Poll STP vs PIC vs...?

What should the acronym for Star Trek: Picard be

  • STP

    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • PIC

    Votes: 38 52.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 25.0%

  • Total voters
As a European, I'd favo(u)r PCR because the final D in Picard is supposed to be silent. P-KAAR.
Though that ship has sailed and sunk decades ago.

Memory Alpha is already going with PIC, btw.
I like that approach. Would you use S31 for the Georgiou show if it ended up being called Star Trek: Section 31?

I'm not sure. S31 ("Ess-Thirty-One") sounds odd, and I think just Section 31 would be better, but it does have the benefit of separating the show from the organization. It might grow on me and is without a doubt what everyone else will use.
As a European, I'd favo(u)r PCR because the final D in Picard is supposed to be silent. P-KAAR.
Though that ship has sailed and sunk decades ago.

Memory Alpha is already going with PIC, btw.
Memory Alpha decided on an abbreviation convention long ago and will probably never deviate from it. Multi-word = initialism, one word = first 3 letters, If we had "Star Trek: Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade" and "Star Trek Assignments", I'm sure they would call them QBGGHAHA and ASS without missing a beat.
Picard. It's 6 letters. Not that difficult to spell.
Maybe it is :D
Picard. It's 6 letters. Not that difficult to spell.

But it has more than one syllable. That makes it harder for some to spell, never mind enunciate. :guffaw:

Just as long as it doesn't become "S-TP". And that depends. But likely will if the first couple of episodes fall into the terlet. :eek: