Star Trek Voyager: Protectors by Kirsten Beyer, Jan 2014!

Hopefully, yes! I have it pre-ordered for both formats but I'm pretty sure the paperback won't get here first unless they send it out super early, as the paperback release date isn't until the 30th here. Though I know that occasionally happens with Treklit; my copy of Full Circle came really early.

I'm going to have to be careful about spoilers, then! I was pretty spoiled for The Eternal Tide but would prefer not to be this time. :)

(Heh, if I'm being really nitpicky then technically this avatar isn't totally accurate either - she's supposed to be a three-star Admiral, not five. But at least she isn't still a Captain. ;))
Yes, um, it would make sense to have the picture on the cover reflect the ranks the characters now have in the books lol (am not expecting any demotions ha) and the current uniforms too! PS Excerpt shows book doesn't waste any time heh, well not surprising from the posted summaries.
OH lol cover pic and link to excerpt was posted on Kate M's page on FB, unfortunately w/ the "old uniforms" since that's what's current on SS site, and Amazon (ack), but it's great that her webmaster has picked up on Protectors - people are commenting there on how they want to buy the book :).
FYI, a couple people who live in Germany in the BBKJ group on FB have said that this book is available at now, they've ordered it, and have been told it will arrive in their mailbox probably on Wednesday, lucky people (LOL)!
That's pretty common. For some reason is always among the first to have the ST books in store (at least a certain number of them). Some australian stores have although been pretty quick in the last year or so IIRC.
That's pretty common. For some reason is always among the first to have the ST books in store (at least a certain number of them). Some australian stores have although been pretty quick in the last year or so IIRC.

Well, any other Germany residing members here who are interested in this book (Voy. Protectors) here's your chance to get a Trek novel before probably most of the rest of us (envy, envy), lol!
PS have just got a report this book is available at a B&N store near the east coast of USA, so since I have to go out Tuesday anyway, I'll be checking my local B&N store(s) too (even tho it's only going to be 10degreesF lol, hopefully I'll get lucky). This is earlier than TET was first found in the USA (the Weds. evening before I believe) so how about that, heh.
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I'm heading into the city this weekend, so I'll have a look in our Waterstones. Although I'm doubtful, I was surprised it even stocked Eternal Tide! But if Germany already has it then there's a chance we do too, so it won't hurt to check.
But only another week to go, I'm so excited!

EDIT: I just read on their website that they aren't due the publication for another couple of months??? I'll look but I'm holding no hopes.
-I nearly had a heart attack when I read '51 days until publication'.
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^I thought there usually was a delay between when the books came out here and when they came out in Europe?
^I thought there usually was a delay between when the books came out here and when they came out in Europe?
That's usually true but Amazon has had the 28th January as the release date for the ebook for some time now, the paperback is released on the 30th. I guess this series has become big enough for us to have the same date as the US! Waterstones is our main bookshop chain but unless it's a mainstream book (eg. The Hunger Games) then it can't hold a candle to Amazon in terms of releases.

Amazon had better be right, I can't wait another two months!!! :ack:

Anyways, if Germany has it early then I'll look this weekend but like I said: I'm holding no hopes.
LOL well I got it, yes at my local B&N in Midwest USA, so how about that. Someone else on FB told me he called 3 B&Ns in his area (in Massachusetts) and the first 2 he was told there had indeed been 4 copies in the store, but they were gone already (?!). But the 3rd one that guy called still had 2 left so they are holding one for him. Where I got mine there were 2 so one left, as of an hour ago lol. Anyway, I'm trying to re-read The Eternal Tide all the way through so now have lots to read (besides the last 2 Fall books too, yikes)!
^I thought there usually was a delay between when the books came out here and when they came out in Europe?
That's usually true but Amazon has had the 28th January as the release date for the ebook for some time now, the paperback is released on the 30th. I guess this series has become big enough for us to have the same date as the US! Waterstones is our main bookshop chain but unless it's a mainstream book (eg. The Hunger Games) then it can't hold a candle to Amazon in terms of releases.

Amazon had better be right, I can't wait another two months!!! :ack:

Anyways, if Germany has it early then I'll look this weekend but like I said: I'm holding no hopes.

Have you spoken to your local Waterstones and asked if they'll get any in, the Bath branch hasn't had any of the Fall novels in and as I understand it, Bath and Derby are comparable in size.

The Book Depository are always good for getting the books either on release day over the pond or a few days later, that's who I used to order mine from before I switched over to my Nook.
I read the Spirit Walk novels (well all the relaunch novels). They weren't bad. But all of Golden's books have a very particular format that I got a bit tired of.

I cant wait until my Protectors ebook unlocks...I have a feeling I wont be able to get it before 1/28. :/