Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

Yeah, Matalas is kind of a weird choice, I think those signing up for the collector’s club would be more interested in the art department folks than a writer/producer who doesn’t seem to even know what “refit” means.

In anticipation of DIS Season 4 I rotated the XL 1031-A into the living room display my wife barely tolerates. In the instructions I noted that the primary stand was originally supposed to hold both the ship and the floating nacelles, instead of attaching the nacelles directly to the ship individually. I think I would have liked that better as it would have made the floating aspect of the nacelles stand out more. As attaching them directly to the hull kills the illusion somewhat.
I thought Terry Matalas fit because he's a Star Trek fan. He talked like a sensible guy instead of one of the suits.
Next guest is Jamie Bamber from BSG, the early 21st century show. I wonder how much he remembers from back then?

I prefer the direct connectors between ship and nacelles. Breaking the stand of the USS Nog apart was difficult enough. At least with Discovery-A, I could glue it together and dispose of the stand readily.
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Oops, totally forgot about today’s drop, I was going to try and shoot for the B&C Viper.
Fanhome does the subscription, right? Either way, it was Master Replicas selling last night.
Perhaps the Shuttle Sets might pop up on eBay.
Personally, I already have Corgi’s first outing of the TOS Enterprise, so not planning to pick it up again (even with the additional blue marking along the neck - which I think is inaccurate to the regular TOS enterprise).

Buuuuuuut, would love to see this line flourish, as I’m most keen to see what they do with the Refit!
Personally, I already have Corgi’s first outing of the TOS Enterprise, so not planning to pick it up again (even with the additional blue marking along the neck - which I think is inaccurate to the regular TOS enterprise).

Buuuuuuut, would love to see this line flourish, as I’m most keen to see what they do with the Refit!
Yeah, I think the deco on their model from 20 years ago was way more accurate looking. From the most recent 1701, seems like they’ll go overboard on paint applications, so presumably the refit will be more the ST2-6 version with all the extra blue and not the cleaner TMP version. Most likely the 1701-A, since it seems anymore that if a company does the refit they default towards the A.

I might consider that one. I guess it depends on how it looks. Hopefully it will look more accurate than the Eaglemoss XL refit did, I still can’t figure out what happened there.
My theory is they were considering a TMP concept version as a store exclusive and when it came time to do the XL they sent the wrong model files to China.
I might be interested in the refit if it’s the 1701-A and if it’s comparable in size to the Eaglemoss XL.

The 1701-D looks nice but wtf is that blue stripe on the neck of the 1701.
I was pretty disappointed with both of EM's attempts at the (standard-sized) refit, I only got one because they, you know, went out of business. I'm hopeful about the Corgi version.