Spoilers Star Trek: Short Treks 1x01 - "Runaway"

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I thought in terms of characterization this was a little bit of a step back for Tilly. Her neurotic, wide-eyed, fish out of water schtick was really grating to me early on in the first season. I thought Wiseman did a really great job of settling into the role and calibrating it so it fit well into the ensemble, particularly during the mirror episodes and the season finale. Maybe this was just too much Tilly all at once again for my tastes.

I didn't like the story too much though I suspect it wasn't really written with my demographic in mind. I just felt the alien character was lifted from Shuri of Black Panther.

That being said, if the introduction of the character is a teaser for her reappearance later in the season, this mini-story does offer a good foundation for her relationship with Tilly down the line.
I think you've forgotten that both TOS (Elaan of Troyius) & TNG (The Perfect Mate) did similar stories way before Black Panther came along.
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I think you've forgotten that both TOS (Elaan of Troyius) & TNG (The Perfect Mate) did similar stories way before Black Panther came along.

I think you're missing Tai's point. Shuri in Black Panther wasn't running away from a commitment like those characters -- what makes Po like her is that she's a young supergenius inventor who's also a member of royalty. Elaan was royalty, but she was anything but a supergenius.
Has there been any official word where this story stands in the official chronology of the show? I'm assuming that it's a bit of a flashback to some point mid-season 1, but I'm guessing.
Has there been any official word where this story stands in the official chronology of the show? I'm assuming that it's a bit of a flashback to some point mid-season 1, but I'm guessing.
Tilly's an ensign, so after the ceremony in the finale, and my guess is before they meet up with the Enterprise. If the new season gets off to a quick start there may not be much time to fit this in before setting off with Pike.
Oh, look, there's an answer, sort of.

Mary, when does your Short Treks mini-episode (“Runaway”) take place?

Mary Wiseman: Yeah, I think it should take place sort of somewhere non-specific, in the timeline of season 2. So it’s not specific. And they wanted that so that it could be standalone. So people who don’t watch it, they can still appreciate the season, but also it’s an enriching sort of character story, deepens the character. So it’s set kind of where we are now, but not very specifically. We wanted to leave that open… Definitely after the medal ceremony, like you said.​

Doug Jones: You’ll notice her hair, too. The hair might be a giveaway with where we are in the timeline.​

Mary Wiseman: I was really obsessed with, just, you know, evolving from the bun into a pony.​
I enjoyed the episode. I think I got the gist of it. It wasn't overly complicated. I liked the story -- two characters who were complete aliens to one another, but they were able to find common ground and make a connection.

Good performances by both actresses. It was interesting how the story showed that Tilly and Po were more alike than they might have thought initially. Both had their own personal struggle to find a way to get by in their respective worlds.

The episode reminded me of DS9's "Captive Pursuit". Despite their huge cultural differences, O'Brien and Tosk, who was sort of a runaway, managed to connect and part ways as friends.

This implies to me that Season 2 will have some downtime (possibly early on) in which Runaway can be pegged into. Pike's galaxy-spanning adventure won't be nine episodes long, followed immediately by drama with the evil Vulcans or something, we're going to get a breather.

Or Wiseman is wrong, and she'll randomly change to a ponytail 70,000 ly away, and also have that extra dilithium crystal from who knows when. At which point, I'll assume it was a interquel to the S1 finale.
We know they're not that far away from the Federation the whole season as we will get to see Saru's homeworld and his sister.

The Enterprise also shows up again at some point later on.
We know they're not that far away from the Federation the whole season as we will get to see Saru's homeworld and his sister.

The Enterprise also shows up again at some point later on.
Distance doesn't seem to matter much to a spore drive equipped ship, anyway.
Distance doesn't seem to matter much to a spore drive equipped ship, anyway.
I don't think they're going to use the Spore drive regularly this season.

It will be an emergency situation/last resort type of thing if they do.

Mostly because we haven't seen it used at all in any of the trailers.

Like, that was the ship's big gimmick last season, they would be showing it in the trailers it was in regular use.
Mostly because we haven't seen it used at all in any of the trailers.

Like, that was the ship's big gimmick last season, they would be showing it in the trailers it was in regular use.

But they have. Both trailers have indicated that the mysterious signals they're investigating are scattered all across the galaxy. That's clearly why Pike is taking command of Discovery for the mission rather than the Enterprise -- because its spore drive makes it the only ship able to travel that far.
I don't think they're going to use the Spore drive regularly this season.

It will be an emergency situation/last resort type of thing if they do.

Mostly because we haven't seen it used at all in any of the trailers.

Like, that was the ship's big gimmick last season, they would be showing it in the trailers it was in regular use.
I don't know. I'm glad to have no idea, this will be interesting!
But they have. Both trailers have indicated that the mysterious signals they're investigating are scattered all across the galaxy. That's clearly why Pike is taking command of Discovery for the mission rather than the Enterprise -- because its spore drive makes it the only ship able to travel that far.

The Enterprise herself might have been damaged in the trailer, there were worker bees, or whatever they are, inspecting her warp engines.

I don't think they're going to investigate all of the signals, just the closest one.
But they have. Both trailers have indicated that the mysterious signals they're investigating are scattered all across the galaxy. That's clearly why Pike is taking command of Discovery for the mission rather than the Enterprise -- because its spore drive makes it the only ship able to travel that far.
If they do continue to use te Spore Drive, that would make sense. I thought they had decommissioned/dismantled it though? (In the time it took to get back to Earth, have the Armistice ceremony, etc?)
If they do continue to use te Spore Drive, that would make sense. I thought they had decommissioned/dismantled it though? (In the time it took to get back to Earth, have the Armistice ceremony, etc?)

Admiral Cornwell said in the season finale that they were forbidding its use until they found a way to use it without a human interface.
Which makes it reasonable that Pike would be the man to tell Saru otherwise, what with him being the current name on the Great Captains list and all.

But as said, it may be that while there currently is the heavy suggestion of seven specific adventures that later combine into a coherent whole, there still won't be seven trips to seven red spots. Or, alternately, going to the first one will take our heroes to all the rest without the need for the spore drive.

Timo Saloniemi
In a previous life, I watched a lot of short films. So I know there's a lot you can do in 15 minutes. But this one?


The good news is that none of the other Short Treks are written by Mr. Kurtzman.
i actually liked this one. Thaks @seigezunt for giving the time frame. I am surprised no one commented after the finale to see how they felt it connected. (I saw the finale first, so the "previously" got me confused).

So we see that Pike didn't know about this incident, so clearly before he came on board. (But funny he didn't read about it)

I personally like to think all the "red tape" stuff happened off-screen, so that Tilly didn't secretly beam off the Queen, but rather she specifically requested that Tilly do it. (Being the Queen and all, the incident was wrapped up neatly).

This also shows in a quirky way how Tilly can be a great Captain. She is building the trust of WORLD LEADERS , and can leverage those relationships at later dates (like she did here).

How long can Po's species last? If she is tied to the planet (which i would NOT take a completely literal), could she appear in the future season 3? If so, perhaps she and Saru's home planet could be interesting bridges form the past to the future.

ANyway, this episode felt very "Star Trekky" in theme. It reminded me of Diane Duane's 2 part DC comic story in that feel of it.