
Oh, my mistake. But my point still stands about them not being nearly as terrifying as the characters acted like they were.
Oh, my mistake. But my point still stands about them not being nearly as terrifying as the characters acted like they were.
Do remember, the 50s were a time when a lot of the people were extremely xenophobic, and anything different from the norm was enough to be scared. A lot of people were scared of actual little people.
Oh, my mistake. But my point still stands about them not being nearly as terrifying as the characters acted like they were.
If you went back in time and showed them ALIEN, Carpenter’s THE THING or the 1988 Blob…half the audience would fall over dead.
Yeah, what's considered scary in movies and TV has definitely changed a lot since the '50s.
They did. And some people screamed in terror in 1903 when the gunslinger in The Great Train Robbery pointed his pistol at the screen and fired.
Okay, bonus points for that clip. I like Crazy People and a huge chunk of the movie was filmed in my hometown and other nearby locales.
I love watching Reaction Videos on Youtube, especially those of the younger generation when they see Superman - The Movie. I love that they are enchanted by this film, even though it was made decades before they were born.

But there is one scene that invariably always shocks them, especially since it is played for laughs: when the mother slaps the little girl because she told her that "a flying man saved his kitten from a tree".

After that scene, commentators usually just mutter "well it was a different time..."

I love watching Reaction Videos on Youtube, especially those of the younger generation when they see Superman - The Movie. I love that they are enchanted by this film, even though it was made decades before they were born.
I've watched a few of those for Superman '78 myself, and you're right: It's delightful to see people decades younger than myself won over by the film's timeless magic. :)

(Though I did have to chuckle at one of them talking about the movie's "CGI.")
I don't watch many reaction videos, but I do like seeing what the younger generation thinks of a movie like 'Superman', and almost invariably the two/three scenes that evoke the strongest reactions are the death of Johnathan Kent, Superman first appearance, and the death of Lois Lane and Superman's reaction.

What I think is all the more remarkable is that Johnathan's death gets such a big reaction considering what little screen time he has, and I think that's a testament to Glenn Ford's performance and Richard Donner's direction.
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Reaction videos do make me a little crazy because the nature of the format requires them to run their yap all the way through the film. Part of me is like, "For God's sake! Shut up and pay attention to the movie!" (Which wouldn't, I realize, make for a very entertaining video.)