Surely something good happened to you today

Just watched one of the squirrels come up to the bird feeders. It had a look from the ground...had a look from part way up the tree...considered climbing onto the branch from which the seed feedeer hangs...gave up and went away to sit on the fence (and wash its face just like a cat does: not seen that before).

The Battle Against The Squirrels Has Been Won!!!

(I dd realise that I hadn't put out apple for the squirrels this morning so I remedied that)
Just watched one of the squirrels come up to the bird feeders. It had a look from the ground...had a look from part way up the tree...considered climbing onto the branch from which the seed feedeer hangs...gave up and went away to sit on the fence (and wash its face just like a cat does: not seen that before).

The Battle Against The Squirrels Has Been Won!!!
The squirrels have defeated me but that's okay. I take peanuts out for the squirrels so that the birds have a chance at the seeds. Now the squirrels go for the bird seed first and the bluejays go after the peanuts.

(I dd realise that I hadn't put out apple for the squirrels this morning so I remedied that)
My mom and I went on a walk through one of the neighborhoods where I used to ride my bike before it was stolen, and ran into one of the ladies out walking her horse who I used to see on my bike rides.
My mom and I went on a walk and stopped a visited with one of my favorite horses who haven't gotten spend time with since my bike was stolen. We went up by her the house where she is a few days after my bike was stolen, but it started to rain just as we got to the yard, and I didn't feel like standing in the rain to pet her, and I figured she probably wasn't going to come out of her shelter.
My mom and I went back out to look for the donkeys this morning, and when we found a group, it included the cutest little, itty bitty, fluffiest baby we have seen so far. My mom knows donkeys a bit better than I do, and she thinks it might have been only couple weeks old. We also saw an older looking jenny, along with a younger jenny, and a couple that looked like they might like a year or two old, so I'm think it might have been grandma, mom, and the kids.
I just had a chocolate from the 'snack station', and to my very pleasant surprise, it was stuffed with caramel. Obviously, I got two more pieces. :hugegrin:

A great little bonus!

(The 'snack station', as my wife calls it, is an area in the corner of one of the kitchen counters. It has a rotating variety of chocolates, candies, nuts, etc. She even recently put a neon light next to it that says "Treat Yourself". Our nephews and niece come by regularly, and it's also for us... though I rarely partake in the 'snack station', since I'm happy with watching everyone else enjoy the goods. But I needed a little quick boost while working on an ordering analysis, and my taste buds got that extra burst of awesome.)
I was running low on Gillette Sensor Excel razor blades, and for some reason they were out of stock at four local drugstores. So I looked up the product online and found that Walmart has them for half the price I've been paying (including shipping fee), with delivery guaranteed in 3 business days. I guess I really need to do more online shopping.
Car Service Manager took $50 off my insanely marked up (?) repair bill!
I’m gonna go ahead and put that in the “good” category!

I always try and give my customers some sort of discount on their car repair bill, either through coupons, discounts or removing shop fees. Corporate frowns upon it, but if you want to maintain customer loyalty and draw customers back, saving that exta money is a good incentive.
I came home to find a dead pigeon on the "patio" as a result of a bird strike to an upstairs window. There are foxes "cubbing" in the earth at the end of the garden so I took the pigeon down the garden and left it. Shortly afterwards a questing fox found it and bounded off.
The bird strike was a sad thing (and not something that has ever happened before) but something positive came out of it.