Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

I wonder what Starfleet's protocol is for determining whether a one star admiral is called a Commodore or a Rear Admiral (Lower Half). Geordi is a Commodore, Beverly is an Admiral, but they wear the same rank device. Maybe it's up to personal preference?

I think the idea is that they've always been called Commodores and we're retconning away the whole thing where they started calling them Rear Admiral Lower Half. It was kind of a stupid idea in the first place.
I think the idea is that they've always been called Commodores and we're retconning away the whole thing where they started calling them Rear Admiral Lower Half. It was kind of a stupid idea in the first place.
But in "The Last Generation", Beverly is called Admiral, not Commodore.
Maybe what Billet they are in? Geordi was technically in charge of a fleet, why he's a commodore while Bev is in charge of a desk at Medical.
Something like USMC Rank, after E7 you can go Master Sargent or First Sargent, depending what line of work/promotion you want.
I'm not a hater, I'm not. People like things. As I've said (and will again) I love it when people like stuff. Even stuff I don't like! I would probably just accept it as 10 episodes of TV that kept me mostly entertained (WORF! WORF! WORF!) but I'm hearing this hailed as "Star Trek finally done right". Or "This makes up for the last two seasons." Or even "This is the apology for Nemesis." Have you lost your Vulcan mind?

The D was lovely. She was underappreciated even back in the day. Frakes and Sertis were marvelous (except when poor Will's dummy card came up.) I cannot gush about Worf enough. (I wanted him to mention Jadzia SO much. Just say her name? Pleeeeeease?) I may have discovered that there is such a thing as too much Goldsmith. (I know!) But the music was wonderful anyway.

Picard has taught me an interesting lesson. I don't love spaceships. I don't love cool sets and brilliant futuristic design. (I mean, I DO.)

I love Starfleet. I love the people that are in it and work in it and make it go. I love smart people doing their jobs to do really cool things. I might have problems with Disco but it does that. I have no problems with SNW and it does that like crazy (even if it's not as formal as TOS or even TNG were).

Picard was a mess in this department. I am amazed that I enjoyed it as much as I did. And I did. But not as good Star Trek. It was a vehicle to bring back actors we liked and let them do... Stuff.

I wanted to like Shaw so much. I wanted him to be the new Jellico. But he never acted like he could get a crew to go to 7-11 for smokes. When he showed up in Ten Forward the crew acted like "Does anyone know who this guy is?" And at the end we're supposed to love him because he was smart enough to not hate 7 of 9?

You can't make a major underpinning of the show "love of family and our connections and the loss they can bring" and then write off Will and Deanna's REMAINING KID. Is she hanging out with Chuck Cunningham?

Why are we shocked that Elizabeth Shelby would make the entire fleet ready made for the Borg? Because she wouldn't! Even TV writers could see it was a single point of failure, let alone the finest strategic minds in the Federation.

It was a big ask to believe that James Kirk and his Merry Band could walk off with a whole starship. Now Geordi LaForge has his own Matchbox collection that apparently nobody visits or knows about?

This was 10 episodes of a bunch of TV stuff. Two months to Strange New Worlds!
I wonder what Starfleet's protocol is for determining whether a one star admiral is called a Commodore or a Rear Admiral (Lower Half). Geordi is a Commodore, Beverly is an Admiral, but they wear the same rank device. Maybe it's up to personal preference?
Probably determined by billet and the unit commanded.
Entitled to your opinion, but not entitled for that opinion to have more weight than any other guy/girl/nerfhearder. An not entitled to press your opinion as everyones truth, or "all Fans" truth. Its just you. Some may join, other may not. Each entitled to there own opinion.
Star Trek, 1966-1968.
Interestingly most of the "good" episodes of season three did air in 1968, but I also liked Savage Curtain and All Our Yesterdays. So, no sale. (To say nothing of leaving off all of TAS! Where is my fainting couch?)

(The Lights of Zetar was the first episode aired while I was alive?!? Ewwwww!)
There was someone here for the longest time had their Signature as 'Star Trek - 1966 to 1991'

I don't remember who it was, and I honestly don't care. I just remember their signature for some reason.