Star Trek Voyager: Protectors by Kirsten Beyer, Jan 2014!

Yes, the distress call originated in an episode from season 2 but if you go exactly 9 years back from where TET ends, you'll be frustrated. The episode in question aired early in season 2, but the "distress call" part won't be obvious to you...until you read Protectors,

Kirsten Beyer

Are you talking about the data download that Voyager received in "Twisted" (after the ship got wrung out like a wet towel) as the distress call?

The producers seemed to set that up for something, but then, apparently didn't continue with it, which I always found was odd.
Well, to me that's late season 1, not early season 2. But I realise that's an iffy area.

Regardless, as a late convert to the Beyer-verse, I await with bated knickers.

^Normally I'd tend to agree that "Twisted" was a late first-season episode (because that's when it was shot), but since it's on Kes's second birthday, I think it works better timing-wise as an early second-season episode.
but he soon discovers that their patient is more than meets the eye. As the remaining fleet struggles to communicate with a dangerous and mysterious alien technology that may hold the key to unlocking an ancient civilization

at last! the Trek/Transformers crossover no-one but me has been waiting for!!!!!!
So did anyone get to Kirsten's panel or reading at Shore Leave? Dying for more info, and curious as to what was discussed at the Janeway panel!
I pre-ordered the book on amazon after reading the synopsis. Glad to see Janeway being recalled to Starfleet HQ, makes things a little more interesting.
I am glad the Demeter is still around. I liked the multi-ship approach to the recent Voyager novels.
I must admit, when the Vesta Class Quirinal and Esquiline were trapped in the Omega Continuum by their saucer and engineering sections (I can't recall which was which), I thought they would perform emergency separations and the surviving sections unite to form a new ship.

The Voyager fleet is rather badly under strength now - will they be getting reinforcements ?
I must admit, when the Vesta Class Quirinal and Esquiline were trapped in the Omega Continuum by their saucer and engineering sections (I can't recall which was which), I thought they would perform emergency separations and the surviving sections unite to form a new ship.

Isn't the Vesta class sort of like the Sovereign class where it can't seperate?
The Sovereign-class can separate. Presumably, most Starfleet designs are capable of it, even the Defiant-class.

I always wondered what name a combined ship would take? Especially in the case of the Prometheus-class. :rommie:
Presumably, most Starfleet designs are capable of it, even the Defiant-class.
What the hell would the Defiant-class have to separate from? It's one discrete body, not different sections combined. Deliberately so, so as to make its various parts less vulnerable in battle.

Avatar does show that its nose-cone thingy is detachable as an emergency warhead, but that's not really the same thing.

Can you make a name out of Quirinal and Esquiline ?

Quinine. It's Kieran Duffy's ship.

Presumably, most Starfleet designs are capable of it, even the Defiant-class.
What the hell would the Defiant-class have to separate from? It's one discrete body, not different sections combined. Deliberately so, so as to make its various parts less vulnerable in battle.

Avatar does show that its nose-cone thingy is detachable as an emergency warhead, but that's not really the same thing.

That's from the DS9 Technical Manual. The warhead is the last-ditch weapon to use when the ship is going down in flames, basically. So yeah, it's a bit of a stretch to call it a separable section; it's kind of the opposite of the usual lifeboat role of a separable saucer.
That's from the DS9 Technical Manual. The warhead is the last-ditch weapon to use when the ship is going down in flames, basically. So yeah, it's a bit of a stretch to call it a separable section; it's kind of the opposite of the usual lifeboat role of a separable saucer.

Yes, that is what I had in mind. However, I wasn't aware it was a warhead specifically - I thought it was a lifeboat and that it had been repurposed ad-hoc in Avatar.