Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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Warriors do not ‘hide’ and conceal themselves in the shadows whispering through an avatar, they confront the enemy face to face in glorious battle!

WORF: Sir, I strongly recommend against that. It is likely there are cloaked Klingon warships in the vicinity, lying in wait.
BASHIR: Well that doesn't sound very honourable to me.
WORF: In war, there is nothing more honourable than victory.
WORF: Sir, I strongly recommend against that. It is likely there are cloaked Klingon warships in the vicinity, lying in wait.
BASHIR: Well that doesn't sound very honourable to me.
WORF: In war, there is nothing more honourable than victory.
Thank you. I was thinking of a Latin phrase that espouses a similar philosophy but this works too.
Nope. Not even close. Timeline doesn't add up.

Yes, wouldn't it be nice if Trek fans had that power. They don't.

Yes we do have that power. They knew fans were not liking it. Critics maybe but not star trek fans. So they are giving us what we want. So far its good. It might be derivative of TWOK butstthis point as bad as shows like STD and the first 2 seasons of STP have been I'm ok with derivative comfort food. Hopefully they end it good and don't slip back to 4 episodes following picard in his chateau.
Yes we do have that power. They knew fans were not liking it. Critics maybe but not star trek fans. So they are giving us what we want. So far its good. It might be derivative of TWOK butstthis point as bad as shows like STD and the first 2 seasons of STP have been I'm ok with derivative comfort food. Hopefully they end it good and don't slip back to 4 episodes following picard in his chateau.
This is ignoring the facts.

And I'm not ok with derivative comfort food. Sad that is what people want from Trek now. This Star Trek fan wants something new, even if it sucks.
Yes we do have that power. They knew fans were not liking it. Critics maybe but not star trek fans. So they are giving us what we want. So far its good. It might be derivative of TWOK butstthis point as bad as shows like STD and the first 2 seasons of STP have been I'm ok with derivative comfort food. Hopefully they end it good and don't slip back to 4 episodes following picard in his chateau.
I still don't understand how the production of season 3 was affected and influenced by negative fan reactions to a second season of which only the premiere was aired by the time it had finished shooting. And if memory serves, fans also put said second season premiere on a pedestal as a much needed course correction simply because it had ship porn sourced from STO and Rios leading a seemingly ordinary 24th century crew.
I watched the shitty pilot for Space Above and Beyond a few nights back.

We got it so good today.
Spoiled rotten. And completely ungrateful.

I still don't understand how the production of season 3 was affected and influenced by negative fan reactions to a second season of which only the premiere was aired by the time it had finished shooting. And if memory serves, fans also put said second season premiere on a pedestal as a much needed course correction simply because it had ship porn sourced from STO and Rios leading a seemingly ordinary 24th century crew.
Exactly. A lot of historical revisions going on.
WORF: Sir, I strongly recommend against that. It is likely there are cloaked Klingon warships in the vicinity, lying in wait.
BASHIR: Well that doesn't sound very honourable to me.
WORF: In war, there is nothing more honourable than victory.
By posting this ‘Way of the Warrior’ quote, you are insinuating that Worf would stoop to any level in order to achieve victory and thus a false honour in a desperate victory, with the said victory being dishonourably gained. But I still think you are wrong. I always took this quote from Worf as being reflective of his opinion of the Klingon’s that the Defiant was facing whilst protecting the Detapa Council in this particular instance. These Klingons were *not* like Worf, Worf was analysing them and their tactical thinking… their psyche rather than his own. This is one of the reasons that he was permanently stationed on Deep Space Nine after the events of ‘Way of the Warrior’. This quote of yours @Paul Weaver , would be part of what leads to Gowron discommending the House of Mogh once more after it’s restatement in ‘Redemption’, following events of ‘Sins of the Father’.
This is ignoring the facts.

And I'm not ok with derivative comfort food. Sad that is what people want from Trek now. This Star Trek fan wants something new, even if it sucks.
Looks like you'll be disappointed this last season. Most people here liked the first season 3 ep. So youre in the minority. We got a space dock, starships, shuttles, a tense dinner scene,Riker and Picard searching for Beverly in deep space, riker using a flashlight to find clues. Excellent.
Possibly. I'm ok with that.

And it means we might not ever get another snooze fest of episodes of young and old picard in his chateau tunnels ever again. I still can't believe they filmed that. Nearly the entire season took place on earth and picards chateau. This is star trek not "Days of our Lives". Lol
And it means we might not ever get another snooze fest of episodes of young and old picard in his chateau tunnels ever again. I still can't believe they filmed that. Nearly the entire season took place on earth and picards chateau. This is star trek not "Days of our Lives". Lol
Ah, I see. You don't have an answer to my question.
And it means we might not ever get another snooze fest of episodes of young and old picard in his chateau tunnels ever again. I still can't believe they filmed that. Nearly the entire season took place on earth and picards chateau. This is star trek not "Days of our Lives". Lol
Star Trek can be whatever it wants. If you don't like it, watch something else.

It was also limited due to Covid. I also think part of it was also due to them wanting to save money for Season 3. But I know show budget doesn't work that way.