Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

It's really the clumsy use of the term "refit" that has caused any consternation for fans who care about this stuff. It was the same for the Stargazer last season.

Riker just misspoke. He meant "It's the new Titan-A, Neo-Constitution class. They built her using parts from my old ship... I almost feel like there's still a part of me in there..." or similar.
It's really the clumsy use of the term "refit" that has caused any consternation for fans who care about this stuff. It was the same for the Stargazer last season.

Riker just misspoke. He meant "It's the new Titan-A, Neo-Constitution class. They built her using parts from my old ship... I almost feel like there's still a part of me in there..." or similar.

Yeah that was really the only blip, a minor quibble that shouldn't be too difficult to move past. It's hardly the first time Riker has said something that didn't line up. Anybody remember trilithium? Shit happens, we can just as easily assume he misspoke as any other explanation.

It's been a minute since I rewatched the episode so my memory may be fuzzy, but couldn't we also easily assume that the Titan-A had recently undergone its own refit at the 5 year mark? Maybe Riker is referring to a new refit for the Connie3 class. Perhaps that's the entire reason why it's sitting at dock in the first place and gave Riker his excuse to perform the "inspection" just before it resumed normal duties. It recently received a new refit for its class and that's the cover story for his arrival just before it's about to depart. Any references to it being his "old command" are referring to the legacy name, and the jazz library is due to the canalized parts from its predecessor.

As for the fans that absolutely must take Riker's words strictly interpreted as a refit of his Titan, a bandaid explanation has already been provided by dave+picardlogs. The endeavor began as the Titan refit project, which Riker was overseeing before handing the resulting ship off. But while it was in-progress the engineers decided to pivot toward cannibalizing the parts for a different class instead, and named the new ship after its organ donor. Due to the new ship being the result of what was supposed to be the Titan refit project, the engineers and Riker still affectionately called it the Titan Refit, a bit tongue in cheek.
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Riker just misspoke. He meant "It's the new Titan-A, Neo-Constitution class. They built her using parts from my old ship... I almost feel like there's still a part of me in there..." or similar.
It's not like they can just rebuild ships...
Just because something wasn’t spelled out in absolute minutia level detail doesn’t make it a plot hole.

Time is money and this show is expensive, sometimes things just have to be left unsaid and explained in ways that doesn’t cost as much as screen time.

What exactly is he supposed to do if he doesn’t have the budget for shit?
Not spend it on sfx and remaking the bridge of a destroyed ship and just tell a good story. He had a better budget than many other shows.

I don't need stuff spelled out so don't try that nonsense. But when I watch a top quality show I also don't have to follow various social media to make certain things make sense
Which he did. The rotten tomatos professional and community ratings bear that out.

You appeal to the majority, not pandering to the pedantic nitpickers

Welcome to the TrekBBS, the site of pedantic nitpickers.

And I don’t care about RT or community ratings. If something doesn’t make sense to me and I need it spelled out, the story failed.

For example: Why did Vadic’s other changeling crew need to assume the forms of alien bird people and talk in an alien language to her?
Welcome to the TrekBBS, the site of pedantic nitpickers.

And I don’t care about RT or community ratings. If something doesn’t make sense to me and I need it spelled out, the story failed.

For example: Why did Vadic’s other changeling crew need to assume the forms of alien bird people and talk in an alien language to her?

Because they weren't able to properly hold a shape and by extension are only able to communicate in the way their physical form can permit. Vadic calls her crew misshapen and frankly is condescending to them when they fail her.

Its clear they're inferior versions of these..modified changlings which is why they're being used as foot soldiers and not infiltrators
That was never stated in the show.

Pretty sure she calls her crew misformed, or at least one specific crewmember.

Yeah, in Episode 6, she says the next "ill-defined, unshapen one of you"

These aren't like the others. Changlings yes but..not good ones, which is why Vadic is their superior..she's literally better than them
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Just because something wasn’t spelled out in absolute minutia level detail doesn’t make it a plot hole.

Time is money and this show is expensive, sometimes things just have to be left unsaid and explained in ways that doesn’t cost as much as screen time.

What exactly is he supposed to do if he doesn’t have the budget for shit?
Not spend it on sfx and remaking the bridge of a destroyed ship and just tell a good story. He had a better budget than many other shows.

I don't need stuff spelled out so don't try that nonsense. But when I watch a top quality show I also don't have to follow various social media to make certain things make sense
I'd rather have some 'fill it yourselves' background info holes and the D plus bridge, than all details explained and no D at all :D

It's really the clumsy use of the term "refit" that has caused any consternation for fans who care about this stuff. It was the same for the Stargazer last season.

Riker just misspoke. He meant "It's the new Titan-A, Neo-Constitution class. They built her using parts from my old ship... I almost feel like there's still a part of me in there..." or similar.
"It wasn't him, it wasssissassisstant!"
Thanks Terry.

Oh, wait, you’re not Terry.
Why the Hell can't you make up reasonable chit for yourself.

Those of us that started with TOS have been happily doing that for over 50 years.

That is the height of a self absorbed child, that has to have everything spelled out for them.

Use your own imagination for gods sake.
TV shows are supposed to be Entertainment, not Educational Diatribes.
Why the Hell can't you make up reasonable chit for yourself.

Those of us that started with TOS have been happily doing that for over 50 years.

That is the height of a self absorbed child, that has to have everything spelled out for them.

Use your own imagination for gods sake.
TV shows are supposed to be Entertainment, not Educational Diatribes.

Considering that you have some personal beef with me that I have yet to understand why, I’m just going to ignore this blatant attempt to bait me into some stupid argument with you. Buh bye.
You make demands of the shows that are unreasonable and obviously beyond the scope of what the producers can accomplish with their tight budgets and production schedules and then dismiss and complain when that is pointed out to you.

I find it hard to fathom some times why you even bother to continue watching, except to complain about the fact that it wasn't done exactly the way you wanted.
That's not a "personal beef", that's astonishment and confusion as to how you enjoy watching something that apparently doesn't meet your specifically high standards.

And since you have apparently brushed me off, I guess this conversation is over.