Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

The Titan legacy before this year consisted of mentions of the NCC-80102 in NEM more than 20 years ago, one appearance in LD and that's about it. Nothing's been dishonored or ruined.
I feel like people are hanging their hat on the "Titan legacy" hook because they want to seem like their opinion is more elevated than "the titan design wasn't good enough to be the Enterprise"
You're not making any sense, he would never say it before because it would be a damn spoiler.

No, you're not listening. He made the statement after the show ended. So it's a suspect statement. We don't know if that was what he was planning all this time; that's just what he's saying after the fact. Just like how Braga stated years after the fact that FutureGuy was supposed to be Archer. He clearly didn't think that when ENT was on the air.

There's a possibility that the ship was going to be renamed the USS Picard, but at the last minute someone might have made a change.
Like it or not, intended or otherwise - the Titan / Titan-A / constitution II, III / Enterprise / ‘Refit’ / renamed / retro-styled / Shangri-La’d, whatever-it-is-amacation - is incredibly convoluted from a writing POV - hence why it’s a source of great discussion.


Ps: not a criticism of the design itself, which I really like - just the backstory given.
Hell, Captain Braxton from VOY has more of a legacy than the Titan.
Well.. to those of us that have read the Titan book series for over a decade, then YES.. it has a legacy,

Even in trek cannon, Riker was its captain for over a decade doing things that granted the next ship an A .. Just because you don't see a legacy, doesn't mean there isn't one.
Well.. to those of us that have read the Titan book series for over a decade, then YES.. it has a legacy,

Even in trek cannon, Riker was its captain for over a decade doing things that granted the next ship an A .. Just because you don't see a legacy, doesn't mean there isn't one.

I feel like any feelings of legacy went out the window when the trailer mentioned the name Titan and then showed the Neo-Connie instead of the Luna. Then we all spent weeks and weeks deciphering and debating what it meant for a ship to be a refit and how this never really felt like Riker's Titan.
Fun Fact: Human eyes can't actually see in 4k. It's a gimmick used to sell fancier tvs.

They COULD film at the light levels needed for the displays then tweak the levels in post. Or use the trick they used on the E-D set to cut bounceback on the recreated set. Apply a light, translucent layer of black ink to the parts of the displays not showing graphics.
One estimate says the human eye has a resolution of 576 megapixels:

"human eye has only about 6 million “cones” which see color" - see above, estimated 576 megapixels
"focus area’s" and "milometers" :crazy:
In canon we know he's Captain from 2379 until at least 2382. By the time his son Thad was diagnosed with his terminal illness he'd already resigned his commission and moved with his family to Nepenthe.
You really don't think that craps all over the Titan's name and legacy? Why not just make the Titan-B the Enterprise-G and leave the Titan-A alone? :shrug:

Because then if Star Trek: Legacy got made, they wouldn't be able to use the Titan-A CGI model that's already been built and paid for.

The Titan legacy before this year consisted of mentions of the NCC-80102 in NEM more than 20 years ago, one appearance in LD and that's about it. Nothing's been dishonored or ruined.

Nonsense! Riker's Titan made two appearances on Lower Decks! ;)
The Titan legacy before this year consisted of mentions of the NCC-80102 in NEM more than 20 years ago, one appearance in LD and that's about it. Nothing's been dishonored or ruined.

Actually, Nemesis never revealed the Titan's registry number. That was from the novels. We knew nothing about the ship other than its name.
I know that. I was using the registry as shorthand. We all know that's Riker's Titan. Plus it saved me having to type the ship's name all over again.
All I can say is that I hope all the griping about the E-G doesn't jeopardize ST:Legacy. I will be mightily p*ssed if the haters cost us a continuation show.
I don’t think Legacy will happen, to be honest. Considering we’re in the era of streaming compression and how expensive shooting in LA is, it seems unlikely to happen.

Her later being renamed Enterprise was just icing on the cake
yeah an icing made of fondant...
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