Poll STP vs PIC vs...?

What should the acronym for Star Trek: Picard be

  • STP

    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • PIC

    Votes: 38 52.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 25.0%

  • Total voters
But is it canon?

"Ting," I believe, is the standard pronunciation of TNG, at least everytime I hear it (outside the few who go letter-by-letter for some reason). DS9 is two syllables ("Dees-Nine"), usually. I'm trying to use it with one syllable, but it doesn't work right. DSC is just one syllable ("Disc"), so it's impossible to go fewer.

Huh? I have never heard that "standard pronunciation" of TNG in my life. In my experience, people just spell it out ("Tee-Enn-Gee") or say "NextGen." And DS9 is always three syllables: Dee-Ess-Nine.
I will be referring to it as 'Scottish Murder'*

* This gag will make sense to three other brits of a certain age.
There will never be consensus on the "real" initials for the new shows and honestly, as long as it's obvious what you're talking about I don't care what each person calls it. :)
Personally, I think "Other" would be the worst of the three suggested acronyms, for a multitude of reasons:

1. Except for the T and R, none of the letters in "Other" are contained within Star Trek: Picard, and the T and R are included in every Star Trek show, for that matter. It could potentially cause confusion with TNG, the only actual show to contain all the letters in "Other", albeit not in order.

2. It's a five-letter acronym, as opposed to three letters for the other series. Let's have some consistency here. This will be like the fight over "Disco" all over again.

3. It implies that Picard will be a lesser show, that "other" Star Trek show and not a full entry in its own right. That's just being mean to the showrunners.
Seriously, though, I'm personally tired of acronym fights. I avoid them in general discourse with regards to one-word shows. It's TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, then Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, and now Picard.

Like: "The latest Picard episode was just like my favorite TNG episode." "What was the name of the Yeoman in last night's Discovery episode? Wasn't she in TOS?" "Enterprise did better with Section 31 than Discovery, but not as well as DS9."
This is about the official line, not consensus (eg. DSC as opposed to the unofficial DIS, “STD”).
I ask how this impacts the interaction with the show and its quality?

Honestly, I think the Internet exists for people just to have arguments now.