Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

Yes, it was repainted later, but it’s certainly apparent in some season one episodes, such as the behind the scenes footage from the production of Space Seed.

I don’t think the model currently has the blue accent, but the exact colour was confirmed during the Smithsonian restoration process.

The reality is that it’s not particularly visible on screen due to the way the film stock handled the colours, so it’s not surprising most people don’t even know about it, and most consumer models don’t have it. It’s similar to the Excelsior, Reliant and Enterprise-D having blue hulls, but looking grey on screen and usually being depicted as such in photos and merchandise.
I think it bodes well for the USA folks that the Fanhome Collection stuff seems to be visible on the site. I think that means they’ll have the subscription available here. (I was worried it would be like their Star Wars line, which isn’t available in the US, but now I’m guessing that’s because Hasbro probably has an exclusive for the region, because they are selling little replica ships here already.)
I loved that Viper design. Almost like an old 60’s muscle car influence. Unfortunately, I believe it was called the Mark III, which made absolutely no sense as B&C was a prequel to RDM’s BSG, which had Mk II Vipers (and the TOS design briefly seen in the 2003 pilot being called a Mk I). Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still an odd choice.
I loved that Viper design. Almost like an old 60’s muscle car influence. Unfortunately, I believe it was called the Mark III, which made absolutely no sense as B&C was a prequel to RDM’s BSG, which had Mk II Vipers (and the TOS design briefly seen in the 2003 pilot being called a Mk I). Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still an odd choice.
My head canon was it was a newer Viper that was a little better for attack missions, but the Mk2 was probably the better dogfighter - sort of paralleling what we saw from the US Navy in WW2, so Wildcat = Mk1, Hellcat = Mk2 and Corsair = Mk3.
Apparently the Defiant concept I ordered almost exactly six months ago is finally on its way. I believe the last two times MR started to ship these, they all turned out to be mislabeled Reliant concepts, so I'm not sure what to expect...
Apparently the Defiant concept I ordered almost exactly six months ago is finally on its way. I believe the last two times MR started to ship these, they all turned out to be mislabeled Reliant concepts, so I'm not sure what to expect...
Nice! I got mine about eight months ago, I guess before MR was hindered by Eaglemoss’ usual record keeping — or lack there of…