Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation"


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KamenRiderBlade said:
That's also the first time I've seen a enemy counter the USS Enterprise or any StarFleet ship through conventional means w/o trickery. It was quite brilliant and well planned IMO. Alot of enemies, through-out the multi-verse can learn the lesson of using giant swarms of ships to take out a lone Federation StarShip.
What a bonanza Edison & co. discovered when they landed on Altamid. A swarm ship armada AND a robot work force AND a technology that provides life extension. "How you get so lucky?"
What a bonanza Edison & co. discovered when they landed on Altamid. A swarm ship armada AND a robot work force AND a technology that provides life extension. "How you get so lucky?"
Not that dissimilar from Harry Mudd, who managed to stumble onto a planet full of Androids willing to do his every bidding.

Half of the plotlines in all of Star Trek rely upon luck.
This is a good point, and makes me even MORE convinced that in a perfect world S3 would've been first...then S1 and S2 after it, in order to solve this problem.

I mean, I don't think of that as a problem? I really don't think PIC ever needed to revert back to the heroes-in-Starfleet model. If I had been hired to run S2-3, I don't think I would have had Jean-Luc return to Starfleet. I think I would have had it focus on the relationship with Jean-Luc and Soji as surrogate granddaughter/grandfather, probably would have had the "home base" for the series be either Chateau Picard or Coppelius, and the crew of La Sirena would have continued to be supporting players.
I mean, I don't think of that as a problem? I really don't think PIC ever needed to revert back to the heroes-in-Starfleet model. If I had been hired to run S2-3, I don't think I would have had Jean-Luc return to Starfleet. I think I would have had it focus on the relationship with Jean-Luc and Soji as surrogate granddaughter/grandfather, probably would have had the "home base" for the series be either Chateau Picard or Coppelius, and the crew of La Sirena would have continued to be supporting players.

My thought for this is based on the feeling that the characters established in S1/2 (Soji, Rios, etc) were done dirty by not being in S3. I can see a logical progression from getting true TNG closure, and then introducing new characters and associated plots. I know that with S3 being last there's a "coming home" kind of vibe but I can see how this can be perceived as backward development from S1 and S2.

I personally am fine with the order of things but I can see the criticisms and can envision a sequence of the stories that is reversed allowing for some logical progression for JLP: grappling with the Borg trauma/shosts of the past, reuniting with TNG pals, getting real closure on all of that....then moving on to realizing that he can help others like the Synths, Soji, etc., and going from there.
Not that dissimilar from Harry Mudd, who managed to stumble onto a planet full of Androids willing to do his every bidding.

Half of the plotlines in all of Star Trek rely upon luck.
I think someone mentioned that the odds of the Protostar just so happening to come across one derelict Borg cube in all of space in Prodigy recently were basically near impossible.
I think someone mentioned that the odds of the Protostar just so happening to come across one derelict Borg cube in all of space in Prodigy recently were basically near impossible.
Exactly. Like..... what are the odds, that Kirk and Crew would be off world, with a ship capable of traveling back in time, making itself invisible, and able to land on a planet, at exactly the time a probe comes to Earth and requires them to travel back in time, stay invisible, AND land on a planet.
Not that dissimilar from Harry Mudd, who managed to stumble onto a planet full of Androids willing to do his every bidding.

Half of the plotlines in all of Star Trek rely upon luck.
I'm just saying, I don't see the destruction of the JJprise as 'brilliance'. More like an enemy merely playing the insanely good hand they were dealt. And it did in fact involve trickery.
I think someone mentioned that the odds of the Protostar just so happening to come across one derelict Borg cube in all of space in Prodigy recently were basically near impossible.

I subscribe to the Pixar rule: I'm okay with massively improbable coincidences if they get the characters into trouble. I just don't like them when they're used to get the characters out of trouble.
This is what is known as "an appeal to purity", otherwise known as the "no true scotsman" fallacy. Look it up. It's also an ad hominem, and I'd suggest you learn quickly that the way to get people to give your argument serious consideration is not to insult them because they don't automatically share it.

Yes, I should never have said that - and I apologise for it - but it was never meant as a statement of fact; just a statement of exasperation. I was never targeting anyone in particular, but got hammered immediately by a fair few on this forum for it. Find that quite interesting. (Haven't been here for awhile... would have responded earlier otherwise). Beyond that, I'd argue that your response contains far more insults directed exclusively towards me than I've ever uttered myself towards any one person in particular. Bit of perspective please. It's very telling.
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Watch particularly from the 90-second mark on, when Sisko takes the helm.

Takes the helm of a far smaller ship, a ship that we've seen making adjustments and manoeuvres on various occasions over the course of DS9's seasons, and yet I'd still wager that even she wouldn't be able to zig zag around the Borg cube like the Enterprise did in Picard. We've never seen the Enterprise move like that before. It was daft.
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I'd assume that the Enterprise-D was pressed back into full time service for at least a year based on the ending we saw at the fleet museum. The massive losses the fleet sustained would likely necessitate this. A relatively fully functional Galaxy class starship is nothing to sneeze at. The F looked like it took some damage and it was slated for decommissioning anyway. I'm sure the D was used in relief and repair efforts. Who knows we might get some tie-in novel or comic showcasing some missions.
Now they can go back and show us a real Season 8.