Star Trek Prodigy - New Mission Logs

Check your assumptions at the door, Admiral.

Well, all of that would have been from the Diviner's perspective.
Janeway probably has some sense to not take everything he says at face value and will need to witness these 'offenders' actions herself.
Of course, she will also have other evidence on her end (without proper context) telling her a different picture... so it will be interesting to see how admiral Janeway behaves.
She may hunt them, but I am hoping a subtelty of doubt will be overriding those negative things being fed to her by the Diviner (as she might be seeing the 'good deeds' the kids have been doing at some point in the next few episodes).
New mission log for post-“Crossroads”:

Interesting bit about the Romulan evacuation, and pointing out that Ocampa and Miri homeworlders don’t age the way humans do.

Also, the producer clarified online that when Janeway mentions 9 years, she was referring to the maximum adult lifespan and comparing it to some of the children she saw around the same age at Denaxi Depot, as evidence that appearances can be deceiving.
New mission log for post-“Crossroads”:

Interesting bit about the Romulan evacuation, and pointing out that Ocampa and Miri homeworlders don’t age the way humans do.

Also, the producer clarified online that when Janeway mentions 9 years, she was referring to the maximum adult lifespan and comparing it to some of the children she saw around the same age at Denaxi Depot, as evidence that appearances can be deceiving.
Yes, Janeway seems to more or less follow Frex's view that those may be impostors who merely look like teenagers. Though she at least seems to have some doubts still.

She also mentions that she definitely will want to download the logs of the Protostar - run, Protogies!

No mention of the meeting between Gwyn and Ascencia, which makes me again wonder if Asencia didn't report that. Otherwise the status of Gwyn as a kidnap victim or as accomplice should probably have been mentioned in the log.

How will Janeway get convinced of (something close to) the truth? Several options still: maybe they meet people helped by the Protogies (prime candidate, for the time being, are the Enda-prizians; the alternative are ex-slaves of Tars Lamora) who paint a different picture, maybe Okona gets to them and manages to be convincing. If not, then maybe Gwyn will finally have to talk directly to Janeway, as the only one who is presently not marked as terrorist/savage/criminal/outlaw.

I wonder if Frex will connect the dots between Gwyn and the Diviner. He will first need to see him, and his description of her to Janeway so far was limited to "someone not in the database". And the Dauntless crew may not have gotten a clear view of Gwyn during the chase (she was the furthest away and the first to turn away).
Doesn’t Janeway drinking tea instead of coffee indicate this is a bad future?

Why would it?
The future Admiral Janeway came from in 'Endgame' didn't seem particularly bad to begin with (from what we saw). Aside from losing several more members of her own crew (one or two she was close with) until finally making it back home (which is more or less expected), it seems to me that the future overall was 'fine' to begin with.
The UFP seemed to have been stable overall (no impending threats or anyhting like that threatening its existence), and it managed to keep the Borg at bay.

The fact Janeway was able to keep crew lossses as few as she had was probably an achievement in its own right given how violent VOY's initial pull to the DQ was and unknowns she faced along the way while not having other SF ships for support.

The way I see it, Vice Admiral Janeway not drinking coffee is not a particularly bad thing. If anything, she LISTENS to the doctor - which is a feat in itself, and its better for her health (mind you, the same health effect could have been gotten by the doctor simply telling her to CUT DOWN on her coffee intake to say 1 or 2 cups per day - but I suppose in order to get the desired effect and break her 'habit' and drinking excessive amounts per day, the best thing to do would have been to cut her off completely to make sure she actually complies with doctors orders).

Also, certain things were likely going to happen the same (or very similar) way anyway.
Prodigy producers mentioned the USS Voyager was in a museum (or IS a museum)... the same thing happened in the 'original' timeline in which VOY took 23 years to get back.

So, certain events would have happened either way, while many others would have changed.

One 'bad' thing I think in the altered timeline (the present we are viewing) is that Icheb eventually dies (as we saw in PIC s1) - he deserved better - although, he was suspiciously absent in 'Endgame' either way - so he may have died in the original one too.
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Why would it?
The future Admiral Janeway came from in 'Endgame' didn't seem particularly bad to begin with (from what we saw). Aside from losing several more members of her own crew (one or two she was close with) until finally making it back home (which is more or less expected), it seems to me that the future overall was 'fine' to begin with.
The UFP seemed to have been stable overall (no impending threats or anyhting like that threatening its existence), and it managed to keep the Borg at bay.

The fact Janeway was able to keep crew lossses as few as she had was probably an achievement in its own right given how violent VOY's initial pull to the DQ was and unknowns she faced along the way while not having other SF ships for support.

The way I see it, Vice Admiral Janeway not drinking coffee is not a particularly bad thing. If anything, she LISTENS to the doctor - which is a feat in itself, and its better for her health (mind you, the same health effect could have been gotten by the doctor simply telling her to CUT DOWN on her coffee intake to say 1 or 2 cups per day - but I suppose in order to get the desired effect and break her 'habit' and drinking excessive amounts per day, the best thing to do would have been to cut her off completely to make sure she actually complies with doctors orders).

Also, certain things were likely going to happen the same (or very similar) way anyway.
Prodigy producers mentioned the USS Voyager was in a museum (or IS a museum)... the same thing happened in the 'original' timeline in which VOY took 23 years to get back.

So, certain events would have happened either way, while many others would have changed.

One 'bad' thing I think in the altered timeline (the present we are viewing) is that Icheb eventually dies (as we saw in PIC s1) - he deserved better.

I think that was just a joke.
Interesting log. It shows that the Diviner did not openly state those were enslaved children/teens, but Janeway "read between the lines" (their supposed "crimes" were listed, apparently) to the correct conclusion. It's also clear that she suspects the Diviner, with good reason since she knows the bounty call originated from Tars Lamora (where she found the Diviner, who claimed the children to be criminals).

I wonder what she thinks about his daughter now. As she was claimed to be kidnapped by the Diviner, Janeway may believe her to be in league with her father still, unless Frex actually told her details about the teens' visit to CR-721 (it should be clear to him she wasn't there against her will).
Internal security logs - including holo/video "footage" - from the relay station should be available to Janeway and the Dauntless senior crew by this point...?
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