Star Trek V TFF every time I see it..


Vice Admiral
....It depresses me. Not only because the script is so bad it's the movie that also manages to make the Refit Enterprise look like garbage....
Also they didn't do such a good job hiding the Enterprise D hallway sets. The next film did a much better job in all aspects. Though the model effect shots never fully recovered after IV.....
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Generations is the only Trek movie that depresses me. It’s just so downbeat and focused on death. the more I’ve watched TFF over the years the more I’ve appreciated it in spite of its considerable flaws. It’s the most TOS of all the movies and I disagree (TNG sets aside) that the E-A looks garbage; it has my favourite Trek bridge design of all time.
The special effect are ridiculous, even by 1989 standards. Aside that, I think V is as as good as VI actually.

All the actors are absolutely great. Even the Klingons.

V is more Star Trek than almost everything that came after
Generations is the only Trek movie that depresses me. It’s just so downbeat and focused on death. the more I’ve watched TFF over the years the more I’ve appreciated it in spite of its considerable flaws. It’s the most TOS of all the movies and I disagree (TNG sets aside) that the E-A looks garbage; it has my favourite Trek bridge design of all time.

The Effects shots of the E-A in space just looked awful. Too bright and rushed.
The Effects shots of the E-A in space just looked awful. Too bright and rushed.

I was thinking more of the interiors. Yes, the SFX were not good on the whole, some of the shots were really terrible. But I still absolutely love that ship and its design.
Is the story terrible even without the search for a Christian (at least for the humans) god thrown? Yes? Effects bad? Absolutley. But those character moments between Kirk, Spock, and Bones, especially at the end of the film when they're talking about death, accompanied by Jerry Goldsmith's score, I find to be one of the best parts of the entire original six films.
TFF is a noble failure in that it had a decent core and some decent moments (like all the first six films have), but way too many poor creative decisions. But I like TFF better than TVH.

The fx and production look poor even by 1989 standards. But candidly the films got worse looking after TMP and TWOK. Strictly in terms of appearance things started to look just thrown together and cranked out after TWOK. Remaking the fx of TFF wouldn’t make it any better as a film, but it would be easier on the eyes. And it’s sad when TNG on television looked better than Trek on the big screen—that was inexcusable.

The humour is overdone and at the expense of the characters, and that includes the Enterprise by making it a dud. From TSFS onward I look back and feel the show runners didn’t actually like Star Trek.

The whole story setup bugs me and the overall execution is clumsy. The script needed a serious final rewrite.