Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

Most of the unreleased stuff has sold out in less than 20m. Maybe the only exception was the XL Stargazer, which origanally sold out immediately, but when it was restocked a couple days later lasted for like a week..

I think the fact that the XL Stargazer price went up with the restock probably impacted interest as well...

First that there were 500 XL Voyagers that sold out in what seemed like approximately 60 seconds, and 1250 Caretaker Arrays for the next drop, so those won’t last for more than two minutes, so plan accordingly fellows…

I'm guessing that the XL Voyager, like the XL Enterprises and XL Defiant, is going to be one of the most in-demand ships out of the whole range. I suspect the Caretaker Array will not be anything like as popular and may take a comparatively long time to sell out. But still, as you say, plan accordingly, and if you want it get in quickly because there's no guarantees.

I will. No dawdling like yesterday, which may have cost me a model.

Something that has come up with Master Replicas before is that adding an item to your basket does NOT reserve it from their available stock, and that only happens when you check out and get an order number. So if there's something you REALLY want you should buy it immediately rather than browse through the rest of the range, and if we have to suffer paying two postage costs for two separate orders, well, that's just a cross we have to bear (or email them about it after our orders are confirmed to ask if they can combine postage and refund one of them, since it normally takes the best part of a week for them to ship).
If they want to produce models en masse and cheaply, I can't see them upgrade the quality higher than what Eaglemoss brought out. Except for resolving the window misalignment by leaving out physical divots.

If they did up the ante, then I could imagine more ships have the detail of the STO Collection models. Those were the most detailed ships Eaglemoss released.

It would be neat to let Corgi & co dabble in the Usual Suspects while MR continues with the Eaglemoss line and brings out all new hero ships.
The MR of old made super high-quality replicas that had insanely good detail. I have a number of their .45 scale lightsabers and they are absolutely perfect. Never seen one of their full-scale replicas close-up, but the photos that I have seen of them are dead-on to the originals. All of them still command premium coin on eBay and have only gone up in value over the years. If this new incarnation of MR follows in that tradition, with such attention to detail, the new models they produce should theoretically be equally stunning. And a metric ass-ton more expensive as well.

Time will tell…
The MR of old made super high-quality replicas that had insanely good detail. I have a number of their .45 scale lightsabers and they are absolutely perfect. Never seen one of their full-scale replicas close-up, but the photos that I have seen of them are dead-on to the originals.
I have a couple of the little lightsabers as well, they are quite nice. I also have their assault phaser, which was the most expensive Star Trek collectible I’ve ever purchased until the Tomyprise. It’s really well done.

However. I’m not sure how much the existing MR is related to the MR of old, I’m pretty sure the current ownership acquired it after all of those great products. Presumably the existing version of MR will simply utilize Robinson’s contacts and just restart with Eaglemoss’ Chinese factories, so the new stuff will probably be of similar overall quality, but I suspect they’ll do as @Markonian hypothesized, and just do away with the window moldings, that way they won’t have to screw around with trying to line up the paint applications, honestly, that tends to be the most glaring issue.
Here’s Friday’s drop (minus the figures):

Astral Queen
Cylon Raider (2004)
Loki (Heavy Cruiser)
Viper Mk I
Viper Mk II

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E

STAR TREK Regular size
Federation Holoship
Klingon D5-
class Battle Cruiser
Shuttle Twin Pack: Captain's Yacht and Hawking (these are the larger bonus ones from the model build)

STAR TREK Specials
The Caretaker's Array

Deep Space 9
U.S.S. Enterprise (DISCOVERY)
U.S.S. Reliant
Delta Flyer
U.S.S. Discovery
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
U.S.S. Shenzhou

U.S.S. Chimera
U.S.S. Shran
I'm interested in the Caretaker's Array.

After that it's just the Phase II shuttlecraft and Reliant concepts left to go for me, if they ever see an MR release.
Speaking of prices, I've been pleasantly surprised, that for the most part, MR has stuck close to the original retail prices. As fast as most of the offerings sell out, it seems like they could easily raise prices by 25-50% with no issues.
The strategy people on Reddit recommend is doing an initial transaction for your “have to haves” and then go back and pick up the “nice to haves” as a second one, instead of fooling around and trying to get everything in a single shot.
That's what I do. I paid separate delivery charges for the USS Vancouver and XL Stargazer to make sure I got them.
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That's what I do. I paid separate delivery charges for the USS Vancouver and XL Stargazer to make sure I got them.

I wonder if that might spare me the custom charges I've hard to endure occasionally recency. Perhaps it would be cheaper.

As I was saying, at long last, my ship has come in, literally and figuratively, but it proved to be quite an ordeal. First of all, they didn't actually deliver it to my place, but left it at the post office (they didn't even leave the slip, like they're supposed to). I walked over there earlier, but it wasn't in yet, so I came back later, only to get stuck behind a guy sending a package to Poland, which, obviously, took some time. When it was finally my turn, I got a nasty surprise of an aforementioned $43 charge, and only then could I finally carry my package home. Whew!

(Edited to add: Oh, and the magazine that came with the ring ship is in German). :brickwall:

I'll go into detail about the models later.
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Getting ready for the drop tonight. I have decided against getting the golden Enterprise-E, unless it's relatively cheap. I have to be reasonable and be an adult.
I'm scared about missing out on the prev unreleased shuttlecraft and the Caretaker Array.

Looking at the website now, I'm surprised the UN One (UNO :)) from The Expanse hasn't sold out. I guess that was an unpopular ship/show?

mine too. lol.
I am German and I used Star Trek to help me learn English.
Reciprocate. Widerstand ist zwecklos. :rommie:
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Same here - I used a phrase from A Final Unity in an English exam, and the teacher was so impressed with it that she asked me how I came up with it, so I told her, and she of course rolled her eyes :D

Also the German version can be really funny: Was ist das fuer ein Mist, den ich da sehe!! :D
Ten minute countdown.

EDIT: I secured Shuttle Set 2 (Hawking and Captain’s flying saucer) and Caretaker Array!
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