News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

Yep, "no one asked for" really means "I do not want" and they aren't secure enough to just say it, so they universalize it this way.

I too am lukewarm on it, but will definitely give it chance. There are at least decent odds it will be pretty good.

Yup - this all the way.

In addition - just check out the Picard forum and the "Lets rewrite season X" threads for perfectly terrible examples that demonstrate why individual fans shouldn't always get what they ask for.

Also - the argument is kinda nonsense in this case. Many fans for years (basically since the 80s) have been asking for Star Trek content focused on SFA to be produced. Its not like its come from nowhere, and indeed many people over the years "have asked for it".
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There have been multiple comics, novels and videogames based around Starfleet Academy. Clearly there is interest.

Yeah, I remember Space Quest V, where Roger Wilco started as a cadet in starfleet academy. And I start to think, if Starfleet Academy come with an underdog cadet like Roger Wilco as the main character and have to fight over a girl against "Captain Quirk" of the era. It will be cool and funny. Specially when captain Quirk is basically a Starfleet hero, a decorated officer, charming, but womanizer like Kirk.
There have been multiple comics, novels and videogames based around Starfleet Academy. Clearly there is interest.

I never knew that...



I never knew that...


Off the top of my head....
The Best and Brightest (featuring the first gay relationship in Trek)
Starfleet Academy (novelisation of the game, but fleshed out and pretty good)
YA novels:
Whole series of Starfleet Academy books about the TOS and TNG characters as cadets
A series of Kelvin Universe Academy books.
DC did an Academy prequel special with Kirk and company
IDW did a limited series about new cadets in the Kelvinverse
There's a current series about Picard's time at the academy
And the Starfleet Academy game had a sequel, Klingon Academy starring Christopher Plummer in live-action video cutscenes.

Oh, and merchandise. I have a Starfleet Academy keychain which I've had for the better part of a decade.
Off the top of my head....
The Best and Brightest (featuring the first gay relationship in Trek)
Starfleet Academy (novelisation of the game, but fleshed out and pretty good)
YA novels:
Whole series of Starfleet Academy books about the TOS and TNG characters as cadets
A series of Kelvin Universe Academy books.
DC did an Academy prequel special with Kirk and company
IDW did a limited series about new cadets in the Kelvinverse
There's a current series about Picard's time at the academy
And the Starfleet Academy game had a sequel, Klingon Academy starring Christopher Plummer in live-action video cutscenes.

Oh, and merchandise. I have a Starfleet Academy keychain which I've had for the better part of a decade.
You missed the best one. The Starfleet Academy comic that Marvel comics did that focused on Nog's time at the academy.
Holy shit, how did I forget that? I adored that comic.

Fun fact about that series. The author, Christian Cooper, came to national attention a few years back. He is the black man who was racially profiled by a white woman who called the cops on him while bird watching in Central Park. He recently had his own bird watching show premiere on National Geographic; "Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper", which debuted a month or so back.

I'm glad those who did got what they wanted. But, I will never ask for a specific Star Trek thing because that's not what Trek is.

Yea, although sometimes there are certain things I want, like a Picard spin off following up on the post Dominion War
era. Still, it doesn't mean I'll inherently dislike it something else

I'm glad those who did got what they wanted. But, I will never ask for a specific Star Trek thing because that's not what Trek is.

It was the fans who brought Trek back from cancellation in the sixties.

A noisy, demanding fandom is as much Trek as Kirk and Spock. :cool: