Star Trek Voyager: Protectors by Kirsten Beyer, Jan 2014!

First of all more Kirsten Beyer Voyager. Yay!!!!
And as for the question about news, I've noticed over the last couple years that they seem to be releasing stuff like the blurbs, covers, ect. later than they use to. I don't know if that is from the editors or marketing people, but it is a definite trend.

LOL well the cover for the Peaceable Kingdoms novel appeared Sept. 21, over 3 months before its publication date, so I've been waiting for several weeks for the Protectors cover (10 weeks to go). But guess sometimes one has to wait even if doesn't seem logical! Still glad to hear that this wait will be over soon, thanks to Madzilla for asking, and Ms. Beyer for answering.
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Thank you for posting, Kirsten, and with such great info! Even more to look forward to. :D And I'm intrigued by your mention of a meeting between Janeway and Picard - I've always felt they had a lot in common, on several levels, and yet they've not always seen eye-to-eye in their previous Treklit interactions. So I'm really looking forward to that.

I can't wait! But I guess I can manage a couple more months. ;)

I am now in the process of finishing up the first draft of the Voyager novel which will follow Protectors. It doesn't have a release date that I know of, but it it due to be complete mid-December and is called Acts of Contrition.

Acts picks up right where Protectors leaves off and continues the "bigger" story I've mentioned before which is set to be concluded in one more novel after Acts that is not yet "official." As soon as it is, I'll share more on that front.

So, there you go.r

So is that a working title or the final one?

So 2 more books and that's the end of Voyager or just the end of your run?
So 2 more books and that's the end of Voyager or just the end of your run?

I believe it had been states at one point that this is just the end of the first story arc. The series continues and enters the next season, so to speak, following that.
So is that a working title or the final one?

So 2 more books and that's the end of Voyager or just the end of your run?

That's the final title.

I have no reason to believe that after these two books, Voyager, or my run, will end. This will merely conclude all of the major story arcs that have been in development since Full Circle and take us up to or very near the end of the fleet's first year in the Delta Quadrant.

Beyond that, it's too early to speculate on anything else.

Kirsten Beyer
Simon and Schuster have released the cover :)

Not the worst photoshop cover, but alas, still a photoshop cover. However, it's all about the contents, and I have no doubt it'll be good.
It's weird, at first glance I don't think much of the cover. But then the longer I look at it, the more I notice something indefinable about it that I like.