Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

(Sorry. I might have been drinking. But not green beer. We don't do that in Ireland. That's very much an American thing.)
To be fair the TOS corridors always felt warmer and more inviting to me than TNG Era ones. The overhead lighting in purples, greens and other colors. The soft hum of the ship's machinery. It all looked warm and cozy.
You need to go visit the full TOS set recreation in Ticonderoga, NY if you haven't already. Been there and it's absolutely amazing!
Can someone tell me on this Frontier day poster on the top is that Enterprise from TOS movies or Enterprise from Strange New Worlds?

surrender your fan card by tuesday. :D
I only live about 2 hours away from there and have yet to get there. :(
It's a must for any TOS fan! I live in a different state but have visited multiple times. I've met Shatner there as well.

They're working on the complete TNG sets, but COVID has slowed them down. I think they're almost done with TNG bridge.
I grew up with the TOS sets as my favorite Starfleet interiors and I'd love to sit on that bridge and strike a heroic pose. Right before they ask me to leave for declaring myself Emperor Edward the First of Earth and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Starfleet.
I grew up with the TOS sets as my favorite Starfleet interiors and I'd love to sit on that bridge and strike a heroic pose. Right before they ask me to leave for declaring myself Emperor Edward the First of Earth and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Starfleet.
As a kid watching TOS reruns in the 70s, I imagined visiting the ship. These sets made that happen. Almost a religious experience the first time I visited! They've done all the sets. And they got all the details right, according to my discerning eye! They pretty much had to pry me out of the Captain's chair! :lol:

Star Trek TOS Set Tours
Interesting that they switched up the text colouring from black-and-red to white. Safety requirements changing?
I kinda love everything about the Intrepid.... except the "stinger". Just the way is juts forward, reminds me of the one thing I genuinely disliked about the JJPrise with the way the engineering hull was l pushed just a little too forward in relation to the neck. Otherwise it's gorgeous.

Note again the bridge window in the concept art. Someone really must've hated the windows enough to change them at the last minute.
Interesting that they switched up the text colouring from black-and-red to white. Safety requirements changing?
It was the same on the Stargazer and Titan too, white on the concept art/model but black on the final model.

Also again, just like the Titan Concept model, there's a bridge window, but no bridge window on the final episode model.
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