Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

That's not even close to my issue with Kirk here. He should be a "Walking stack of books with legs" right now.
No - he's definitely serving on a ship somewhere as Gary and he knew each other for 15 years at the time of TOS S1 Where No Man Has Gone Before. At 7 years from taking command of the Enterprise, he's already served on the U.S.S. Republic, and put Ben Finney on report, and has encountered a Cloud Creature that killed the Caprain and half the crew of the U.S,S. Farragut. (Which IMO was why having Kirk in command of the Farragut in the SNW S1 A Quality of Mercy alternate timeline was (IMO) a nice touch.
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No - he's definitely serving on a ship somewhere as Gary and he knew each other for 15 years at the time of TOS S1 Where No Man Has Gone Before. At 7 years from taking command of the Enterprise, he's already served on the U.S.S. Republic, and put Ben Finney on report, and has encountered a Cloud Creature that killed the Caprain and half the crew of the U.S,S. Farragut. (Which IMO was why having Kirk in command of the Farragut in the SNW S1 A Quality of Mercy alternate timeline was (IMO) a nice touch.
I was referring to his personality.
I was referring to his personality.
If he was a stack of books with legs his entire career, I doubt he would have rose to command the Starship Enterprise. Even in the early episodes if there's anything about Kirk, he may have read the book, but he didn't often follow it.

And Gary Mitchell was referring to Kirk's time as an instructor at Starfleet Academy; which he is past at this point. (And his overall attitude may have changed after Gary aimed that little blonde lab nurse at him that he almost married. And if that was indeed Carol Marcus, at this point he also knows he has a child that he's never seen, and decided to honor her request to stay away.)
If he was a stack of books with legs his entire career I doubt he would have Rose to command the Starship Enterprise. Even in the early episodes if there's anything about Kirk, he may have read the book, but he didn't often follow it.
Obviously not his entire career, but more serious and by the book doesn't strike me as unreasonable at this age for Kirk.
Here's some speculation/a canon question ....

In TNG, I believe Picard mentions that he attended the wedding of Sarek's son. It's never outright stated to be Spock. Just kinda implied.

Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, we could end up with a flash-forward where Spock and Chapel are married at some point post-TOS movie era? That they take the long way round and find each other again after everything.

I can't think of anything within the original canon that would preclude that as a possibility.
“Captain's log, stardate 45236.4. As I study the intelligence reports on Ambassador Spock's disappearance, I cannot help but feel a deeper, more personal concern about this mission, for I know this man through his father.”

Seems like he’d have mentioned having gone to his wedding if it’s happened.
Yes, because the First Contact uniforms in Lower Decks are just the spitting image of the live action ones (obviously I'm being sarcastic).

The medium of animation has to simplify details to make in manageable so obviously things will look different in live action. Are people really being that ridiculous (hypothetical question. I have no doubt that they are!).
They are. I was called a dipshit on FB for pointing out that differences between animation and live-action are obviously going to happen.
“Captain's log, stardate 45236.4. As I study the intelligence reports on Ambassador Spock's disappearance, I cannot help but feel a deeper, more personal concern about this mission, for I know this man through his father.”

Seems like he’d have mentioned having gone to his wedding if it’s happened.
Did we ever see Sybok's body? Picard attended Sybok's wedding! :eek:
They are. I was called a dipshit on FB for pointing out that differences between animation and live-action are obviously going to happen.
True; but I will say they could have done a closer red color for the LDS live action version of the uniforms, but probably didn't because it would pretty much be the red color of the current SNW live action uniforms - and they probably WANT to do more to highlight the fact the LDS crew are not wearing SNW era uniforms.
Here's some speculation/a canon question ....

In TNG, I believe Picard mentions that he attended the wedding of Sarek's son. It's never outright stated to be Spock. Just kinda implied.

Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, we could end up with a flash-forward where Spock and Chapel are married at some point post-TOS movie era? That they take the long way round and find each other again after everything.

I can't think of anything within the original canon that would preclude that as a possibility.

There is nothing in canon to preclude that possibility. I was never a Spock/Christine shipper before SNW, but now that has become my headcanon.
“Captain's log, stardate 45236.4. As I study the intelligence reports on Ambassador Spock's disappearance, I cannot help but feel a deeper, more personal concern about this mission, for I know this man through his father.”

Seems like he’d have mentioned having gone to his wedding if it’s happened.
He could’ve gone as a guest of the bride or he was assigned to be a server or something since a lot of important Starfleet people would be there.
“Captain's log, stardate 45236.4. As I study the intelligence reports on Ambassador Spock's disappearance, I cannot help but feel a deeper, more personal concern about this mission, for I know this man through his father.”

Seems like he’d have mentioned having gone to his wedding if it’s happened.
Also, the fact that Spock runs off to Romulus without any indication of his wife seems pretty telling. I always found the two lines quite strange, and figured that Sarek and his last wife (Perrin?) had a son and Picard attended that wedding.
Also, the fact that Spock runs off to Romulus without any indication of his wife seems pretty telling. I always found the two lines quite strange, and figured that Sarek and his last wife (Perrin?) had a son and Picard attended that wedding.
Are you implying that Spock had a half brother that we've NEVER HEARD OF? That's lunacy. Surely if that was the case there must have been a reason he was never mentioned. They must be a starfleet regulation or something.
Also, the fact that Spock runs off to Romulus without any indication of his wife seems pretty telling. I always found the two lines quite strange, and figured that Sarek and his last wife (Perrin?) had a son and Picard attended that wedding.

On the other hand, if Spock and Christine married in the 2320s, Christine might have already passed away before 2368, when "Unification I & II" are set. She would have been something close to 140 by then. That would explain why there's no mention of contacting Spock's wife.
On the other hand, if Spock and Christine married in the 2320s, Christine might have already passed away before 2368, when "Unification I & II" are set. She would have been something close to 140 by then. That would explain why there's no mention of contacting Spock's wife.
It would seem strange since Picard met Sarek once "at his son's wedding" yet he only knows of Spock through history books and the mind meld.
Wasn't there a novel where Saavik is Spocks wife?

Yeah, Spock married Saavik in the novels set in what is now called the "First Splinter Timeline." I prefer the idea of him marrying Christine though.

It would seem strange since Picard met Sarek once "at his son's wedding" yet he only knows of Spock through history books and the mind meld.

It would depend on his role at the wedding. If he was a junior aide to a senior Starfleet officer who scored an invite as a social courtesy at a large ceremony, I wouldn't expect Ensign Picard to have spent more than two seconds exchanging polite greetings. Hell, there were people I only met for the first time at my wedding and I don't think I exchanged more than a few moments' pleasantries with them.
It would depend on his role at the wedding. If he was a junior aide to a senior Starfleet officer who scored an invite as a social courtesy at a large ceremony, I wouldn't expect Ensign Picard to have spent more than two seconds exchanging polite greetings. Hell, there were people I only met for the first time at my wedding and I don't think I exchanged more than a few moments' pleasantries with them.
I guess. I just struggle with how they are presented. Saying "I only know a person from another's memories and from history books" while witnessing their wedding is odd to me, to say the least.