News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

1987 was known as The Year of Holly Hunter as it opened with Raising Arizona and closed with Broadcast News, heralding the emergence of a small Southern dynamo.

Not to mention ''the wee inspector'' in COPYCAT. Which features Sigourney Weaver. Who spoofs TREK hilariously in 2000.
Six or less degrees of TREK in any direction.....
Which is fair. People will have their own personal favorites.

I began watching Trek right at the very end of TNG, with VOY actually being the first one I got to watch from beginning to end as it aired.

I didn't actually see TOS until several years after that. I *DO* have a sort of nostalgia for TOS in that I absolutely venerate it as being the genesis of the thing I love, and I actually have grown to love the styling of it. I wasn't there for when it was new, but I appreciate it for what it is, and I truly dislike that new stuff is changing it.
The new stuff isn't changing anything.
Hunter is brilliant. I think she might be the most decorated actor (at time of casting) in Trek's history, no? And for my money her performance in Broadcast News was every bit as good as The Piano.

Also Saving Grace was a solid show (despite its goofy premise), where she starred alongside Leon Rippy. #pit-wolfies.

What an amazing get. I think my interest in the show just doubled. Maybe tripled. (Ofc I once said the same thing about Yeoh.)
She was also pretty damn good in "Mr. Mayor", the recent Ted Danson comedy series.
I Do hope that they have a freshly minted Captian Rayner as part of the Academy series. Need someone to be a hard ass to the cadets. Bad cop to Tilly's good cop. Honestly out of everybody on Disco, I want Rayner to move over to The Academy series.
I'm going to give it a chance. If it becomes a touch freely teen version of Grey's Anomony, then it will not be my cup of tea.

If it's a mixture of TNG's " Coming of Age" and "The First Duty" and DS9s "Valient " with a streak of Lower Decks, ( tng ep and/or cartoon) than I can definitely watch this. Teen angst is fine. I just hope they tone down the love triangles and back stabby stuff. Some of that is ok but dont go overboard. . I also wouldn't mind seeing storylines from the adult mentors perspective. Will come in with an open mind.
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I Do hope that they have a freshly minted Captian Rayner as part of the Academy series. Need someone to be a hard ass to the cadets. Bad cop to Tilly's good cop. Honestly out of everybody on Disco, I want Rayner to move over to The Academy series.

Unless they pull a Captain Shaw and kill him off in the Discovery finale.
Unless they pull a Captain Shaw and kill him off in the Discovery finale.

He's a not-Burnham character that's been given some background... he's toast.

Mostly VFX, costumes and sets, all of which have been given a modern twist. Which was inevitable. A couple characters had some depth added. But over all most of TOS fits in fine with SNW

I'll respond to this one last one and then i'm going to go away on the topic. It's a never ending circle.

But... you had previously said "they haven't changed anything", and then in the response to my next comment, you essentially said "Well, except for the stuff they changed."

The logic doesn't follow that they didn't change anything, but they changed things. It would be more accurate to say you don't care about the changes that were made, not that there no changes. Because there were. I can provide visual evidence.
Unless they pull a Captain Shaw and kill him off in the Discovery finale.
The actor said they had plans for Rayner in Season Six. So unless the reshoots involved killing him off, probably not.
He's a not-Burnham character that's been given some background... he's toast.

I'll respond to this one last one and then i'm going to go away on the topic. It's a never ending circle.

But... you had previously said "they haven't changed anything", and then in the response to my next comment, you essentially said "Well, except for the stuff they changed."

The logic doesn't follow that they didn't change anything, but they changed things. It would be more accurate to say you don't care about the changes that were made, not that there no changes. Because there were. I can provide visual evidence.
I don't think I said that. My position is TOS and SNW work fine together. Upgrading the sets, VFX, costumes and other things are no different than casting Mount and Romjin as Pike and Number One. Necessary for the show,
The actor said they had plans for Rayner in Season Six. So unless the reshoots involved killing him off, probably not.
I don't think I said that. My position is TOS and SNW work fine together. Upgrading the sets, VFX, costumes and other things are no different than casting Mount and Romjin as Pike and Number One. Necessary for the show,
Yes indeed. The show is about *checks notes* humans and their interactions in exploring strange new worlds. TOS, in particular, made a very great effort to avoid calling out the technology. The technology was there to serve the plot and go from A to B. The Enterprise was a nice ship, but it was still just a ship. The phaser did what was needed, as did the tricorders that could do psychological assessments and then not.

The tech is not a character. SNW does an update. That's it. The stories matter, the characters matter, more than the set dressing. And before it comes back, "Hey, well they should just pull a Star Trek continues," this is also a for profit business meant to draw in the largest audience possible (straight from the TOS Writer's Bible). How is the 60s era design accuracy doing that?
Yes indeed. The show is about *checks notes* humans and their interactions in exploring strange new worlds. TOS, in particular, made a very great effort to avoid calling out the technology. The technology was there to serve the plot and go from A to B. The Enterprise was a nice ship, but it was still just a ship. The phaser did what was needed, as did the tricorders that could do psychological assessments and then not.

The tech is not a character. SNW does an update. That's it. The stories matter, the characters matter, more than the set dressing. And before it comes back, "Hey, well they should just pull a Star Trek continues," this is also a for profit business meant to draw in the largest audience possible (straight from the TOS Writer's Bible). How is the 60s era design accuracy doing that?
Exactly. OTOH, if they said "The Doomsday Machine" or even "And the Children Shall Lead" never happened, I'd be singing a different tune. :lol: