieces of the bridge that'll be hideable or removable, but since it's digital the camera has a lot more freedom.
A few more renders done up while I worked on some more models and the comic

The Valiant drops out of warp to respond to a fake emergency buoy placed by some Orion Pirates who begin a coordinated attack on the Starfleet ship. The new Orion ship upgrades need to be tested, and what better way than a live test against one of the flag ships sisters? The Orions attack with torpedos and disruptors in a first volley, then jump to warp maneuvering to take on the Valiant from a distance.

"Minimal damage to the ship. Shields holding at eighty-five percent," came the voice from Engineering.

"I don't understand sir," said the science officer. "They just jumped to warp!"

"Are they moving to attack pattern?" asked the Captain.

"Yes sir, they're coming about, pattern delta two five."

The Captain considered the options. "These are the new-type ships we've heard about. They all but destroyed the Edmonton. They're using us as a live test."

The bridge crew looked shocked.

"Bring us about along this heading ensign, warp one. I want a long range targeting solution, phasers and photon torpedoes. We need to know what those enemy ships can do. If those green skinned bastards want a test, we'll give them a damned test."


Orion Blockade Runner built in Truespace
Valiant built using Starkiller's Connie Parts Kit
Rendered in DAZ Studio

Known as the 'Old Man' to some, Admiral Nogura would still be an imposing figure to everyone through to his retirement. Responsible for many of the fleet actions of the 2260s and 2270s, Admiral Nogura would position Starfleet into the strongest position it had been through the 2280s and even into the 2290s and help set the stage for a level of unfettered exploration and expansion for the Federation in the coming century. Getting a Priority One message from him was either going to be a blessing or he was delivering some really bad news...

Needed an Admiral Nogura so I started playing with my morphs. I didn't have an actor in mind, but I think he came out pretty good. =)

Refit Briefing Room and props modeled in Truespace
Rendered in DAZ Studio
Figure and hair are from DAZ - Genesis 3
Uniform is M4 Valiant
Uniform texture base from JamesJAB - edited for rank and insignia
Is that the Orion Wanderer class? :mallory:

That's the one! ;)

A lot of little detail work to spruce up the railings a bit (had to attach the endcaps) and then a lot of measuring, refining and then cursing, cutting, redrawing, etc. to get the railing supports done up.

The Challenger floor is a little higher at that point than the TMP bridge so these may not work without some edit on the TMP bridge, but things are at least progressing.

Took me far to long to get the turbolift alcove cut-outs right for the refit bridge, but I think I finally have them to where I'm at least moderately happy with them. I'm going to work on the pit platforms, stairs and the railing supports for the refit bridge. The platforms and stairs will transfer over to my Challenger bridge.

Bonus, I used the same turbolift cut-outs for the Challenger bridge. ;)

Spent way too much time working on the floor plating around the helm and the steps. Also the railings for the Refit which are similar to, but are a totally different build from the ones I used on the Challenger bridge. I built what they had done for the Captain's stoop and the helm station from the Phase II bridge and built all my supports over the top of that for the refit, then just moved that Phase II base over to the Challenger. I'm going to add something to that base, probably a similar overlapping set of plating but I want the patterns to be different. I also ported over my doors and turbolift from the TOS-enhanced sets I did for the Aries.

Built in Truespace

Revamped the raised pit portions and steps for the Challenger bridge. I also did up the mid-range sized console for Challenger since that's all she's using. I need to work on the small version for the standing stations on the Refit bridge and the mega-wide Science station also for said Refit bridge. I think I have the consoles sitting out about 4 inches too far from the back of the wall, so they all might be getting pushed into the wall alcove a little bit.

Either way, it's coming along.

Built in Truespace
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