
My Adventures with Superman opening sequence:

Very charming, very anime. I wish the animation of the actual show (as seen in the trailers) could be of this quality, but I guess you have to figure that more money and time is going to be lavished on the OP than can be afforded for the regular production.
My Adventures with Superman opening sequence:

Very charming, very anime. I wish the animation of the actual show (as seen in the trailers) could be of this quality, but I guess you have to figure that more money and time is going to be lavished on the OP than can be afforded for the regular production.
Giving me Legend of korra flashbacks me happy.
First episode is out:

it's a lot more family friendly than I was expecting. Interesting choice to make Lois also a intern as well. She's usually already an experienced journalist when Clark meets her.
First episode is out:

it's a lot more family friendly than I was expecting. Interesting choice to make Lois also a intern as well. She's usually already an experienced journalist when Clark meets her.

I was wondering if she body switched with Steve Lombard before the series started.

There was one line that made me think Jimmy is sweet on Clark too?
Nah. Jimmy is Supergirl’s man. :)

Has it been 5 years since Mechad Brooks got real death threats for pretending to like Supergirl, a fictional character?

Has America matured enough since then?

Was there a huge backlash over Captain America being black now?

Or can't white trash racists afford Disney Plus?
I wasn’t a fan of that pairing. Not because he’s black but because he was too handsome looking. What I like that about Kara liking Jimmy is that Jimmy is usually portrayed as a nerd. Just makes the pairing more adorable.
Jimmy has not been "Supergirl's man" for ... I actually can't remember when he ever was her man, outside of the season 1 will-they-won't-they of the TV show.

Jimmy's been depicted as having a crush on Supergirl a few times, including the 90s animated series, but even in that continuity, Kara ends up with Brainiac 5.

And Jimmy's dated around himself, even dating Lucy Lane for a bit (something the Supergirl TV show also adressed), and in the current comics, he's in a relationship with Silver Banshee.
First episode is out:

it's a lot more family friendly than I was expecting. Interesting choice to make Lois also a intern as well. She's usually already an experienced journalist when Clark meets her.

Really enjoyed the first 2! The cast is good and the comedy was actually pretty funny. Excited for this.
So.. that's the inevitable take on Superman for the Gen Z audience. Amusing.

His Sailor Moon transformation sequence was..something.
Has it been 5 years since Mechad Brooks got real death threats for pretending to like Supergirl, a fictional character?

I guess its been that long, but there's still some CW/SG fans--some counting themselves among the most "progressive"--who rail at the series for making Olsen black and--as you point out--having romantic feelings for Supergirl.

Has America matured enough since then?


Was there a huge backlash over Captain America being black now?

Yes, and they are still ranting about that (see some of the bigger right wing "geek" channels on YouTube), already preemptively trashing Captain America 4 without knowing a thing about it, all because Cap is no longer the blond, strong male idea carved out of the American dream.

That level of resentment intensified with the debut of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, where the plots spotlighting (predicting) the hatred of a black Captain America, the truth regarding black Americans' irrevocably crucial role in the foundation and success of the nation, and the rub that after bitching their desire to see Bucky become the new Cap (as if he was in some line of inheritance), set the usual suspects off on a campaign of hate that is not going away anytime soon.
First episode is out:

it's a lot more family friendly than I was expecting. Interesting choice to make Lois also a intern as well. She's usually already an experienced journalist when Clark meets her.

I found the show to be okay. I wonder where the robot went at the end of the first episode. Also it seems Krypton was devastated by war, and I guess someone intentionally turned the yellow sun red. Maybe it's not destroyed?
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