Star Trek XIV: What do you want?

What would you like from the next Star Trek movie?

  • Paramount+ tie in

    Votes: 11 9.3%
  • Kelvin continuation

    Votes: 60 50.8%
  • New crew

    Votes: 18 15.3%
  • TNG Reboot

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • Prime continuation

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • New TOS reboot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other (write below)

    Votes: 13 11.0%

  • Total voters
I want something akin to Yesterday's Enterprise. The Enterprise-A gets involved in a final time travel mission where Unlike the Enterprise-C going forward in time the Enterprise-A gets thrown back in time to right before the events of the '09 film and they sacrifice themselves to put right what went wrong. (Yes I made a Quantum Leap reference love the original show.)
I respect that the above is what you would want but if that was actually the next film, it would very likely be the first one I would refuse to pay to see (specifically—if it turned up on something I already pay for, I might check it out eventually). My point is not to suggest your wishes are wrong but rather to point out the challenges the makers face in terms of their choices. My firm wish is that nothing tries to “fix” the Kelvinverse because A) I like it quite a bit, and B) I want it to be a viable story setting indefinitely because it’s not something that needs “fixing”. Your wish directly contradicts mine. Totally fine (I don’t own Trek) but a challenge to those who do. What I would never do, though, if your version (or something like it) gets made is denigrate those who like it (not saying you in particular have done something like that about Kelvinverse, but some people have).

In any case, while I once felt reasonably optimistic about more Kelvinverse films, I’ve long since stopped expecting any new ones.
Not really excited for another. If they decide to so another it's best to go another route. Maybe do a different starship and crew in the Kelvin universe.
I respect that the above is what you would want but if that was actually the next film, it would very likely be the first one I would refuse to pay to see (specifically—if it turned up on something I already pay for, I might check it out eventually). My point is not to suggest your wishes are wrong but rather to point out the challenges the makers face in terms of their choices. My firm wish is that nothing tries to “fix” the Kelvinverse because A) I like it quite a bit, and B) I want it to be a viable story setting indefinitely because it’s not something that needs “fixing”. Your wish directly contradicts mine. Totally fine (I don’t own Trek) but a challenge to those who do. What I would never do, though, if your version (or something like it) gets made is denigrate those who like it (not saying you in particular have done something like that about Kelvinverse, but some people have).

In any case, while I once felt reasonably optimistic about more Kelvinverse films, I’ve long since stopped expecting any new ones.

I’m all for more kelvinverse films I was just throwing out ideas.
If its going to back the last one with the Kelvinverse cast, then should it be something that fits with what pop culture thinks is Star Trek? By that, I mean:

  • ripped shirt fistfights
  • a phaser goes off
  • an overpowering alien with a ridiculous yet sympathetic agenda
  • Kirk as a womanizer sleeping with every green alien woman out there
  • a female guest star who has romantic tension with Kirk
  • a redshirt to get blown up/ a bunch of redshirts die
  • a little Bones and Spock squabbling
  • Scotty to give it all she's got
  • Vasquez Rocks
  • topical soapboxing
  • the Klingons show up
  • Kirk outlogics a computer
  • the first <insert minority group here> captain
  • Even the “Amok Time” fight scene music and dueling

Could even have callbacks to Khan, and the TNG crew (ex. a bottle of Chateau Picard, a Soong android in development, somebody growing the beard), though they should not be the focus at all.

I know they been doing a number of the above to varying degrees in the Kelvin trilogy. But what I mean is that, should it just be the pop culture idea of Trek, and nothing else?
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Reimagination of TMP. It should be the 2270s if years have passed in story time as they have in the real world. It's a couple of years since the end of the 5 year mission. Spock is on New Vulcan. Uhura, Kirk, and others are all off on other assignments. The death of Chekov brings them back together. Meanwhile, a mix of TAS and TMP characters are now the crew of the Enterprise. I would combine the idea of the "Great Experiment" and the "Refit Constitution" in one ship idea. 1701-A or possible B and Excelsior are from the new design.

The V'Ger Emergency happens and Kirk is successful in regaining Command of the refit Enterprise and the crew have one final adventure together. At the end Fleet Captain Kirk has the new Enterprise. Newly promoted Captain Sulu commands Excelsior and Una Chin Riley is Fleet Captain in command of the Constellation.

Important that it happens differently this time. Maybe a different ship makes the initial contact, is destroyed and the "orbital devices" do serious damage to Earth. Maybe a Federation Fleet fights V'Ger but Uhura looks again at the initial message from V'Ger when she is back on ENT and sees that there is a way to communicate with it. But I would rather a different resolution. Maybe they do have to blow the ship up at the core of V'Ger and destroy it. This is a call back to ST IV where they rush from elsewhere to save Earth and sacrifice the ENT like in ST III.
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Reimagination of TMP. It should be the 2270s if years have passed in story time as they have in the real world. It's a couple of years since the end of the 5 year mission. Spock is on New Vulcan. Uhura, Kirk, and others are all off on other assignments. The death of Chekov brings them back together. Meanwhile, a mix of TAS and TMP characters are now the crew of the Enterprise. I would combine the idea of the "Great Experiment" and the "Refit Constitution" in one ship idea. 1701-A or possible B and Excelsior are from the new design.

The V'Ger Emergency happens and Kirk is successful in regaining Command of the refit Enterprise and the crew have one final adventure together. At the end Fleet Captain Kirk has the new Enterprise. Newly promoted Captain Sulu commands Excelsior and Una Chin Riley is Fleet Captain in command of the Constellation.
Annoying but yes I think V'Ger is inevitable. Good story idea.

I would not use the Excelsior. I would use Intrepid, Vanguard, Gaganyaan, or possibly a Vulcan or Andorian name.
I wouldn't so much mind seeing them take a crack at a V'ger story again, but they'd need to lose Will Decker and the "Soap Opera: The Motion Picture" plot.
You mean you don’t want to see Karl Urban randomly arriving and leaving the bridge without saying anything? :lol:

(I actually like TMP a fair bit, but I’ve always found those moments unintentionally funny)
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Yeah, I wouldnt have Will Decker. Or if he is in it, he is the Captain of the ship that makes the first contact with V'Ger, but the ship is destroyed with all hands, and that ends the chance of the V'Ger threat ending the same way.

Ilia, M'Ress, Arex, Saavik, Cmdr. Sulu and a new Captain are the bridge crew of Enterprise. Not sure who should be Captain. Maybe Una Chin Riley? Id like to see her in it, but I picture her leading the Fleet that is getting its asses kicked by V'Ger during the space battle. It could be Capt Spock. I preferred him on New Vulcan since the death of his elder self. But if he were Captain it could be like ST II. Where Kirk taking command (this time to deal with the V'Ger emergency) is something Capt Spock supports. Kirk doesnt havent to go around anyones back, like Kirk did to Decker.

I imagine a number of scenes like Kirks apartment in the TOS films when dealing with the death of Chekov but off world. I think they should say it happened like it did in real life. He died in an accident. Shuttle crash or somesuch. Works well with the V'Ger themes about the meaning of life. Is this all that there is? Using characters and story elements of several TOS movies is in order since I think this would be the last one. I do think it should end with them mostly going their separate ways. The idea that one group of 5 "crew" stay together till their 50s and 60s and "Stand down" together was silly.

Kirks Ent-B, Capt Sulus ship, and Una in her ship all fly off into the sunset. Leaves open further stories, but could be a good end for the NuTOS film series.
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Yeah, I wouldnt have Will Decker. Or if he is in it, he is the Captain of the ship that makes the first contact with V'Ger, but the ship is destroyed with all hands, and that ends the chance of the V'Ger threat ending the same way.

Promote Branch from the Epsilon IX station to Captain and call it a day.
A buddy comedy stranded on a weird alien planet. Call it Kirk and Spock. Just them. Save a fortune on the rest, maybe Uhura is on the radio at key points.
Spock is on New Vulcan. Uhura, Kirk, and others are all off on other assignments.

Uhura should be with Spock on New Vulcan, unless that relationship is already over at the start of the film. And in that case, is Spock with T’Pring? Or even Leila Kalomi or the female Romulan Commander? For that matter, would Uhura be with Scotty? Or even Kirk?

I would combine the idea of the "Great Experiment" and the "Refit Constitution" in one ship idea. 1701-A or possible B and Excelsior are from the new design.

No Ent-B; that should be Sulu’s daughter’s ship, and the only involvement the crew should have with it is seeing it off on its maiden voyage.

Stick with the Ent-A. There’s no reason the Ent-A can’t be the testbed for the “Great Experiment”, and receive a refit at the same time. The “Great Experiment” should be the refit!

I think the Excelsior already exists, as one of those ships with the red hull. Though its registry is NCC-1729, not NCC-2000.

The V'Ger Emergency happens and Kirk is successful in regaining Command of the refit Enterprise and the crew have one final adventure together. At the end Fleet Captain Kirk has the new Enterprise. Newly promoted Captain Sulu commands Excelsior and Una Chin Riley is Fleet Captain in command of the Constellation.

If Sulu is captain at the start of the movie, and he should be, he should have been captain for a few years.

Important that it happens differently this time. Maybe a different ship makes the initial contact, is destroyed and the "orbital devices" do serious damage to Earth. Maybe a Federation Fleet fights V'Ger but Uhura looks again at the initial message from V'Ger when she is back on ENT and sees that there is a way to communicate with it. But I would rather a different resolution. Maybe they do have to blow the ship up at the core of V'Ger and destroy it. This is a call back to ST IV where they rush from elsewhere to save Earth and sacrifice the ENT like in ST III.

Maybe V’Ger destroys several Klingon or Romulan colonies on route to Earth, and the destruction is like the what was done to San Francisco by the whale probe.

Maybe the Romulans and the Klingons can help the Enterprise defeat V’Ger, as a precursor to setting up the Nimbus III outpost.

Ilia, M'Ress, Arex, Saavik, Cmdr. Sulu and a new Captain are the bridge crew of Enterprise. Not sure who should be Captain. Maybe Una Chin Riley? Id like to see her in it, but I picture her leading the Fleet that is getting its asses kicked by V'Ger during the space battle.

Even though I already put forth Branch to be promoted to Captain in a post above, why not Scotty as Captain? Scotty in the captain’s chair is something from TOS the Kelvin films haven’t done yet. And Scotty does hold the rank of Captain in the TOS films.

Ilia…will she be Branch’s love interest in the film, or Kirk’s? Seeing as there will be no Will Decker. And I am increasingly comfortable with the idea of Carol Marcus being in a relationship with McCoy in the Kelvinverse, instead of her being with Kirk. If she’s Kirk’s love interest, when V'ger joins with the Creator, Kirk can reconcile making a sacrifice like his father did on the Kelvin, to save the crew and Earth.

Agree with M’Ress and Arex. Should also add Walking Bear, and Randi Bryce as McCoy’s daughter. Maybe Peter Preston too, though the novelization of TWOK put his age as 14 (even though the actor was 23), meaning he’s 4 during TMP. So, either retcon Preston’s age, or introduce Peter Preston’s sister who is twelve years older than him, according to the TWOK novelization.

Saavik is around the age of 9 during TMP. And for the record, so is Tuvok, if there were any plans to reference his time on the Excelsior. Maybe Sonak or Xon in her place as Spock’s protege. Could also use Dmitri Valtane (aged 15 during TMP) or Lojur as cadets, or even Demora Sulu (aged 17 in TMP, same age as Chekov in ST’09). And David Marcus (age 14-15), if they want to go there.

I already shared my thoughts on Sulu.

It could be Capt Spock. I preferred him on New Vulcan since the death of his elder self. But if he were Captain it could be like ST II. Where Kirk taking command (this time to deal with the V'Ger emergency) is something Capt Spock supports. Kirk doesnt havent to go around anyones back, like Kirk did to Decker.

If Spock’s on New Vulcan, he should be dealing with Spock Prime’s katra.

And a Captain Scott could be just as supportive of Kirk taking command.

I imagine a number of scenes like Kirks apartment in the TOS films when dealing with the death of Chekov but off world. I think they should say it happened like it did in real life. He died in an accident. Shuttle crash or somesuch. Works well with the V'Ger themes about the meaning of life. Is this all that there is?

I guess an accident with a shuttle works to explain Chekov. Though if his absence was explained as him retiring from Starfleet to settle down with Irina Galliulin and became a galactic class chess player, I would not complain about that explanation either.

Could also reference Sarek unexpectedly passing in this same timeframe, to further drive home the themes about the meaning of life.

A buddy comedy stranded on a weird alien planet. Call it Kirk and Spock. Just them. Save a fortune on the rest, maybe Uhura is on the radio at key points.

They could probably save a fortune if everyone but Kirk and Spock were on the radio.

But yeah, a buddy comedy would make a lot of sense, and would be good fun.
It sounds like BEVERLY HILLS BUNTZ with snappier dressers.
Which has nothing to do with anything, really.

If you want to talk about Star Trek, you're welcome to do so. If all you're interested in doing is showing off encyclopedic knowledge of obscure and irrelevant film and TV trivia, then please find a forum where that sort of thing is on-topic, because it's just noise here. A repeat of such action may earn a Spamming warning.
A buddy comedy stranded on a weird alien planet. Call it Kirk and Spock. Just them. Save a fortune on the rest, maybe Uhura is on the radio at key points.

In TOS terms, Kirk and Spock cost the fortune. The rest were comparatively underpaid.:borg:

In Kelvin terms, it sounds like the funniest bits with Spock and Bones in BEYOND.
Uhura should be with Spock on New Vulcan, unless that relationship is already over at the start of the film. And in that case, is Spock with T’Pring? Or even Leila Kalomi or the female Romulan Commander? For that matter, would Uhura be with Scotty? Or even Kirk?

No Ent-B; that should be Sulu’s daughter’s ship, and the only involvement the crew should have with it is seeing it off on its maiden voyage.

Stick with the Ent-A. There’s no reason the Ent-A can’t be the testbed for the “Great Experiment”, and receive a refit at the same time. The “Great Experiment” should be the refit!

I think the Excelsior already exists, as one of those ships with the red hull. Though its registry is NCC-1729, not NCC-2000.

If Sulu is captain at the start of the movie, and he should be, he should have been captain for a few years.

Maybe V’Ger destroys several Klingon or Romulan colonies on route to Earth, and the destruction is like the what was done to San Francisco by the whale probe.

Maybe the Romulans and the Klingons can help the Enterprise defeat V’Ger, as a precursor to setting up the Nimbus III outpost.

Even though I already put forth Branch to be promoted to Captain in a post above, why not Scotty as Captain? Scotty in the captain’s chair is something from TOS the Kelvin films haven’t done yet. And Scotty does hold the rank of Captain in the TOS films.

Ilia…will she be Branch’s love interest in the film, or Kirk’s? Seeing as there will be no Will Decker. And I am increasingly comfortable with the idea of Carol Marcus being in a relationship with McCoy in the Kelvinverse, instead of her being with Kirk. If she’s Kirk’s love interest, when V'ger joins with the Creator, Kirk can reconcile making a sacrifice like his father did on the Kelvin, to save the crew and Earth.

Agree with M’Ress and Arex. Should also add Walking Bear, and Randi Bryce as McCoy’s daughter. Maybe Peter Preston too, though the novelization of TWOK put his age as 14 (even though the actor was 23), meaning he’s 4 during TMP. So, either retcon Preston’s age, or introduce Peter Preston’s sister who is twelve years older than him, according to the TWOK novelization.

Saavik is around the age of 9 during TMP. And for the record, so is Tuvok, if there were any plans to reference his time on the Excelsior. Maybe Sonak or Xon in her place as Spock’s protege. Could also use Dmitri Valtane (aged 15 during TMP) or Lojur as cadets, or even Demora Sulu (aged 17 in TMP, same age as Chekov in ST’09). And David Marcus (age 14-15), if they want to go there.

I already shared my thoughts on Sulu.

If Spock’s on New Vulcan, he should be dealing with Spock Prime’s katra.

And a Captain Scott could be just as supportive of Kirk taking command.

I guess an accident with a shuttle works to explain Chekov. Though if his absence was explained as him retiring from Starfleet to settle down with Irina Galliulin and became a galactic class chess player, I would not complain about that explanation either.

Could also reference Sarek unexpectedly passing in this same timeframe, to further drive home the themes about the meaning of life.

They could probably save a fortune if everyone but Kirk and Spock were on the radio.

But yeah, a buddy comedy would make a lot of sense, and would be good fun.

Kirk: Has spent the last 2.5 years at the Starfleet Mission Control center, like that seen in ST: IV. He is part of a team of experienced Captains who help, advice, problem solve, trouble shoot and mentor currently deployed Captains in deep space. Normally in Navies a typical career would be 1. Four years at sea, then 2. Three to four years shore assignment, then 3. Another 4 years at sea, and so on. Kirk is nearling the end of his shore assignment and is not sure if he should retire afterwards or request a new command.

Una Chin Riley: Commodore or Fleet Captain who oversees the team Kirk is on. Is looking forward to one final 5 year mission as a Captain. Advises Kirk that Command is his first, best destiny. She is assigned to take command of newly christened, 4 nacelle USS Constellation. During the battle with V'Ger, she will be in command.

Scotty: His last couple of years of shore assignment has been overseeing the final stages of the Refit/Great Experiment. Expects to be her Chief Engineer with rank of Captain when ship is christened.

Spock: On New Vulcan. Requested extended leave on New Vulcan instead of a shore assignment. Beginning to see a future as Ambassador Spock. Starfleet has promoted him the Captain to command the ENT-A now that her refit is finished.

Sulu: Is a commander, and XO of the ENT-A. Has served with her throughout her refit and is her acting Captain until Spock returns from extended leave. Was under his command that Chekov crashed in shuttle and was killed. Feels guilt about the incident.

Uhura: Shore assignment has been Xenolinguistics instructor at the academy. Expects and wants a return to the Fleet. Is engaged to another instructor at the academy. Raw emotions about Spock who ended their relationship.

Chekov: killed in a tragic shuttle accident on an alien world. Investigation reveals no suspicious causes. Freak accident.

Other ENT-A crew: Retconned the age of Saavik. She is joined by Arex, Chief DiFalco, M'Ress, and others as you mention.

Chapel: Completed Med School and assigned to join the crew of USS Constellation.

Bones: In private medical practice. Kirk will ask him to return to duty, and he agrees.

Most travel to the World where Chekov died, and they and ENT-A will be there when Starlfleet encounters V'Ger. USS Ranger (not Episilon Station) will signal to Starfleet about a massive surge in subspace comms chatter from the Klingon side. Large numbers of Klingon ships leaving the Neutral Zone border and converging on what long range sensors finally show to be a massive object. It's not 3 ships, like in TMP, it is 100s of Klingon ships attacking V'Ger after it data patterned Qo'noS and its entire population. They are losing badly. Fleet wide mobilization and red alert signalled from Mission Control.

Riley takes command of Constellation and all available ships after the Ranger confirms that the alien is on a course for Earth at extraordinarily high warp. Branch commands the Ranger but the ship is destroyed in the encounter. Spock and Sulu defer to Kirk to command the ENT, and Kirk does so reluctantly. Kirk asks Riley at Starfleet and Riley sends ENT the telemetry from Ranger. After analyzing it, Spock, M'ress and Uhura determine that V'Ger attempted to communicate with Ranger, but the Ranger crew did not realize it. It might be possible to communicate with it. But V'Ger interference when it reaches Earth prevents ENT from communicating this information to the Fleet at Earth.

A planetary distress signal from Earth follows as V'Ger begins its attack. It already determined that the "Carbon based" infestation on Earth must be destroyed. Riley and her crew determine that the torpedoes Vger uses are like a transporter that dematerializes targets and reduced them to data. As a result, they devise a way to use the main deflector to disrupt the torpedoes. THis buys time till Enterprise arrives. "Get them back, ger them back" garbled communications with ENT as in ST IV happen here, where it sounds like ENT has some idea what to do.

I think the final resolution should be the ENT A destroying V'Ger by self destruction.
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So, instead of long, scenic cruise thru V'Ger, Spocks space walk, Ilia being data patterned, her android replica being given a tour of the ship, etc. ENT will have to figure out what V'Ger is and what it wants much more expeditiously.

ENT arrives at Earth, communicates with V'Ger, which temporarily halts it's attack and ENT-A enters the cloud. This time it reaches the center in a few minutes and they learn that it is Voyager 6, that it wants to join with it's creator, etc. Spock is the conduit of this information, as he engages in the mindmeld while they are standing at the Voy 6 probe locale. It speaks thru Spock. Kirk sees that this is not possible and is prepared to give Scotty the previous plan of destroying V'Ger by detonating the ship at the heart of the cloud.

Kirk plans to remain with the ship till the end, not unlike his father. Ram the ENT into V'Ger and explode her. But unlike his dad Constellation and other ships beam combine to beam the whole ENT crew off to their various ships seconds before detonation and explosion.

Later, Sulu becomes Captain of the new Excelsior (or some other ship), one of the new ships is commissioned with Kirk as Captain and the name ENT-B, Riley continues in the Constellation and most of the crew on those ships. Except Spock who accepts the role of Ambassador of New Vulcan to the UFP.

That's the basic idea anyway.
Chekov: killed in a tragic shuttle accident on an alien world. Investigation reveals no suspicious causes. Freak accident..

Art imitating life too closely for comfort in my view. There are numerous ways to explain Yelchin's absence short of eliminating Chekov, of course.

I would enjoy seeing the next TREK film bring in Rand again. Maybe even Kyle as well.