Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation"


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Routing transporters through phasers, inventing the portable beam-me-up :D

"My mom got sick and my brother had a hernia" has to be what RMB called a big FU to Disco :D

Red and orange beams!


No, when the shuttle arrived in Episode 9 the sensors warned of a trans warp opening and then the cube arrived.

I’m not filling in any gaps, it was literally in the episode, which goes to show you didn’t watch it

I don't care about what the sensors warned him of. Why did he go in that direction (space is huge)? How did he get off the Titan(ridiculous)? How were the Borg so close? It's pure plot contrivance.
The leaked review seems to have been penned by someone who is already disenfranchised by Trek and is casting that predisposition onto the show.

Worth looking at Roth's twitter and seeing they are highly positive about a lot of Trek still - it's ok that people have different opinions and not be seen as "disenfranchised" (I think you meant disenchanted though?)
I don't care about what the sensors warned him of. Why did he go in that direction (space is huge)? How did he get off the Titan(ridiculous)? How were the Borg so close? It's pure plot contrivance.

The sensors warned him of a transwarp conduit.

He went in that direction as that's where he'd been instructed to go, it's fairly obvious when he says "Why did you bring me here"

He got off on a shuttle?

I refer back to point 1.

Did you even watch episode 9?
The sensors warned him of a transwarp conduit.

He went in that direction as that's where he'd been instructed to go, it's fairly obvious when he says "Why did you bring me here"

He got off on a shuttle?

I refer back to point 1.

Did you even watch episode 9?

Who had instructed him to go there? Why was he allowed to grab a shuttlecraft and go there? I refer back to point 1.... it's a load of shite. He should have had forcefields around him. Good luck..
Saw the Ent comment and it pulled me back. In HS I was very active on that board.

I saw the NY screening and it was phenominal. Despite the nightmare of getting tickets, the night could not be beat. Seeing TWOK om 35mm remains my fave experience. This is close. If you want spoilers the ama is pretty much spot on. Despite my misgivings I still scored a ten for the emotional journey. Rewatching in preparation for tonight reminded me of how different it is when you know where something is going, it is hard to forget the end and edit differently i.e. you can't ever edit from the fan perspectice weekly watching ans the torture of some reveals.

Even the silly stuff did not bother knowing and feeling these were my final moments with friends I grew up with. The man sittinf to my left said "why do people need to die for it to be good?" He is right. It's become a trope ans the classifier for a good ahow since Sopranos. This is not that kind of show (not the mob part, just the Lynchian copycat style).

I cried seeing the ships. Sure the D does some SW stuff. But sometines ymto enjoy you just have to accept Shaw's wise words from this season "whatever". Get over it and see if you can appreciate a gift. Not as in looking the horse in the mouth, but we are blessed to have even bad trek, and other than some of the new show, Matalas co had their heart in the right place.

The after show interviews were hilarious. I hope they share and don't edit. Spiner checks out Gates's rear, dropping eyes and glasses. Then reveals there were new names passed around but everyone but Spiner hated them. Then Spiner pulled the final trigger.

Redeption for Troi sitting at consoles.

That Kurtzman refused to pay for the opener cameo but did for the mid one I didn't need but still enjoyed, is upsetting.

All in all, some very good Star Trek here and hopefully the moderator was right and we are getting Captain Seven new Trek.