Strange New Worlds renewed for a fourth season

I'm hoping for seven seasons.
I'm hoping for 15 episodes per season.

But all evidence points to a 5 season run without an increase in episodes.
Glad to hear it, if it goes to 7 seasons that would be a miracle. I suspect that Season 5 will be the last, depends on production money and if Anson Mount wants to keep going, until Pike ends up in that wheelie bin
5 Seasons seems to be the magic number now.

7 Seasons would bring it right up to when Kirk takes over Enterprise. I could see a desire to try to stretch it out to amp up for a Reboot TOS series, although the same could be accomplished with 5 seasons and a movie or something like that.

I could see leaving it at 5, letting Pike and Co. have some offscreen adventures, and then make the turnover to Kirk something that involved a movie event.
Not that I expect it to happen but I would love to see a 2024 version of TOS without the 1960's cultural baggage. (I am watching Charlie X and cringing, so glad times have changed, in the West at least)
Not that I expect it to happen but I would love to see a 2024 version of TOS without the 1960's cultural baggage. (I am watching Charlie X and cringing, so glad times have changed, in the West at least)

I feel like they're pretty clearly signaling plans to do exactly that.

I'll always hate the idea of it done this way. As a total reboot, unconnected to the rest of the universe? Yeah cool sure. Doing it and saying it's with the rest of the universe, actually erasing TOS from the continuity? I hate it.

As time goes on i'm... accepting that TOS is erased. I don't like it. But i'm accepting it. SNW is helping that because it's actually done generally pretty well.
Spoiler alert: he didn't.

He did not. That is absolutely correct. It is explicit in 2009 that it is an alternate universe. Totally fine.

TOS is a parallel branch.

Because of the Temporal Time War.

False, according to Paramount. TOS is the Prime Timeline. They have been adamant about that.

I agree, it's an easy fix to make DSC/SNW a splinter timeline, but they have been absolutely adamant that it is not the case.


By "erased", I don't mean erased from the existence in the real world. I mean "erased" as removed from the continuity.
False, according to Paramount. TOS is the Prime Timeline. They have been adamant about that.
I get that, and normally I'm OK with that but this whole "erased" thing is complete at odds with the rest of Trek for a long ass time.

By "erased", I don't mean erased from the existence in the real world. I mean "erased" as removed from the continuity.
Yes, and likely as not probably not. There are multiple ways around this, including since TMP and Gene going "Eh, just a dramatization of Kirk's logs, not the real events" in the novelization.

So, parallel Prime Timeline, were the characters move forward, and the events, but with minor differences. Which, to me, is how it's been since Enterprise.
As time goes on i'm... accepting that TOS is erased.
This again?
I think at this point, I tend to think of Star Trek in the same way as superhero stories. They're our sort of modern mythology, and like the legends of classical Greece or Viking sagas, they get told, retold, reinterpreted and changed as time goes on.

I like the idea of the Temporal War creating branches and alternate timelines very much, as it neatly explains all the changes brought about by shifting culture, differing creative visions etc. But at the end of the day, I just want to be spun a good yarn.

Fortunately, SNW is rather good at that, so far. :)
I see it ending after Season Four.

When a show is renewed for another season while the forthcoming season is in production, it's done for a reason (the reason being it's getting the axe soon :shifty: ).

Paramount announces cancellations at the last second :( (Disco was cancelled while the cast was at sea on the Star Trek Cruise! :scream: NCIS: Hawaii ended the series on a cliffhanger! :eek: )
Oof... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I certainly hope for a fifth season.
Or at least, four seasons and a movie? I could live with that.
I see it ending after Season Four.

When a show is renewed for another season while the forthcoming season is in production, it's done for a reason (the reason being it's getting the axe soon :shifty: ).

Paramount announces cancellations at the last second :( (Disco was cancelled while the cast was at sea on the Star Trek Cruise! :scream: NCIS: Hawaii ended the series on a cliffhanger! :eek: )
If a merger/buyout takes place, you've got to wonder that leaves a fourth season!

Have they started filming yet? If they have, then that's a positive sign.

Edit: Scratch that, they haven't even finished the third.:brickwall:
Oof... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I certainly hope for a fifth season.
Or at least, four seasons and a movie? I could live with that.
A movie for the theatre? Not gonna happen. Pike is not an iconic figure in the public eye, unlike Spock, Kirk and Scotty. A movie for the streaming media? Yeah, probably.
This again?

This is a bit more targeted. I was specifically referring to a theoretical situation where we get quite literally a rebooted TOS with Kirk's Enterprise.

At that point, the two shows become completely incompatible, the original version of TOS would be default have to be removed from the continuity.