Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

I had thought Worf and Raffi equipped her with the cloaking device and used it to look for Riker, but I guess that was actually one of Titan’s shuttles, so apparently she’s been forgotten in orbit somewhere.
Enterprise-G quarters look so depresive like Gotham underground when we compare it with three generations older Enterprise-D. Man Jack's quarters on Enterprise-G look like Splinter's and TMNT home in underground. No view of the stars no nothing. So depressive.

They're junior officers' quarters. It's pretty well established that junior officers' quarters aren't as nice as senior officers' quarters, and captain's quarters can be better than senior officers' quarters.

Also, Jack's quarters aren't that bad. They're better than the junior officers' bunks aboard the USS Cerritos. Honestly his quarters still look nicer than my freshman year college dorm room.

Enterprise NCC-1701 pre TOS had great quarters. Much better than Enterprise-G. So seven generations before G, Enterprise had much better quarters with great windows even for loitens.

Yeah, but the Enterprise in the 2250s also apparently only had half as many personnel as she had during Kirk's five-year mission.

Hey could've been worse. They could've renamed La Sirena the Enterprise-G

...what happened to La Sirena anyway? She disappeared almost as fast as Laris.

I had thought Worf and Raffi equipped her with the cloaking device and used it to look for Riker, but I guess that was actually one of Titan’s shuttles, so apparently she’s been forgotten in orbit somewhere.

I guess she was still sitting in the Titan's shuttlebay after delivering Worf and Raffi to the ship following Ro's death. Picard and co. probably didn't take La Sirena to get to the Fleet Museum after the Borg control signal activated because it would have been too large and attracted too much Borg attention -- though I have to admit, I would have preferred to see the Next Gen crew aboard La Sirena since she was the hero ship for most of Picard. Y'know -- the crew goes from the Picard hero ship to the Next Gen hero ship, a nice little bit of symmetry. Not a big deal though.
The furniture in the cabins on Pike's SNW Enterprise definitely looks like it could have been seen in "The Cage(TOS)." There are some really serious mid-century design vibes going on with those chairs and sofas.
I guess she was still sitting in the Titan's shuttlebay after delivering Worf and Raffi to the ship following Ro's death
I think she’s too big to fit into Titan’s shuttlebay, unless Titan is also equipped with Voyager’s magically expanding shuttlebay technology, lol.
All I can say is that I hope all the griping about the E-G doesn't jeopardize ST:Legacy. I will be mightily p*ssed if the haters cost us a continuation show.
All I can say is that I hope all the griping about the E-G doesn't jeopardize ST:Legacy. I will be mightily p*ssed if the haters cost us a continuation show.
I wouldn't worry, any decision will be based on how well the show performs - if the producers listened to angry fans complaining on the internet, Discovery and Picard would have both ended after a single season.
Enterprise-G quarters look so depresive like Gotham underground when we compare it with three generations older Enterprise-D. Man Jack's quarters on Enterprise-G look like Splinter's and TMNT home in underground. No view of the stars no nothing. So depressive.

Enterprise-G quarters:


Enterprise-D quarters:

I normally don't get involved in the whole "too dark" argument but his quarters are absolutely stupid looking. Where the hell is that light coming from and what has happened to the ship environmental systems. The whole room is full of dust or smoke or something.
Why is he in his own quarters?
He's an Ensign..
He should be in a hallway, or a room with more than 1 roommate..
Why is he in his own quarters?
He's an Ensign..
He should be in a hallway, or a room with more than 1 roommate..
Thats a good point, you would think he would be in a room with a bunk at least, even if he got the room to himself.

May have to go rewatch the scene as Im not sure whether it was implied the bunk that Picard and Riker had was the only one in the room or whether it was implied there were other bunks.

That said he is "special counsellor to the Captain", whatever that job entails, maybe that offers him a room of his own - Harry Kim had his own room on Voyager which I assume was due to being Operations Officer.

Sidney described her quarters as basic and small when Jack was flirting with her in the turbolift but never mentioned sharing with anyone so it sounds like Titan officers, even Ensign's, may get their own room.
Thats a good point, you would think he would be in a room with a bunk at least, even if he got the room to himself.

May have to go rewatch the scene as Im not sure whether it was implied the bunk that Picard and Riker had was the only one in the room or whether it was implied there were other bunks.

That said he is "special counsellor to the Captain", whatever that job entails, maybe that offers him a room of his own - Harry Kim had his own room on Voyager which I assume was due to being Operations Officer.

Sidney described her quarters as basic and small when Jack was flirting with her in the turbolift but never mentioned sharing with anyone so it sounds like Titan officers, even Ensign's, may get their own room.

Maybe like Eternal Ensign Kim, that its the Billet that got them there own quarters. If your a permanent bridge officer, or some special assignment.

But should be atleast 2 beds like Burnham and Tilly in Disco.
Yeh they should have had a second bed - even if in a potential series we see him on his own in that room, Tilly didn't have a room mate before Burnham arrived so if a Cadet can get a spare 2 birth to herself an Ensign can.

Speaking of Harry... its hilarious how his Memory Alpha entry still lists him as an Ensign as we never saw him otherwise - if he appears in the future I know there will be jokes that he should still be an Ensign but I think it would be hilarious if Seven made Captain before him :lol:
I normally don't get involved in the whole "too dark" argument but his quarters are absolutely stupid looking. Where the hell is that light coming from and what has happened to the ship environmental systems. The whole room is full of dust or smoke or something.
That's just streaming-era Trek though; a juvenile 'dark' tone to the storytelling, and the lights always turned down to hide the cheapness of the sets. :shrug:
I don't put much stock in registry numbers being an absolute "tell" of a ships age. I mean, Discovery got its registry because someone liked Halloween.

But you're right about that convo. I had forgotten about that. Clearly, at least at that point, The Constitution was the "bee's knees" of Starship posting. I mean, The Enterprise was the flagship.

Still, with their size and clearly adaptable structure, I can't help but wonder if the Crossfield class managed to really make a name for themselves, beyond the "loss" of Discovery and Glenn.
During the TOS era, and even into the TOS movie era, there's no mention or indication that the 1701 is the Federation flagship. That seems to be something that was retconned after TNG made no bones about the fact the 1701-D was the Federation flagship.

(And yes in Strange New Worlds Dr. M'Benga does mention he's the chief medical officer on the Federation flagship. So it's been retconned into the Pike area)
That's just streaming-era Trek though; a juvenile 'dark' tone to the storytelling, and the lights always turned down to hide the cheapness of the sets. :shrug:
The set from behind the scenes photos does look good though so I don't think thats the case - it was an artistic decision pure and simple.

I don't normally get into the complaints about the set lighting, but I will admit I do agree they should have been lit more brightly.

The Bridge set when it was used in season 2 for the Stargazer was lit perfectly, it was bright but realistically so and looked stunning.

It spent most of its time at Red Alert though, and ships have been shown to lower the lighting at Red Alert for dramatic effect since Voyager and First Contact.
I normally don't get involved in the whole "too dark" argument but his quarters are absolutely stupid looking. Where the hell is that light coming from and what has happened to the ship environmental systems. The whole room is full of dust or smoke or something.

The establishing shot for this had the Enterprise near a sun
Yeh they should have had a second bed - even if in a potential series we see him on his own in that room, Tilly didn't have a room mate before Burnham arrived so if a Cadet can get a spare 2 birth to herself an Ensign can.

Speaking of Harry... its hilarious how his Memory Alpha entry still lists him as an Ensign as we never saw him otherwise - if he appears in the future I know there will be jokes that he should still be an Ensign but I think it would be hilarious if Seven made Captain before him :lol:
He's been too busy playing his clarinet to get promoted.
The furniture in the cabins on Pike's SNW Enterprise definitely looks like it could have been seen in "The Cage(TOS)." There are some really serious mid-century design vibes going on with those chairs and sofas.
And the bridge of the Farragut had viewers of the same design as on the The Cage bridge