Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

Well… I’ve messaged Gameprint/Integral Reality Labs to tell them to cancel my order because I’m bored of being fobbed off with weak-ass stock excuses. Unsurprisingly they’re ignoring that too, so I guess I’ll just have to resort to dealing with my bank instead.
It will probably take a year from the ending in October to get all the orders printed. I, for one, am not gonna jump the gun just yet.
If they don't print your order by the 30th, they'll be reaching out for refunds.
Oh my gosh that's shocking! :eek:
Checked my orders - 24 ships, placed between 19th and 31st October. I hope they get printed, it would be devastating to lose out on these models. There is no other way to get most of these ships. :weep:
Julius Yang said:
Guessing how they are operating based on my own personal experience with companies desperate to absolve themselves from their financial issues:
1) They (they means CEO Jim Ward, CFO John McDermott, COO Mark Meyers, CCO Zuhair Abdulhadi, and CBTO Meysam Moradpour) plan to lay off all staff including production team and warehouse shipping staff by April 30, 2024.
2) Close shop on April 30, 2024.
3) Printing resumes until April 30, 2024 or before that date and people get refunds. Refunds may or may not happen if it goes the route of them filing bankruptcy as this absolves them of all liability to unsecured creditors (this is us the customer). They only have to sell their assets of printers, building, company vehicle, etc to pay back secured creditors (shareholders and venture capital partners: Alsop Louie Partners, Dolby Family Ventures, Draper Athena, Kawn Ventures, and Silicon Badia).
4) Possible Chapter 11 Bankruptcy to absolve all liabilities. Eaglemoss and most companies do this to avoid offering refunds to customers for orders and preorders owed.
(reply from this Facebook post: )
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Finally received a response to an email enquiry I sent Gameprint/Integral Reality Labs a month ago:

First our apologies for the delayed response in providing you with an update and also for the delay in processing your order.

We're currently printing orders up until the end of April due to unforeseen circumstances that require us to cease our printing operations.

Your order is currently still in the queue to be printed, and at the moment I can't confirm if your order will be processed before the end of this month due to the backlog, however, we will try our best. Please rest assured that in case your order cannot be processed before April 30th we will contact you and issue a refund in May.

We appreciate your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Clearly they haven't got to my request to cancel my order yet :rolleyes:

Also quite worrying that my order is "still in the queue" after six months :shrug:
And some of the lucky people who got their ships this month did get bonus ships because of the massive delays and silence... meaning they printed more ships for those people who got theirs instead of printing other people's ships... so the lucky ones get more than they ordered, while the rest get nothing at all :shifty:
some of the lucky people who got their ships this month did get bonus ships because of the massive delays and silence... meaning they printed more ships for those people who got theirs instead of printing other people's ships...
Ooof... that's annoying.

Although, maybe those were prints from people who cancelled after the ships were in the queue for printing - I don't have the sense GamePrint was particularly on the ball with regard to timing of things like that.
What a horrible time to not have disposable income. I've only got clearance for when the Picard ships start showing up (later in the year?) I think the wife would be quite displeased if she saw these things materialize on the front doorstep.
What a horrible time to not have disposable income. I've only got clearance for when the Picard ships start showing up (later in the year?) I think the wife would be quite displeased if she saw these things materialize on the front doorstep.
Can you have it shipped to an alternative address, like work?
Or double the price by gifting her matching gold jewelry.
Heh... she's too smart for that. She would be very suspicious if I gave her something that extravagant (she would probably prefer just straight-up gold and/or silver, anyway). Plus, I work in a place where I can't receive mail (cell phones aren't allowed either), and I had to close out my PO box because the USPS was boosting the annual prices (3rd time in a row in as many years) to around $250. Far too cost prohibitive.

So, sadly, I'm out of luck until things (like this broke-ass economy) drastically change.