Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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I’m pretty sure that’s not how the transporter buffer works. Even if you have a continuous power source it’s still likely that the pattern would still determine rate. Scotty was very lucky he survived it.
I’m pretty sure that’s not how the transporter buffer works. Even if you have a continuous power source it’s still likely that the pattern would still determine rate. Scotty was very lucky he survived it.
Well M'Benga did mention something about materializing her once in a while makes it safer than usual. Also, maybe M'Benga's just plain wrong about how safe this all is. He's a doctor, not a transporter chief.

You know, I thought that TOS was so primitive having those restraining belts on insane sickbay patients instead of something more advanced like forcefields. But apparently before Kirk's tenure they didn't have even those primitive belts!
The Khan of TOS has been left behind. Under that Khan, there were no massacres. Under this new Khan, there were massacres. He is described by his descendant as a mass murderer.

SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is
KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless.
SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule.
SPOCK: And as little freedom.
MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked.

The show has canonized the fact that Una Chin-Riley was an Illyrian.
The Khan of TOS has been left behind. Under that Khan, there were no massacres. Under this new Khan, there were massacres. He is described by his descendant as a mass murderer.

SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is
KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless.
SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule.
SPOCK: And as little freedom.
MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked.

The show has canonized the fact that Una Chin-Riley was an Illyrian.
Just think of it as a different timeline. Makes it more enjoyable.
The Khan of TOS has been left behind. Under that Khan, there were no massacres. Under this new Khan, there were massacres. He is described by his descendant as a mass murderer.

SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is
KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless.
SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule.
SPOCK: And as little freedom.
MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked.

The show has canonized the fact that Una Chin-Riley was an Illyrian.
Considering he tried to massacre the crew of the Enterprise very soon afterwards I'm willing to bet Khan covered his massacres up in official records.
As has been demonstrated recently, it is hard for anyone to cover up massacres. There is always evidence left behind. I personally believe that the TOS writers had a different idea of what kind of dictator Khan might be.

I am content to accept it as a different timeline.
As has been demonstrated recently, it is hard for anyone to cover up massacres. There is always evidence left behind. I personally believe that the TOS writers had a different idea of what kind of dictator Khan might be.

I am content to accept it as a different timeline.

I'm not. However, I think that a dictator of 1/3rd of the world killed a LOT of people no matter what. Massacre can be applied to a lot of things, especially compared against other dictators.

Basically, how Napoleon is remembered in some countries versus others.
Started good, then became better as it went along. I like how Pike dealt with Number One being Illyrian. La'an's reaction struck true as well. But the thing that really drives the episode home is Number One's pointed question to herself: how would she be regarded if she wasn't thought of as "one of the good ones?"

I never really thought too much about it before when all we had of Pike's crew was "The Cage" but ever since SNW has become a thing, I've wondered "Why didn't Number One become Captain of the Enterprise after Pike instead of Kirk?" Sadly with Starfleet Command being the way it is, clutching their pearls in public to maintain an image, I think she doesn't become Captain because of their intolerance. That makes the Starfleet Admirals who decide these things hypocrites since the Federation claims to be tolerant, but all it is is a claim. They're tolerant up to a point, then very intolerant after that.

The characterization remains spectular, the planet-of-the-week crisis looks routine at first, but then the plot becomes more and more character-driven to the point where it overpowers any routine.

The Illyrians on this world tried to bend over backwards to get into the good graces of the Federation by not doing what was necessary to save themselves and it ended up costing their lives. This is why you don't bend over for society so completely. That society doesn't have your best interests at heart.

Not powerful enough to be a 10, but deserves more than an "I really liked it!" 8 because there was so much to take away from it... so I'm going to give this episode a 9.
A little flabby, but if that's the worst episode out of the first five as suggested by some of the advanced reviews, we're in really good shape. It wasn't bad at all, just felt like the script needed another pass to make certain elements land harder – Una coming clean to M'Benga and Pike didn't feel very dramatic and mostly seemed to come out of nowhere.

Probably my favorite idea was M'Benga's suggestion that humans just swap out new bigotry to replace the old. I would like to have seen that supported better in the story, but the virus plot distracted from it.

Still, I overall enjoyed the episode.
If they don't recognize it, they filter it out!

Take that, Disco ;)
Somebody changed the SOP (Standard Operation Protocols) in the future for the worse.

So we've all been joking about why Dr. M'Benga gets demoted from CMO before TOS but I have to admit I did not expect we'd be getting the reason (let's be honest, this is probably it) so soon!
At least he had a good reason, to pause the progression or dramatically slow the progression of the disease that he can't cure yet.

His Trek amongst the unknown to find a cure for his daughter reminds me of B5 Crusade and the Trek amongst the Stars for a cure to the Drahk Plague.

Pike's defiance of Starfleet to protect genetically engineered Number One doesn't seem so courageous once you remember he knows the time crystal says he'll still be in Starfleet roughly a decade from now. Even Number One should realize this (and probably did going by her log entry).
Also, if Pike is defending her and still in StarFleet that far in the future, that most likely means he wins any argument or debate.
I would like an opinion on something. In the entrance to the ready room, there are two illustrations of ships. It can be seen at 45:46. Is one of those ships a Daedalus-class? I think the other is a NX class starship.
I would like an opinion on something. In the entrance to the ready room, there are two illustrations of ships. It can be seen at 45:46. Is one of those ships a Daedalus-class? I think the other is a NX class starship.
Yes, the left one is a Daedalus