Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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I am giving this a 9.5 cruising.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, so apologies if so, but that quantum tunnelling tech being used on building, was clearly just a test and it got me wondering: for what?

Then I think I got it on a rewatch: we know from the trailers our antagonist wants to destroy the Picard and then the Federation/Starfleet. Riker called Frontier Day a “parade of the fleet through space” - imagine if that parade ends up flying through this quantum tunnel and then getting dumped in a star/black hole/some other nasty cosmic event: no more starfleet. I wonder if that is the villain’s endgame…?
You know reading these posts I've been thinking about a lot of our gripes. the average TV viewer who has the attention span of a flea doesn't care about plot holes or canon, this is specific only to star trek fans, as a show Picard has the things that people look for: action bam bam, easy to digest surface plot (whilst simultaneously satisfying star trek fans with occasional technobable or fan throwback) and some eye candy (with respect to Jeri Ryan who is a fine actress she looks great on the promotional posters as well...always suspect there is a reason seven came back and others didnt).
Going by the way people here have rated this episode, 93% of them gave it a 7 or higher.

So Terry Matalas is doing something right to satisfy hardcore fans (if they're not hardcore, why would they be here?). The naysayers are not only in the minority, but the extreme minority.
the average TV viewer who has the attention span of a flea doesn't care about plot holes or canon

I’m sure if the writers decided to forget about Fraiser’s wife from cheers when they made his own series there would be hall to pay.

Consistency is important even outside sci-fi/fantasy.
Closer look at one of the bridge crew. New species as far as I can tell.
The detail you can see with a little lighting! :lol:
Tbh, the rudeness towards Riker and Picard wasn't completely unjustified. He might have felt insulted that A. Riker and Picard expected him to be idiotic enough to fall for their plan/ruse and ...

Shaw was disresectful BEFORE Picard and Riker tried to change course. One, he did not greet them, which is not that out of the ordinary and Two, He starts dinner before the time arranged with a backhanded remark, insults the wine, Riker's drink of choice and Rikers' musical taste. He then goes on belittling their world/galaxy/reality saving exploits. He's a douche.
Worf would certainly use it. Maybe Ro. But we also see Moriarty calling our gang a bunch of old warriors in the trailer. So, it's a toss up.
I can’t imagine Worf anonymously manipulating a person from behind a computer interface, acting all ‘cloak and dagger’ concealing his identity like a Romulan! Even if Worf did become more a pacifist over the years he himself is still a warrior at heart.

I do not believe that Worf would ever work for Starfleet Intelligence *personally* from what I extensively know of his character, but I know that circumstances change. However, TPTB may think differently and have written Worf in this direction if a carefully thought out plot calls for it, we just do not know the full story yet.

Warriors do not ‘hide’ and conceal themselves in the shadows whispering through an avatar, they confront the enemy face to face in glorious battle! Subterfuge of this nature is more likely to have come from the House of Duras rather than either the Houses of Mogh or Martok! :klingon:

If Worf is resorting to Romulan tactics and subterfuge then he must have a good reason to do so, one that is beyond me at present. Worf is *not* a manipulative handler and he would not use deceit and money to bribe people to do his biddings, but let’s see how it all pans out if this is *indeed* the case and it *is* Worf.

We know that Worf is currently dealing with the aftermath of the Dominion War - Starfleet intelligence would not make sense as his current role if this is the case unless their is some form of underground Dominion movement within the Federation? I had always envisaged Worf as being an Ambassador or diplomat at this point in his life, as has been eluded to and depicted in the Berman era in episodes such as All Good Things.
Warriors do not ‘hide’ themselves and hide in the shadows, they confront the enemy face to face in glorious battle! Subterfuge of this nature is more likely to have come from the House of Duras rather than either the Houses of Mogh or Martok! :klingon:

Means little coming from a race using cloaks. Also, as Chang would say, "all warriors are cold warriors. "

Means little coming from a race using cloaks. Also, as Chang would say, "all warriors are cold warriors. "
Worf should *not* be judged by his species and their stereotypes, but as an individual with his own established morales. I was speaking in regards to my opinion of Worf’s established character, not the Klingon species as a whole or of someone such as Chang who is as bad as Duras.
Worf should *not* be judged by his species and their stereotypes, but as an individual with his own established morales. I was speaking in regards to my opinion of Worf’s established character, not the Klingon species as a whole or of someone such as Chang who is as bad as Duras.
Then say this is Worf warrior ethos, not speaking so generally it comes across as Klingon propaganda publication. And if Worf thought so he would not have accompanied Picard to infiltrate Cardassian territory, or a Romulan camp, or teach Riker how to blend in.
I am giving this a 9.5 cruising.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, so apologies if so, but that quantum tunnelling tech being used on building, was clearly just a test and it got me wondering: for what?

Then I think I got it on a rewatch: we know from the trailers our antagonist wants to destroy the Picard and then the Federation/Starfleet. Riker called Frontier Day a “parade of the fleet through space” - imagine if that parade ends up flying through this quantum tunnel and then getting dumped in a star/black hole/some other nasty cosmic event: no more starfleet. I wonder if that is the villain’s endgame…?
I wonder if this technology has any connection to the spore drive?
Matalas has said that Shaw has a reason to why he treated picard and Riker the way he did. Part is that he is a by the book officer. That could be part of the reason why he wants birth names on duty used instead of what he might consider a nickname.
That doesn't really make sense though. Nothing about his behavior indicates he's a by-the-book officer.

If he was a by-the-book officer, Shaw would have abided by protocols we've seen in the past. He would have greeted Picard and Riker as visiting high-status officials when they arrived, especially Riker as the former-captain of his command. Maybe had the dinner be with the senior staff in formal dress. But Shaw shows passive-aggressive behavior towards both Picard and Riker from jump, even before Picard and Riker attempt their "ruse."

If anything, an argument could be made that Shaw either a) has personal reasons for his rudeness, b) personally jealous of their exploits, or c) might see Picard and Riker as indicative of a run-and-gun more militaristic Starfleet, where Shaw thinks Starfleet should be more about cataloguing gaseous anomalies with the "hull intact" without crashes and exchanges of fire. Shaw describes Picard's and Riker's adventures as "irresponsible."

If season 1 of Picard is anything to go by, after the Dominion War and the Romulan crisis, there seems to have been something akin to an isolationist sentiment within the Federation. Not total withdrawal from the galaxy, but a belief that Starfleet either can't or shouldn't attempt to be "the galaxy's policeman" in engaging different problems they encounter on the frontiers of space. A possibility might be that Shaw represents a viewpoint that's more in-line with an idea hinted at in season 1 where Picard left Starfleet when Starfleet's idea of exploration became such that it didn't get involved in matters if it involved any risk, even when that meant watching refugees die.
Kinda glad I’m not a big TNG fan. For many of all y’all, it was your original Star Trek, yes? So if I waited years for a reunion and Spock were all emotional and Kirk didn’t care about his ship, or Scottie hated machines … I get it. Even though I’m not super invested in these characters, I personally don’t like subversion for the sake of subversion. Pic was stable but distant father figure, just didn’t form a long term love relationship because of dedication to career. But NOW it’s the movies and he’s a dune buggy driving action hero. But wait, now it’s 2022 and unacceptable to be a lifelong bachelor, he must have MOMMY ISSUES. Now Mom/Dr. Is not acceptable enough, and Bev must be action hero Ripley in the 4700th iteration of that scene I’ve seen. Good lord, people, tell interesting stories with the characters having some personality integrity rather than needing to create a new JL or Bev like a new Enterprise every movie, or should I say, Titan, every iteration.

But that’s harder and less cool than deconstructing and subverting. Sounds like startup entrpreneurs in silicon valley who were all into “disruption.” Move fast and break stuff. Kewl.

Maybe this season will surprise. I was knocked out by S2 before it flamed out. Maybe this thing will kill overall. Part of it is I am not a TNG fan (though it’s fine, mind ya) who needs to see the band get back together and have a merry adventure. If I were I would probably be liking a lot of what leaves me cold — the … rote ness of it? Scary threat that is BAD. Steal a starship. Alien/fight scene in a scary hallway. Big destruction of a thing. Dick captain. Is there a checklist somewhere? Star Trek bingo?

Boy am I grouchy. All my best to those who are lovin this. Kind of envy you, though I really like PRO, so I have my thing too. Be wll.
Then say this is Worf warrior ethos, not speaking so generally it comes across as Klingon propaganda publication. And if Worf thought so he would not have accompanied Picard to infiltrate Cardassian territory, or a Romulan camp, or teach Riker how to blend in.
These were like Klingon ‘Warrior Ninja’ tactics though, and Worf always accompanied the person he did not control them on ‘puppet strings’. Worf was injured in a rockfall (I think?) which prevented him continuing his mission with Picard in ‘Chain of Command’, though his intention was to complete the mission with his Captain. In ‘Birthright’, Worf was infiltrating the Romulan camp himself. If this *is* Worf, his actions are more like those of Sela manipulating a situation from the shadows such as in ‘The Minds Eye’, ‘Redemption’ and eventually ‘Unification’. The only thing that I can think of which would justify Worf in this situation ( if it *is* actually him) is that he is *really* just behind Raffi’s back all the time, following her in the shadows - travelling just out of sight ready to pounce at the right time as a fellow warrior.

It is also strange that the Quantum Tunnelling weapon was initiated as soon as Raffi reached the ‘Red Lady’ target destination. Raffi figured out the target but there was no time scale or countdown to the weapons implementation, Raffi was *not* racing against a clock to prevent the attack. The attack happened as soon as she arrived at the scene… was it a message for her? Did she somehow unintentionally trigger the attack?:shrug:
Kinda glad I’m not a big TNG fan. For many of all y’all, it was your original Star Trek, yes? So if I waited years for a reunion and Spock were all emotional and Kirk didn’t care about his ship, or Scottie hated machines … I get it. Even though I’m not super invested in these characters, I personally don’t like subversion for the sake of subversion. Pic was stable but distant father figure, just didn’t form a long term love relationship because of dedication to career. But NOW it’s the movies and he’s a dune buggy driving action hero. But wait, now it’s 2022 and unacceptable to be a lifelong bachelor, he must have MOMMY ISSUES. Now Mom/Dr. Is not acceptable enough, and Bev must be action hero Ripley in the 4700th iteration of that scene I’ve seen. Good lord, people, tell interesting stories with the characters having some personality integrity rather than needing to create a new JL or Bev like a new Enterprise every movie, or should I say, Titan, every iteration.

But that’s harder and less cool than deconstructing and subverting. Sounds like startup entrpreneurs in silicon valley who were all into “disruption.” Move fast and break stuff. Kewl.

Maybe this season will surprise. I was knocked out by S2 before it flamed out. Maybe this thing will kill overall. Part of it is I am not a TNG fan (though it’s fine, mind ya) who needs to see the band get back together and have a merry adventure. If I were I would probably be liking a lot of what leaves me cold — the … rote ness of it? Scary threat that is BAD. Steal a starship. Alien/fight scene in a scary hallway. Big destruction of a thing. Dick captain. Is there a checklist somewhere? Star Trek bingo?

Boy am I grouchy. All my best to those who are lovin this. Kind of envy you, though I really like PRO, so I have my thing too. Be wll.

Season 1 and 2 were so bad they had to get back to basics. No one wants to watch a season of Picard exploring his mom's suicide that he somehow manged to block out for 8 years. This isn't perfect but man is it refreshing.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting Seven is trans. They’re saying Star Trek uses euphemism to present the issues of the day in a sci-fi setting.

Seven is transhuman.

Her personality is a construct that can migrate to any artificial zone in the collective, or another drone or back into her own body. There's also many Annika Hansens snap shots preserved at different points in her development, of Annika Hansen's that have had completely different work histories within the collective, but before that, there's 4 distinct Annika's worth mentioning...

1. The 8 year old from before the drill went into her eye.
2. Unimatrix Annika who grew up human side by side with her existence as a Borg.
3. Annika's personality that happened to be in her body, when she was left behind on Voyager, who might be mostly Borg emissary/ambassador protocols with a tiny squirt of Annika like rainbow shaved ice.
4. Annika who was identical to the Annika who was left behind on Voyager, but who stayed with the Borg instead.