News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

MASH did go downhill a little the more control Alan Alda had over the show. It was still good but IMO the early seasons are best. I am also a bigger fan of Frank Burns than Winchester.
MASH did go downhill a little the more control Alan Alda had over the show. It eas still good but IMO the early seasons are best. I am also a bigger fan of Frank Burns than Winchester.
It depends. Winchester, BJ, Margaret, and Klinger all grew so much in later seasons. Hawkeye and Winchester have an incredible heart to heart in Sons and Bowlers. Or, in Bombshells they are so bored they start a rumor and have to get out of a jam. They're dynamic shifts in a way Burns was never allowed to.
MASH did go downhill a little the more control Alan Alda had over the show. It was still good but IMO the early seasons are best. I am also a bigger fan of Frank Burns than Winchester.

I've heard things like this about MASH a million times, and I completely fail to understand why people think this. The first three or four seasons of the show, while quite funny, were also quite generically sitcom-y. Most of those seasons consisted of the 'doctors-doing-goofy-antics' trope, with very little seriousness or real character development. This was precisely why Wayne Rogers, Larry Linville and MacLean Stevenson left the show; they realized that there wasn't anything more they could do with their characters because the sitcom nature of the show didn't allow for their relatively one-dimensional characters to grow and evolve. It wasn't until the later seasons that the tone shifted from sitcom to comedy-drama, and I think the show only got better because of that. Had it kept going with the sitcom format, it probably would have gotten old and stale, and cancelled after the fourth season. Instead it evolved into something better than what it started out being.
I will disagree because because all dialog reveals character.

There are literally scenes in Discovery where Michael looks at her tricorder and says aloud - when alone - what her tricorder is reading.

The Mosley incident was a brilliantly executed case of office politics... Take out by far the most experienced writer on staff. Say what you will about season 1 of that series, but they had a great bench of good writers starting out.

I was so stoked when Walter Mosely was brought on the writer's team. Easily the best writing chops short of Chabon in terms of name representation.

I would be very interested to hear at some point what plans he had for the series.
There are literally scenes in Discovery where Michael looks at her tricorder and says aloud - when alone - what her tricorder is reading.
Kusco: and that's...bad?

'Cause I've seen that in several shows I quite like. Farscape springs immediately to mind.
Kusco: and that's...bad?

'Cause I've seen that in several shows I quite like. Farscape springs immediately to mind.

My point is that doesn't convey character, when you said all dialogue conveys character.

IMHO though, yes, it's bad. Provided she's not talking over communicator to someone else or something. Because she's literally only saying things aloud (rather than in her head to herself) for the benefit of the viewer.

This is something, BTW, I've worked over a lot in my own writing. It's called infodumping, and you should minimize it as much as possible in order to have a compelling story. One reason why TNG began the trope of the conference room presentation is it's an easy way within universe to hide the infodumping (and maybe work in some light conflict/characterization). And one reason why the "farmboy" trope (where the main character is a rube for whom everything is new) is so common is because it provides an excellent reason for the character (and hence the viewer) to have things explained to them)

I love hearing Giamatti is in Trek, but MY GOD Kurtzman needs to get rid of this fixation that Trek needs “villains”. His shows have never really made any villains worth remembering.

Paul Giamatti is a great addition!

But why does a show centered on Starfleet Academy need a villain?

I think we will be seeing a repeat of DISCO... great casting let down by bad writing. (I hope I'm wrong.)
People seem quite fond of Georgiou and Lorca.

People liked Lorca until he became the villain. The overwhelming consensus is he should have been kept more morally gray.

Opinions on Georgiou (if you mean MU Georgiou) are more divided, though I don't think she really ever counted as a villain save for maybe in the Season 1 finale, for a few minutes.

Maybe Giamatti is just playing the uptight dean of Starfleet Academy who's tired of the main cast's antics and determined to shut down their fraternity.

Sadly no...

Set phasers to stunned. In another casting coup, the upcoming Paramount+ series “Star Trek: Starfleet Academy” has cast Emmy winner and multiple Oscar nominee Paul Giamatti in a recurring guest role as the first season’s main villain, who has a sinister connection to the past of one of the (yet to be cast) cadets.

I'm already groaning internally.
People seem quite fond of Georgiou and Lorca.

I liked Lorca right before he turned into a mustache twirling villain the moment it was revealed to be from the mirror universe.

Georgiou is more of an anti-hero than a straight up villain, otherwise she wouldn’t have become Disco’s ally.

Maybe Giamatti is just playing the uptight dean of Starfleet Academy who's tired of the main cast's antics and determined to shut down their fraternity.

I’ve heard some say he could be the “Snape” of the Academy, which I’d be in favor of. But again that just shows current producers using the “villain” terminology wrong. “Antagonist” I felt was always the more appropriate term. Trek really only has a few true villains I can of, but because producers think so much of WRATH OF KHAN that there’s this seeming need to create more iconic villains. Moll and L’ak being the latest examples of Trek villains absolutely fell flat for me.
I’ve heard some say he could be the “Snape” of the Academy, which I’d be in favor of. But again that just shows current producers using the “villain” terminology wrong. “Antagonist” I felt was always the more appropriate term. Trek really only has a few true villains I can of, but because producers think so much of WRATH OF KHAN that there’s this seeming need to create more iconic villains. Moll and L’ak being the latest examples of Trek villains absolutely fell flat for me.

IMHO Trek only did a compelling villain once, and he's right there in my icon. It helps that he had multiple seasons of buildup. Though of course the resolution was a bit underwhelming, even then.

The best villain of the Kurtzman era - by far - was the Diviner on Prodigy. You know, the show they canceled.
My point is that doesn't convey character, when you said all dialogue conveys character.
And I would disagree, because it conveys the character's reaction to the situation, even if it is "infodumping."

But, I am an unusual sort in that such infodumping scenes do not bother me. As I said, I owe this in part to a theater background, and seeing it in various shows I've enjoyed across the years.

IMHO though, yes, it's bad. Provided she's not talking over communicator to someone else or something. Because she's literally only saying things aloud (rather than in her head to herself) for the benefit of the viewer.
Yeah, I can't get behind this. I talk to myself out loud a lot. So I relate to the character far more with such monologuing.

Mileage will vary. I get that drama and screen time requires efficiency of time use but damn that restrictions on dialogue drives me nuts.
His shows have never really made any villains worth remembering.
I remember Lorca, Commodore Oh and Vadic quite well.

Also Nero from ST 09, which is one of my personal favorite Trek villains of all time.
Trek really only has a few true villains I can of, but because producers think so much of WRATH OF KHAN that there’s this seeming need to create more iconic villains. Moll and L’ak being the latest examples of Trek villains absolutely fell flat for me.




Borg Queen (groan inducing but memorable, nonetheless).



