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Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation"


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I think he didn't actually see it. He didn't post anything we didn't already know if we clicked on the Spoiler Tags. So something's going on. Luckily, I think it'll work itself out.
Seems to be a common thread with a lot of these sudden new accounts that have joined the fray as of late.

And with that choice of words, they won't last long anyway :D
I'm all set for the show to the inevitable flame-out - and I won't need to get to my nearest IMAX. ;)
No, it's just stupid and actually all too easy. "No Jack, fight the dark side, don't be an asshole."


Now let's do a shittier version of the last scene of All Good Things and watch people pretend to cry on twitter.
Hey, I didn’t say I would like how it played out.
There's really nothing to spoil honestly. It was handled in the most boring, straightforward, vanilla, Jay Leno way it possibly could have been. No main character deaths/long term changes/implications either. There is literally nothing to spoil. So unimaginative all they could do was repeat the
I believe you since it matches up with all the imax spoilers (from multiple other posters) that I've been reading on reddit. Oh well. I'll watch it in a bit any way but at least I'm warned going in and I'm not surprised since these are the same screenwriters that rehashed the Borg, of course they'll rehash everything else.
If I were a betting man(which I am) I would lump any money I had on this final episode being a disaster. Nostalgia only goes so far. It's been really poor. The writing has been horrendous.








WALTER KOENIG. :wtf::eek::biggrin:

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