Star Trek XIV: What do you want?

What would you like from the next Star Trek movie?

  • Paramount+ tie in

    Votes: 11 9.3%
  • Kelvin continuation

    Votes: 60 50.8%
  • New crew

    Votes: 18 15.3%
  • TNG Reboot

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • Prime continuation

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • New TOS reboot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other (write below)

    Votes: 13 11.0%

  • Total voters
I wonder if they should just do a Prodigy movie for theatres and be done with it.

That way, they can bring in some members of TNG (Riker and Troi on the Titan, Worf on the Ent-E or some Klingon ship or even the Defiant) to feel secure that the movie with draw, but it still focuses on the PRO cast and won;t cost much to make.
Star Trek Generations II featuring the Kelvin and Next Gen crews.
Actually I liked Generations but it wasn't really the epic TOS/TNG team-up anybody dreamt of.
So thinking about the next best option - have a triumphantly reunited gang from last year on Picard crossover with the 2009 reboot cast already.
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Star Trek Generations II featuring the Kelvin and Next Gen crews.
Actually I liked Generations but it wasn't really the epic TOS/TNG team-up anybody dreamt of.
So thinking about the next best option - have a triumphantly reunited gang from last year on Picard crossover with the 2009 reboot cast already.

It would probably break the bank if they got everyone.

Though if they wanted a crossover on a smaller budget, focus on Picard, Riker and Troi for TNG. And Kirk, Spock and Uhura for the Kelvinverse.

And Brent Spiner in a double role as Data and some Kelvinverse Soong.
The problem with another Kelvin movie is that there's not really a reason for it aside from "just because". There's no real narrative in the movies to build on.

If they do another, I would want it to give some sort of closure to the whole thing. There's a part of me that wants some kind of like, Avengers Endgame scenario where we have the a threat to the multiverse and by the end of it, we've got a downright cavalcade of damn near 60 years of Star Trek converging and resulting the sacrifice of the Kelvin Universe to allow others to survive.
resulting the sacrifice of the Kelvin Universe to allow others to survive.
I don't see why that would be in any way necessary.

And speaking of Avengers, this relates to a major issue I have with recent developments in the superhero film genre. In both Marvel ( Strange 2, Loki ) and DC ( Flash ), the universes are somehow literally colliding, as though they all occupy some kind of meta-three-dimensional space. But why should this be the case?
I don't see why that would be in any way necessary.

I see it as a full circle kind of thing. It was created through an accident, to be destroyed in correcting another.

And speaking of Avengers, this relates to a major issue I have with recent developments in the superhero film genre. In both Marvel ( Strange 2, Loki ) and DC ( Flash ), the universes are somehow literally colliding, as though they all occupy some kind of meta-three-dimensional space. But why should this be the case?

It's a narrative way to have some sort of interaction between them in a way most people can understand.

Canonically in Star Trek, there is "distance" between universes. It's why the Mirror Universe is so relatively easy to access, it's "close" to the Prime Timeline. DSC establishes that these distances shift over time, to the point that by the 32nd century, the Mirror Universe was too far away to access. (and interestingly enough, the Kelvin Timeline had some interaction with the Temporal Wars).
I just keep thinking about the Kelvin timeline equivalent of the TMP pyjamas, as they'll surely have to set this thing in the 2270's?
I just keep thinking about the Kelvin timeline equivalent of the TMP pyjamas, as they'll surely have to set this thing in the 2270's?
Isn't Admiral Pike already in the KT equivalent, and it's all about denim?

I suspect they'd switch to re-rebooted Space Mountie uniforms. The new Enterprise-A looks more like the TOS Enterprise than the classic -A, so they should be similarly flexible on the costumes.
Isn't Admiral Pike already in the KT equivalent, and it's all about denim?

I suspect they'd switch to re-rebooted Space Mountie uniforms. The new Enterprise-A looks more like the TOS Enterprise than the classic -A, so they should be similarly flexible on the costumes.
Well, I'd still like to see a bearded Karl Urban fresh out of the disco in that case :D

A Kelvin timeline equivalent of the monster maroon would be cool to see, i must admit.
Isn't Admiral Pike already in the KT equivalent

The admiral uniforms are, since Marcus wore the same uniform.

But what uniform the crew wears depends on the script.

It’s entirely possible that the main cast on a world that resembles the Wild West, looking like cowboys and whatever else of the era, and it’s just a Western. Meaning they never wear a Starfleet uniform at all for the entirety of the film.
The admiral uniforms are, since Marcus wore the same uniform.

Yeah, the KT Admiral uniforms have a distinct TMP vibe to them.

I'm going to mirror another comment, a KT version of the monster maroons probably look similar to the '09 cadet uniforms.


Maybe it will just be a fun story all on its own.

Meant to respond to this earlier, slipped by.

It's not a terrible to thing to just be completely stand alone stories, and mind you I don't necessarily mean have them connected to anything else from the greater Trek universe. I do think that things that are more connected "internally" at least are more interesting. ST2, 3 ,4 being something of a trilogy is a standout compared to the rest of the TOS Trek movies because there is connective tissue between them.
It's not a terrible to thing to just be completely stand alone stories, and mind you I don't necessarily mean have them connected to anything else from the greater Trek universe. I do think that things that are more connected "internally" at least are more interesting. ST2, 3 ,4 being something of a trilogy is a standout compared to the rest of the TOS Trek movies because there is connective tissue between them.
The simplest answer is it depends.
The simplest answer is it depends.

Sure but that's the simplest answer for just about anything.

I think the movie would be most interesting by somehow tying it back to the first one, with some more direct consequences of what had occurred there now creating issues. Maybe riff on the deleted scenes of Nero and the Narada having been captured by Klingons for 20 years, which can also bring in shades of Into Darkness with gearing up for that war Admiral Marcus wanted. Add in a dash of Beyond, with maybe Kirk going rogue or something, because... idk... the Federation was going to abandon a colony world (hell, maybe Yorktown?) to avoid a conflict with the Klingons, but Kirk goes on a stand about how they can't do that.

If they did want to bring in a TOS type thing, work in Gary Mitchell along with it
You had me until here.

Spitballing ideas. I did specifically add in if they wanted to.

Heh, if you didn't like that, you REALLY wouldn't like what I was originally going to put in place of Gary Mitchell... running with the background stuff from '09, and expanding on the Klingons experimenting on Narada for awhile... Kelvin-Klingon Borg. The Klingon bastards were partially successful in reverse engineering some of the Narada's tech... unfortunately that tech came with some side effects.

I don't know if I even want that.