Ten Forward Lounge - Miscellaneous General Chat & Welcome Thread

Has anyone else ever seen anything like that?

The last time I was in a theatre was, well... when did Beyond come out again? So if our local theatres have moved to assigned seating recently, then I wouldn't know. Although I don't really have a problem with the concept in general, I do think it is nice to have the option to sit in an area that doesn't have a lot of other people around. (Even when I do go to the theatre, I try to make it late enough in the movie's run so that the room is only sparsely populated.)

Although our trains have "recently" (within the last few years) changed to assigned seating, which I think is absolutely brilliant.
The ticket seller would've asked them to choose their seats before completing the purchase, so I'm not sure how they would've been oblivious about assigned seating, unless it's just that hard to kick 50-60 years of habit. Has anyone else ever seen anything like that?

One of the cinemas we used to use (before it closed) had assigned seating but the one that we use now doesn't.

At the one that did have assigned seating, they did not ask you for your preferred seat. They did at least keep the family together (if you turned up early enough anyway). Otherwise, it was a case of, you'll go where we put you. (On the upside, one of our friends was usually also the one selling the tickets when we got there:) )

I think one of our local cinemas (new build) does it too, but they're much more expensive and slightly more difficult to get to.
Okay, this is weird. I was replacing two AAA batteries in my remote, and the replacement AAA batteries are... too small to stay in place? When I compare the old and the new, they appear to be identical. But obviously the new ones are must be a fraction smaller because they fall right out and thus no charge. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
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Okay, this is weird. I was replacing two AAA batteries in my remote, and the replacement AAA batteries ars... too small to stay in place? When I compare the old and the new, they appear to be identical. But obviously the new ones are must be a fraction smaller because they fall right out and thus no charge. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
Weird. Maybe the prior ones are actually AAAA? I’d never heard of them but after some cursing and squinting I discovered one of the remotes uses batteries I had to buy online because no local retailers carried AAAAs
Okay, this is weird. I was replacing two AAA batteries in my remote, and the replacement AAA batteries ars... too small to stay in place? When I compare the old and the new, they appear to be identical. But obviously the new ones are must be a fraction smaller because they fall right out and thus no charge. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
Can you stretch that little springy contact thing?
Happy Mother's Day!
I'd like to welcome my real-life spouse, Mrs. Silvercrest, to the BBS. I've been bugging her for years about getting on here and she finally agreed. Everyone please make her feel welcome.
If she's a Star Trek fan & been avoiding us, then shame on her. lol Just kidding. Welcome aboard :biggrin:

Now it's too late for you :borg:
Hi, this is Me. I don't know what I am doing. I don't really do much on computers just face book. But that is mainly to keep track of what my friends and family are doing. So this is way different. Please bear with me. I really don't want to say anything wrong on here. I do enjoy Sci-Fi and Marvel Movies. I love cats we have a very demanding one! I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the things on here I have read and such. So don't know when I will feel like answering someone.
Welcome, @Mrs. Silvercrest , I hope you enjoy it here! And no worries, please feel free to post, or not, whenever you’re ready, based on your own comfort levels.

Now, my apologies, I am going to move this thread into the general welcome thread pinned at the top of the forum. No offence is intended; we just like to have all our “welcome” posts in one place. :)
I'd like to welcome my real-life spouse, Mrs. Silvercrest, to the BBS. I've been bugging her for years about getting on here and she finally agreed. Everyone please make her feel welcome.

Hi, this is Me. I don't know what I am doing. I don't really do much on computers just face book. But that is mainly to keep track of what my friends and family are doing. So this is way different. Please bear with me. I really don't want to say anything wrong on here. I do enjoy Sci-Fi and Marvel Movies. I love cats we have a very demanding one! I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the things on here I have read and such. So don't know when I will feel like answering someone.

The couple that Treks together stays together! Welcome to you both!
Hi, this is Me. I don't know what I am doing. I don't really do much on computers just face book. But that is mainly to keep track of what my friends and family are doing. So this is way different. Please bear with me. I really don't want to say anything wrong on here. I do enjoy Sci-Fi and Marvel Movies. I love cats we have a very demanding one! I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the things on here I have read and such. So don't know when I will feel like answering someone.
Welcome, Mrs. Silvercrest! :)

There are a lot of cat-lovers here (we even have a thread that's all about cats). So feel free to pick a conversation and join in. We're all fans of something, so chances are good that you'll find plenty of people with whom you have interests in common.